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    Guinaifen to Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Honkai: Star Rail Guinaifen is 4 star character, having a Fire type of combat and belonging to the path of Non-existence. In a team, she can serve as a primary or secondary damage dealer aimed at dealing damage over time (DoT). In this guide you can learn about her best builds, light cones And relics. We will also tell you about the recommended units with her

    Note: The Lofu artist has not yet officially released, so the data presented here is based on information obtained through beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game.

    Main Features of Guinaifen

    How to get Guinaifen

    It can be knocked out from several banners:

    • In the "Starting Jump" it drops with a low probability.
    • In Star Leap, it drops with the standard probability for epic heroes.
    • In Event Jump: Character, she has an increased drop rate if marked in the list of 4-star heroes.
    • In Event Jump: Cone of Light, it drops at the standard chance for Epic Heroes.

    The upcoming event banners with it – “Expires at Sunset” and “Gone Memories” – will be held in the second half of Patch 1.4 (October 27, 2023). If you want to know in advance about her future rerun, we advise you to bookmark this article. Note that HoYoverse sometimes gives away 4-star characters during events.

    Progression of characteristics of Guinaifen

    In the table below you can see how the heroine's basic parameters change as her level increases.

    Level Attack Power Protection HP Speed
    1 79 60 120 106
    20 154 117 234 106
    40 297 225 450 106
    60 440 333 666 106
    80 582 441 882 106

    Note that her critical damage, critical hit chance and taunt are 50%, 5% and 100 units respectively at any level, and her energy reserve is 120 units.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Guinaifen

    Thanks to her abilities, she can inflict significant fire damage to both single and multiple targets. Its advantages also include:

    • An extremely easy character to master, since her entire gameplay is built around Burning, and the heroine can impose this negative status even with the help of ordinary basic attacks after opening the “High Pole” trail.
    • The superpower allows you to instantly deal Burning damage to all enemies with this status, without waiting for their turn to begin.
    • With the help of talent and technique, he can impose debuffs on opponents, increasing the damage they receive. Therefore, in a team she can play the role of not only a damage dealer, but also a debuffer.
    • Periodic damage is her main source of damage, which does not depend on crits, which significantly simplifies the assembly of the heroine, because the main attention needs to be paid only to Speed ​​and Attack Power (a little more - Effect hit chance ).
    • Can perform its main function well without opening Eidolons and/or using 5-star light cones, which will certainly appeal to F2P players.
    • Pairs well with other fire characters that cast Burn, so she can be used to create a great mono pack.

    However, this artist still cannot be called ideal, since she also has her own shortcomings, namely:

    • Relatively low base attack, defense and health indicators, which negatively affects the overall damage and survivability of the character. You will have to pump up your ATK to the maximum, looking for suitable light cones and relics.
    • The superpower is not too expensive, but it is not cheap either (120 units), but its activation allows you to quickly deal additional damage. So the more often you can use it, the better. For this reason, you will need to increase Energy Recovery with relics or the 4th Eidolon.
    • Unlike direct damage, periodic damage takes longer to fully unfold, meaning at the beginning of the battle you will not be able to immediately deal a lot of damage to enemies. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the survivability of the squad by taking a good shield member and/or healer into it. You can mitigate this disadvantage a little with the help of Kafka.
    • A relatively high taunt will make life more difficult for the heroine, as enemies will often target her.

    Guinaifen Abilities

    When using a basic attack "Standing Ovation" She deals fire damage to the enemy equal to 50~130% of her attack power. At the same time, it restores 20 units of energy and penetrates 30 units of durability.

    Note: After opening the High Pole trail, her basic hits have an 80% chance of inflicting Burning on the enemy, which works the same as in the skill.

    After using the skill "Burning Greeting" It deals fire damage equal to 60~150% and 20~50% of its attack power to the target and nearby enemies, respectively. At the same time, with a 100% probability, Burning is applied to them. Enemies with this status at the beginning of each turn receive periodic fire damage in the amount of 83.9~272.77% of the artist's attack power. The effect lasts two turns. The skill restores 30 units of energy and penetrates 60 units of durability (an explosion can remove another 30 units).

    Using a superpower “Come, let’s gather the people!”, she hits all enemies with fire damage equal to 72~144% of her attack power. If enemies are Burning, this status instantly deals damage in the amount of 72~102% of their initial damage. Let's add that the ult penetrates 60 points of durability, requires 120 units of energy and restores 5 units.

    As for the heroine’s passive talent - "People's support for an honest artist", it allows her to have a 100% chance of casting a Fiery Kiss on an enemy damaged by Burning. This debuff increases the target's damage taken by 4~8.5% for three turns. It can stack up to three times.

    It is also impossible not to mention the technology "Performance of Acrobatic Skills", the use of which allows her to perform 4 hits at the beginning of the battle, inflicting fire damage to a random enemy in the amount of 50% of the heroine’s attack power. At the same time, with a 100% probability, a Fiery Kiss will be applied to him.

    Traces of Guinaifen

    In addition to the above abilities, the heroine’s leveling tree also includes other enhancements that provide passive bonuses or permanent increases to characteristics. You can see them all in the picture below.

    Eidolons of Guinaifen

    To unlock them, materials of the same name are required, which are issued when duplicates of the heroine appear, which, of course, is random. However, the likelihood of getting 4-star characters is much higher than legendary ones, so you may well open at least a couple of constellations. Although even without them, the artist from Lofu plays the role of a damage dealer/debuffer well. The most interesting Eidolons include the 2nd, 4th and 6th: the first two can significantly increase Guinayefen’s personal damage, allowing her to use her superpower more often and deal increased damage with Burning, and the last one increases her effectiveness as a debuffer. The list below describes all the Eidolons.

    1. Eating noodles upside down – using a skill with a 100% probability reduces the resistance of the attacked enemy to effects by 10%. The bonus lasts for two turns. Reduces the need to level up the Hit Chance of effects.
    2. Whistling while brushing teeth – increases the damage multiplier of the current Burning status by 40% when attacking an enemy
    3. with a basic hit or skill. Splitting a cobblestone on the chest - the skill level increases by two, and the base attack - by one. The maximum level for the first increases to 15, and for the second – to 10.
    4. Spear thrust into the neck – restores 2 units of energy when the heroine inflicts Burning damage on enemies.
    5. Swallowing a sword – the level of ult and talent increases by two. The maximum level for both increases to 15.
    6. Catching Bullets – Fire Kiss can stack up to four times. As a result, even at talent level 10, the damage received by the enemy can increase up to 28%.

    How to play as Guinaifen

    The gameplay for this heroine is quite simple, as it is based on applying Burning and maintaining it. This is relatively easy to do, because after leveling up the tracks, she gets the opportunity to impose this status even with the help of ordinary basic attacks, which allows her to save skill points.

    However, it should be taken into account that the Guinaifen tactics are designed for a long game, that is, it will not be possible to immediately inflict huge damage on enemies. This can be partly corrected with superpowers and/or Kafka, as they allow you to deal Burn damage instantly rather than waiting for the enemy to turn.

    As for Fire Kisses, for an actress playing the role of main DD, they become a pleasant bonus, allowing her to inflict even more damage on her opponents. You can also use the heroine as a debuffer, constantly casting Burning and Kisses on enemies so that your main damage dealers can then deal massive damage to them. In this case, her own DPS will not be important - the main thing is that she can move more and earlier.

    If we talk about rotation, then it will largely depend on the situation on the battlefield, but the optimal option looks like this:

    1. If possible, use the artist's technique to apply Fire Kisses to enemies at the beginning of the battle. It is possible that some enemies will suffer Burning.
    2. Use the skill on a target that does not have Burning. Then you can use regular attacks more often, which also inflict the corresponding status, although with a lower chance.
    3. Use the superpower only in those moments when at least 2-3 enemies on the battlefield have Burning, since the ult itself does not deal very much damage.

    Best builds for Guinaifen

    Best Light Cones

    We have already noted above that the main attention should be paid to attack power, speed and the chance of hitting effects. You're probably wondering why the artist would need to increase the last parameter if she already has a base attribute value of 100%, and then she can raise it by another 10%.

    Firstly, the maximum promotion can only be achieved at the 6th elevation. Secondly, some bosses at high levels have resistance to effects up to 40%. Thus, we recommend that you increase the above stat to at least 20-30% to ensure that you can cast Burn on your enemies. You don’t have to pump up crits, since they don’t affect periodic damage. The list below shows all the optimal weapon types for the heroine.

    Name Characteristics Ability

    For Peace (5 stars)

    HP: 48~1058

    Attack Power: 26~582

    Defense: 21~463

    Increases damage dealt to enemies with Debuffs by 24-40%. After using the skill, the probability of hitting effects increases by 18-30%, and attack power - by 24-40%. The periodic damage debuff is also considered a weakening, so Guinaifen with this weapon will be able to deal additional damage to the enemy. The chance of inflicting Burn will also increase, and the damage from it will increase significantly due to the increased attack power.

    Just have to wait (5 stars)

    HP: 48~1058

    Attack Power: 26~582

    Defense: 21~463

    Increases damage dealt by 24~40%. Each new hit increases speed by 4.8~8%. The bonus can be stacked up to three times. Applies a Web that deals periodic electrical damage equal to 60~100% of the wearer's attack power over one turn. If for some reason you have a Kafka signature, but don’t have one yourself, then you can give this cone to Guinaifen. With it, she will be able to walk more often, deal increased damage, and apply two statuses at once: Burning and Shock.

    Lonely Healing (5 stars)

    HP: 48~1058

    Attack Power: 24~529

    Defense: 18~396

    Increases the penetration effect by 20-40%. Activating the ult increases periodic damage by 24-48% for two turns. When destroying an enemy with a status that inflicts DoT, 4-6 units of energy are restored to the owner. Its main advantage is that it is free, since you can purchase it at Hertha store. Guinaifen's pierce effect is not as useful as the chance to deal effects, but with this weapon you can still significantly increase her damage and use her super more often.

    Constant rain (5 stars)

    HP: 48~1058

    Attack Power: 26~582

    Defense: 21~463

    Increases the hit chance of effects by 24~40%. When dealing damage to an enemy with three or more debuffs, the hero's critical chance increases by 12~20%. When attacking, it has a 100% chance of placing an Ethereal Code on the enemy, increasing any damage dealt to them by 12~20%. If for some reason you knocked out this weapon, but did not receive the Silver Wolf, you can give it to the artist, who will benefit from increasing the chance of hitting effects. But with the second part of the passive, everything is somewhat more complicated. Firstly, you are unlikely to be able to constantly gain 3 weakens on the enemy, and secondly, increasing the crit chance for a heroine who relies only on DoT is almost useless.

    Victim's Look (4 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 21~476

    Defense: 15~330

    Increases the chance to hit effects by 20-40% and increases damage over time by 24-48%. The best 4-star cone for Guinaifen, which increases the chance of casting Burn and increases the damage it deals. Plus, all of these buffs have no conditions, so they will always be in effect.

    Good night and peaceful sleep (4 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 21~476

    Defense: 15~330

    Increases damage by 12-24% for each debuff the target enemy has, stacking up to three times. The bonus also affects periodic damage. Considering that the artist regularly casts Burning and Fiery Kiss on enemies, the weapon bonus will work almost constantly. If there are other debuffers with her (not necessarily with DoT), then the damage will increase even more.

    Before starting a training mission (4 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 21~476

    Defense: 15~330

    Increases the hit chance of effects by 24~40%. When hitting an enemy with reduced defense, the cone restores 4 energy units to the character. With this cone, you don't have to worry about increasing the Hit Chance of effects. The additional energy will allow her to ult more often. However, to activate the second part of the passive, the team will need to take a debuffer capable of reducing the defense of enemies, for example, Silver Wolf or Pelu. In addition, it could be obtained completely free of charge as part of the event "Star Hunt".

    Determination sparkles like pearls of sweat (4 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 21~476

    Defense: 15~330

    Has a 60~100% chance of trapping the affected enemy (if he hasn't already fallen into one), reducing his defense by 12-16% for one turn. Allows you to reduce the defense of enemies, which, coupled with Fire Kisses, makes it possible to inflict very high damage on them. Guinaifen will be able to cast Trap on multiple targets at once. The main thing is to make sure that the artist has high speed, and she can walk before the rest.

    The best relics

    As for the choice of ordinary relics mined in the corrosion caves, you can collect a full set "Blacksmith of Fire and Lava", 2 parts of which increase fire damage by 10%, and 4 parts increase the damage from the skill by 12% and the fire damage of the next attack by another 12% after activating the ult.

    However, the direct damage of Guinaifen's skill is not very large, so we advise you to better combine Fire and Lava Smith with two parts "Arrow of Wild Wheat", which increase attack power by 12%, and therefore increase Burning damage.

    At first, you can even use the full “Arrow” set, 4 parts of which increase the speed and damage from a basic strike by 6% and 10%, respectively, since the artist will often use regular attacks, and the increase in speed will be useful for her.

    Now let's move on to planar jewelry, which is mined in the Virtual Universe. The list below shows the recommended options (the numbers indicate the priority of choice):

    Planar decoration Bonuses Reasons for choice

    1) Space sealing station

    2 parts: increases ATK by 12%. Gives another 12% to this parameter if the character’s speed is equal to or exceeds 120 units. The best option for the heroine, as it significantly increases Burning damage. True, you will have to pay more attention to increasing speed.

    2) Pan-Galactic Enterprise

    2 pieces: Increases the chance to hit effects by 10%. Attack power increases by 25% of the character's current chance to hit with effects. Maximum ATK can increase by 25%. A good option that increases two parameters that are important to Guinaifen at once.

    3) Living Wonwak

    2 parts: increase energy recovery rate by 5%. Advances the wearer's action forward by 40% if their speed is equal to or greater than 120. Allows you to use your ultimate more often. The second part of the passive will allow the artist to go first, casting Burning on enemies or launching debuffs applied to enemies.

    Concerning characteristics of relics, then you need to choose as follows:

    • Body: attack power
    • Legs: speed
    • Planar Sphere: Fire Damage
    • Connecting rope: attack power or energy recovery (if there is a lack of energy)
    • Additional characteristics: attack power > hit chance of effects > speed > penetration effect > crits

    Best teams for Guinaifen

    Guinaifen is perfect for the role of sub-damage in a squad aimed at dealing damage over time. She will do especially well in fire packs, as her talent allows her to cast Fire Kiss on enemies even if they have received Burn from other characters.

    She can also serve as a main damage dealer, but then she will need good support that will advance her actions and increase her attack power, for example, you can take Asta, Armor, Tingyun and/or Yukun. It should also be remembered that DoT teams must last as long as possible on the battlefield, so they must have a good shieldman and/or healer. In some cases, you can even sacrifice a buffer.

    Maine-DD Sub-DD Sub-DD/Support Support












    Locha (Tingyun)




    Fu Xuan




    Fu Xuan (Fire Pathfinder)






    Silver Wolf


    Fu Xuan

    Leveling up Guinaifen

    How to increase abilities (what to download first)

    The pictures below demonstrate the materials and their quantities required to maximize the basic attack, skill, superpower and talent.

    • Obsidians of horror, desolation and obsession are obtained from the sepals located in the Big Mine (Yarilo-VI), or using Synthesis.
    • Artificial Mechanical Component, Mechanical Spur Wheel, and Mechanical Chaos Heart are obtained from enchanted inventions, quests, and enemies in the Virtual Universe or through Synthesis. They can also be purchased for unquenchable ashes at the Pom-Pom store.
    • Repentance of the Eternal False Body - obtained from the Echo of War located in the Scaly Gorge (Lofu Xianzhou).
    • Imprints of Fate - obtained in the Virtual Universe, issued with a battle pass and purchased for unquenchable ashes in the Pom-Pom store. Sometimes they are a reward in temporary events.

    As for the priority of leveling up abilities, the first step is to increase skill and talent. Second in line are: superpower (may be 1-2 levels behind the previous ones) and basic attacks (can inflict Burning, so you will use them often).

    How to level up a character

    At certain levels you will need to elevate the heroine by spending a large amount of resources and credits:

    • Ascension (level 30): credits x4000 and artificial mechanical component x5
    • Ascension (level 40): credits x8000 and artificial mechanical component x10
    • Exaltation (level 50): credits x16000, mechanical cylindrical wheel x6 and red-hot blade x3
    • Exaltation (level 60): credits x40000, mechanical cylindrical wheel x9 and red-hot blade x7
    • Ascension (level 70): credits x80000, mechanical heart of chaos x6 and red-hot blade x20
    • Ascension (level 80): credits x160000, mechanical heart of chaos x9 and red-hot blade x35

    The Molten Blade can be obtained from the stagnant shadow "Shape of the Burn", located in the Great Mine (Yarilo-VI).