As the story progresses Alan Wake 2 you will definitely want to get more powerful weapons for the two main characters. This guide will show you where to find all the weapons for Saga and Alan to make fighting monsters much easier.
In total, you can find nine types of additional weapons in the game, five of them for Saga Anderson, and four for Alan Wake.
Where to find weapons in Alan Wake 2 for the Anderson Saga
Getting new guns is not so easy - in addition to searching for the locations themselves, sometimes you also have to solve puzzles.
Also using the pages found in lunch boxes, you can upgrade the characteristics of existing weapons in the “Residential Mind”.
When you first find yourself in the role of Saga, you will see that among her arsenal there is only a pistol. This is the first weapon that can be used in battles with enemies.

The pistol doesn't do that much damage. However, it reloads very quickly and shoots accurately. At first, this will be quite enough to fight off enemies.
Sawed-off shotgun
- Chapter: Return 2: Heart
- Area: Cauldron Lake
It will be possible to acquire a sawn-off shotgun for Saga no earlier than the third chapter. We described in more detail how to do this in a separate article.
- Chapter: Return 3: Local
- Area: Wateree
We have marked its exact location on the map below. As you progress through the story, you will run past the desired hunting lodge. You will need the code - 527.

By receiving this type of weapon, you will also unlock the “Tightening Your Nerves” achievement.
- Chapter: Return 5: Old Gods
- Area: Bright Falls
After completing the plot component of the chapter, do not rush to leave the Health Center, because this way you will be left without an excellent weapon - a hunting rifle.
The first step is to study the data on the computer, which is located in the security room (computer password 170823 ).
Then run to the north of the location, to the staff break room, and take the door handle from the drawer.
Now head to the room that is located to the right of the security room - use the handle and take the rifle.
By receiving this type of weapon, you will also unlock the “Combat Readiness” achievement.
Pump-action shotgun
- Chapter: Return 6: Scratch
- Area: Bright Falls
At the sheriff's office, run to the leftmost room at the top - see the map below. In the room, the trunk you need hangs on the wall. Showcase code: 723.
Having received this type of weapon, you will also unlock the “Stand by!” avichvka.
Where to find weapons for Alan Wake
Initially, Alan was less fortunate than Saga. After all, he will have nothing at all at his disposal, but very soon, according to the plot, he will receive his first revolver.
- Chapter: Initiation 2: Casey
As you progress through the story, you will find your first weapon for Alan, and with it a flashlight.
By receiving this type of weapon along with a flashlight, you will also unlock the achievement "Find the Light".
Double-barreled shotgun 1
- Chapter: Initiation 4: Let's sing
You will also get your first double-barreled shotgun without much effort. Moving forward through the plot, in the fourth chapter, leaving the house, you will stumble upon a trunk lying on the ground.

By receiving this type of weapon along with a flashlight, you will also unlock the achievement “Yo-ho-ho!”.
Rocket launcher
- Chapter: Initiation 4: Let's sing
Obtained by completing the main story.

Finding this type of weapon along with a flashlight will also unlock the achievement "Flash".
Double-barreled shotgun 2
- Chapter: Initiation 5: Number 665
From the hotel, turn left and head towards the bar. To get inside, use the lamp.

Inside you will see a menu board with a weapon behind it. To find it, use the lamp again.
These are all the weapons for Alan and Saga that can be found in Alan Wake 2. We hope that our guide will help you get them.
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