In Alan Wake 2 The Oceanview Inn is one of the locations Alan needs to go to during Initiation 5: Room 665 to get to the caller's room. However, this will not be easy, since simply entering the hotel will not work. Plus, you'll have to find the correct door code. In this guide we will tell you how to do this.
How to get to the Oceanview Hotel in Alan Wake 2
Find a way to get to the hotel
After finishing "Initiations 4: Let's sing" and talking with a stranger on a payphone, you will need to get to the Oceanview Hotel, located in the northwestern part of the Dark Abode. However, once inside, you will again find yourself near the entrance, so you will have to look for another door to the hotel.
With your back to the hotel, turn the camera to the right and you will notice a new passage with a neon bar sign visible. Start following the arrows until you get back to the Alley where you got the lamp light from earlier. A new door will appear here - enter it.

Having descended, you will suddenly find yourself on the roofs of the Dark Abode buildings. Use the ladder to go down a little lower, and then go north, where you will find another lantern - use the lamp to take the light from it and change the environment. As a result, a new passage will appear on the left - go through it, crouching (it is shown in the pictures below).

Climb the steps a little higher and go right to the passage blocked by darkness. Clear it with a flashlight, and then deal with the shadows that arise, or simply run forward, dodging the fight.
How to follow neon signs
Climb the stairs to the top and go through an improvised tunnel made from boxes. Ahead you will see a half-open door leading to a rest room where you can save. To the right of this passage there is a metal staircase that you will need to climb.

Having risen, go even further to the next door, near which the chandelier is lit, and a symbol in the form of the letter “W” is painted on the wall. Enter it, go down, and once on the balcony, use the lamp so that instead of the tank, a ladder appears on the other side, as shown in the last screenshot below.

Go back to the door with the "W" symbol and use the lamp to pick up the light from the chandelier. Enter the door again and you will now come out on the opposite side where the stairs are. Go down it, go forward, and you will find yourself near the entrance to the hotel. But the door to it will be locked.

Where to find the password for the hotel door
Turn right from the red path leading into the hotel and you'll reach the boarded-up entrance to the bar. To open a passage into it, use a lamp and place the light in the chandelier, as shown in the pictures below.
Go inside the establishment. Here you will find a menu with the cost of drinks. You are interested in the Oceanview cocktail, which costs 25.50. This figure is door code to the hotel. Return to it and enter “2550” into the number pad. You can now enter the building.
Note that in the bar you can find a double-barreled shotgun for Alan Wake. To do this, you just need to use the lamp again and take the light from the chandelier. We talked about this in more detail in a separate guide.
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