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    Hanya in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Honkai: Star Rail Hanya is 4 star character, having a Physical type of combat and related to the Harmony path. In a squad, she can play the role of support, buffing allies. In this guide you can learn about her best builds, light cones And relics. We will also tell you about the recommended commands with it

    Note: The judge from the Lofu Ten Lords Commission has not yet officially emerged, so the data presented here is based on information obtained through beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game.

    Main features of Hanya

    How to get Chania

    It can be knocked out from several banners:

    • In the "Starting Jump" it drops with a low probability.
    • In Star Leap, it drops with the standard probability for epic heroes.
    • In Event Jump: Character, she has an increased drop rate if marked in the list of 4-star heroes.
    • In Event Jump: Cone of Light, it drops at the standard chance for Epic Heroes.

    The nearest event banners with it – “The Thorny Crown of Courage” and “Contact Zero” – will be held in the second half of patch 1.5 (December 6, 2023). If you want to know in advance about her future rerun, we advise you to bookmark this article. Note that HoYoverse sometimes gives away 4-star characters during events.

    Progression of characteristics of Chania

    In the table below you can see how the heroine's basic parameters change as her level increases.

    Level Attack Power Protection HP Speed
    1 77 48 125 110
    20 150 94 243 110
    40 288 180 468 110
    60 426 266 693 110
    80 564 353 917 110

    Note that her critical damage, critical hit chance and taunt are 50%, 5% and 100 units respectively at any level, and her energy reserve is 140 units.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Chania

    Thanks to her abilities, she can buff her allies, enhancing their offensive capabilities. Its advantages also include:

    • Capable of not only increasing the speed and attack power of allies, but also giving them additional skill points and increasing overall damage when fighting certain opponents. All this makes it a very versatile buffer that will be useful for many teams.
    • She spends skill points quite sparingly, since the “Burden” status imposed by her skill hangs on the enemy until its effect is fully triggered. That is, for several turns she may not use her skill at all, using only basic attacks, which will also bring points.
    • The Burden status is ideal for fighting single elite opponents or bosses, since in this case the damage dealt to an enemy with this debuff will be increased. Plus, you will gain skill points by attacking him.
    • With her skill she inflicts very significant physical damage on one enemy, so with a sufficient number of points, Hania can partially fulfill the role of a sub-damage dealer.
    • Has a relatively high base speed, which is also increased by Traces.
    • Eidolons only enhance the positive aspects and do not radically change her gameplay, so even without them she works well as a buffer in the team.

    However, this judge still cannot be called ideal, since she also has her own shortcomings, namely:

    • Although the skill is capable of inflicting serious damage, much of this depends on pumping up Chania’s attack power, the base value of which leaves much to be desired (even with bonuses from Traces). In addition, she is not able to deal damage with her ultimate and hit several enemies at once. So her total damage will be relatively small, which is why she will not be able to play the role of a full-fledged sub-damage.
    • Her superpower does not give a direct increase in speed, like, for example, Asta, but only a percentage of her own indicator. Therefore, to get significant numbers, you will have to pay a lot of attention to pumping up this characteristic.
    • Unlike some other buffers, it does not strengthen all allies with its ult, but only one character, so it fits best into teams with one strong damage dealer (hypercarry).
    • The judge's ultimate costs quite a lot (140 units), so you will have to increase energy recovery or use the skill more often, which will negate its advantage in economically spending skill points.
    • The main buffs are applied only by the superpower, which, due to its high cost, cannot be used often. Therefore, most of the time you will have to be content with only increasing the damage inflicted on an enemy with the “Burden” status.

    Chania's abilities

    When using a basic attack "Oracle Brush" » she deals physical damage to the enemy equal to 50~130% of her attack power. At the same time, it restores 20 units of energy and penetrates 30 units of durability.

    After using the skill "The Fetters of Samsara" it deals physical damage to the selected target in the amount of 120~300% of its attack power and gives it the “Burden” status. If an enemy with this debuff is hit twice with a simple attack, skill or ult, 1 skill point will be restored. Only one status can exist at a time, and it remains on the last enemy that received a similar effect.

    Burden is automatically removed from an enemy after its effect triggers twice. Let’s add that using the skill restores 30 units of energy and penetrates 60 units of durability in the target.

    Using a superpower "Following the Decrees of the Ten Lords", it increases the selected character's speed by 15-22.5% of their speed stat, and increases their attack power by 36-72%. The bonus lasts exactly two turns.

    As for the heroine’s passive talent - "Punishment", then it increases all damage inflicted by simple blows, skills and superpowers of allies against an enemy with “Burden” by 15-37.5%. This effect lasts two turns.

    It is also impossible not to mention the technology "The Justice of the Underworld", the use of which leads to an immediate attack on the nearest enemy, and after the start of the battle, the “Burden” status is applied to a random enemy.

    Traces of Chania

    In addition to the above abilities, the heroine’s leveling tree also includes other enhancements that provide passive bonuses or permanent increases to characteristics. They mainly increase her attack power and speed. You can see all the traces in the picture below.

    Eidolons of Chania

    To unlock them, materials of the same name are required, which are issued when duplicates of the heroine appear, which, of course, is random. However, the likelihood of getting 4-star characters is much higher than legendary ones, so you may well open at least a couple of constellations. Although even without them, the judge from Lofu plays the role of a buffer/debuffer well. The most interesting Eidolons include the 2nd, 4th and 6th: the first two enhance the buffs from the ultimate, since they will last longer and give more speed (if you use the superpower after activating the skill), and the last one will make “Burden” even more unpleasant for the enemy. The list below describes all the Eidolons.

    1. One Heart – advances Chania's action forward by 15% when an ally under the influence of her ultimate destroys an enemy.
    2. This bonus only works once per turn.
    3. Two Glances – increases speed by 20% for one turn when activating the skill.
    4. Three temptations – the skill level increases by two, and the basic attack level increases by one. The maximum level for the first increases to 15, and for the second – to 10.
    5. Four truths – the duration of the ult increases by one turn.
    6. Five skandhas – the level of ult and talent increases by two. The maximum level for both increases to 15.
    7. Six merits – damage dealt to an enemy with the “Burden” status additionally increases by 10%.

    How to play as Hania

    With buffers, everything is quite simple, since their main goal is to strengthen their allies, but with Hania there are several nuances that should definitely be considered. First of all, we note that the “Burden” status must be applied to the boss, elite enemy, or the most dangerous enemy in the current battle in order to increase the damage dealt to it. In theory, it can last on the enemy for any number of turns, however, if you only hit the selected target, the effect will wear off in 1-2 turns.

    In most cases, you won't have to activate the Judge skill every turn, so it will not only give you extra skill points, but also reduce their cost. However, in this case, energy recovery will be slower than we would like, and it is the ult that is the main source of buffs for Khanya. So you will have to find a balance between saving points and how often you use your superpower.

    Do not forget that the increase in speed from the ult depends on the judge’s own value of this parameter. For this reason, make sure that you have used all the tools to increase this stat before activating your superpower. For example, if you have E2 open, then use the skill first, and only then use the ultimate.

    As for rotation, its optimal option would look like this:

    1. If you have to fight a single boss or an elite enemy, we advise you to use the Hanya technique to immediately put a Burden on him and start dealing increased damage to him.
    2. When the turn passes to the judge, you can update the status with the skill or wait until it is removed from the enemy, and only then use the skill again, and until then use the basic attack.
    3. Try to activate the “Burden” effect of the main DD so that he receives 2 units of energy and an additional increase in attack power by 10% (with unlocked tracks).
    4. Use the ult as soon as it becomes available to you, using it on the main damage dealer to significantly strengthen him.

    Best builds for Chania

    Best Light Cones

    When choosing a weapon, you should take a closer look at those options that speed up energy recovery for more frequent use of the ult, and give some additional buffs to the team. The table below shows the most interesting specimens.

    Name Characteristics Ability

    The battle is not over (5 stars)

    HP: 1164

    ATK: 529

    DEF: 463

    Accelerates energy recovery by 10-18% and gives 1 skill point after using an ult on an ally. The bonus occurs once every 2 uses of a superpower. Using the skill increases the damage of the teammate making the next move by 30-50%. The ideal cone for Chania, as it enhances all its positive aspects. For example, she will start ulting more often, giving even more skill points, and allies will be able to deal increased damage to any enemies, and not just those with the “Burden” status.

    Dance! Dance! Dance! (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 396

    Promotes allies' actions by 16-24% after the wearer uses the ult. Many often underestimate the usefulness of this cone, but it allows support allies to make moves before enemies, and, therefore, carry out a more active attack on them. Chania's ult will become even more useful to the team in this case, so you will have to pump up the VE as much as possible.

    Memories of the Past (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 396

    Increases the penetration effect by 28-56%. During an attack, restores 4-8 units of energy. The bonus can occur once per turn. The first part of the passive will not bring much benefit to Hanya, but the second will significantly speed up the accumulation of energy, since thanks to the high speed, the judge will often walk and receive additional energy, and, therefore, use the ult more times.

    Past and Future (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 396

    Using the skill increases by 16-32% the damage of an ally for one turn who walks after the weapon bearer. A stripped-down version of the legendary, which only has a damage bonus left. If you want to make the most of her passive, you will only need to use Hanya's skill if there is a damage dealer coming after her.

    Cut the moon and cut the clouds (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 476

    DEF: 330

    Gives a random effect at the beginning of the battle or before the wearer performs an action: the attack power of all allies increases by 10-20%, their damage increases by 12-24%, or their energy recovery is accelerated by 6-12%. The resulting effect replaces the previous one. Bonuses are not cumulative and disappear if the hero dies. Gives good additional buffs to all allies in the squad, but does not strengthen Hanyu herself in any way. In addition, you can only get it from a paid Battle Pass. It is not recommended to purposefully knock out this “gun” specifically for the judge.

    Date with the Stars (4 stars)

    HP: 1058

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 330

    Increases damage dealt by 12-24% at the start of battle when an ally deals damage of the same type as the wearer. You can take it if the damage dealers on the team are also of the physical type (for example, Clara or Argenti). In this case, it will be possible to slightly increase their overall damage.

    The best relics

    As for the choice of ordinary relics mined in the corrosion caves, you can collect a full set "A Messenger Wandering in Hacker Space", 2 parts of which increase the speed by 6%, and 4 parts increase the speed of all allies by 12% for one turn if the bearer of the ult uses an ally. Bonuses are not cumulative.

    If you have not yet managed to assemble the entire set with the desired characteristics, then you can combine the “Herald” with one of two incomplete sets:

    • Long-lived Apprentice: 2 pieces – increases maximum health by 12%. Increases the survivability of heroines, making them harder to kill. This set is obtained in the same dungeon as the Herald, which will greatly simplify its farming.
    • Wild Wheat Shooter: 2 pieces – increases attack power by 12%. A buff like this will bring Hanyu closer to the role of a sub-damage dealer, as she will be able to deal significant damage to one enemy with her skill. Again, you probably have a lot of these artifacts with suitable attributes lying around in your inventory.

    Now let's move on to planar jewelry, which is mined in the Virtual Universe. The list below shows the recommended options (the numbers indicate the priority of choice):

    Planar decoration Bonuses Reasons for choice

    1) Fleet of ageless

    2 pieces: Increases maximum health by 12%. If the character's speed is equal to or exceeds 120 units, then all allies' attack power increases by 8%. An excellent option for Hanya, as it increases her survivability and gives another buff to team members (you are unlikely to have problems gaining speed).

    2) Broken keel

    2 pieces: Increases wearer's resistance to effects by 10%. If this indicator is equal to or exceeds 30%, then allies' critical damage increases by 10%. A good alternative to the previous decoration, but you will most likely have to increase your resistance to effects in order for the second part of the passive to work.

    3) Dreamland Penaconia

    2 pieces: Increases energy recovery by 5% and increases damage dealt by squad members of the same type as the wearer by 10%. It will allow Hanya to use his ultimate more often and will strengthen the physical damage dealers in the team (if there are none in the squad, then taking these decorations is not recommended).

    As for the characteristics of relics, you need to choose as follows:

    • Body: HP/Defense% (to increase the heroine’s survivability) or critical chance. (if you want to bring her closer to the role of sub-DD)
    • Legs: speed
    • Planar Sphere: HP%/Def% or physical damage (if you want to move it closer to the role of a sub-damage)
    • Connecting rope: energy recovery
    • Additional stats: Speed ​​> HP% > Defense% > Effect Resistance

    Best teams for Chania

    Judge buffs will be useful to almost all damage dealers, but some will benefit more than others. We are primarily talking about characters who “devour” the team’s skill points with enormous speed. For them, getting additional skill points will be real mana from heaven.

    We also recommend assigning an additional support to Hanya, who can “fill” her with energy so that she can activate her ultimate more often and/or increase her speed (then the buff from the judge’s superpower will be even higher). The table below shows several of the most interesting pack options.

    Maine-DD Sub-DD Sub-DD/Support Support

    Moon Eater









    Silver Wolf


    Fu Xuan









    Leveling up Chania

    How to increase abilities (what to download first)

    The pictures below demonstrate the materials and their quantities required to maximize the basic attack, skill, superpower and talent.

    • A harmonious melody, a song of the clan and a symphony of constellations are obtained from a sepal located in the Robot Settlement (Yarilo-VI), or using Synthesis.
    • Artificial Mechanical Component, Mechanical Spur Wheel, and Mechanical Chaos Heart are obtained from enchanted inventions, quests, and enemies in the Virtual Universe or through Synthesis. Their
    • can also be purchased for unquenchable ashes at the Pom-Pom store. Repentance of the Eternal False Body - obtained from the Echo of War located in the Scaly Gorge (Lofu Xianzhou).
    • Imprints of Fate - obtained in the Virtual Universe, issued with a battle pass and purchased for unquenchable ashes in the Pom-Pom store. Sometimes they are a reward in temporary events.

    As for the priority of leveling up abilities, we advise you to try to level up a superpower, skill and talent at the same time, since all three will be useful to your team. If speed and attack power buffs are more important to you, then you can prioritize the ult. Increase basic attacks on a residual basis, since although you will use them often, even in a pumped-up state they will not cause much damage to enemies.

    How to level up a character

    At certain levels you will need to elevate the heroine by spending a large amount of resources and credits:

    • Ascension (level 30): credits x4000 and artificial mechanical component x5
    • Ascension (level 40): credits x8000 and artificial mechanical component x10
    • Ascension (level 50): credits x16000, mechanical cylindrical wheel x6 and ghost pass x3
    • Ascension (level 60): credits x40000, mechanical cylindrical wheel x9 and ghost pass x7
    • Ascension (level 70): credits x80000, mechanical heart of chaos x6 and ghostly pass x20
    • Ascension (level 80): credits x160000, mechanical heart of chaos x9 and ghostly pass x35

    The Ghost Pass can be obtained from the Shape of Perdition Stagnant Shadow located in the Garden of Serenity (Lofu Xianzhou).