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    Roads to Redemption in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: how to get to the stadium and find the bomb

    MoriSensei Guides 0



    Roads to Redemption - one of the orders in the Phantom Liberty expansion to Cyberpunk 2077, which the player receives from Mr. Hands. In this order, V will have to meet with a former member of the Crimson Harvest group and help her prevent a terrorist attack. The difficulty of the task lies not only in the fact that Mr. Hands asks to complete the order silently, but also in the ambiguous fate of the customer herself, Nel.

    You will find out a detailed walkthrough of the “Path to Redemption” order, the location of the cult weapon and the end of the task in our guide.

    Key points:

    • Two endings.
    • The customer's controversial story.
    • Mr. Hands asks you to complete the task silently.
    • Opening a shortcut to a net bomb requires 20 points "technique".
    • Relic weapons Hercules ZACH.
    • The events of "Path of Redemption" take place in a closed part of the stadium, which must also be entered to receive the reward of one of the endings 1R-ONC-LAD jobs.

    How to start a task

    Access to the order opens after completing the mission "Judgment Day" Phantom Liberty storyline. Mr. Hands will call V on his phone and instruct him to meet the customer, a certain Nel Springer, at the stadium in Dog City. Hands will tell you about the purpose of the task and about the customer herself.

    Hands will also send you a message describing the purpose of your order.

    Using the minimap as a guide, follow to the stadium, where Nel Springer will be waiting for you on the balcony.

    As you talk with her, you will learn that Nel is a former member of the terrorist group “Crimson Harvest”, and met with V in order to ask the hero to defuse the bomb and thereby prevent a terrorist attack.

    Nel will give directions to where the bomb is, the “sliver” on which the virus is located, and tell the code for the closed part of the stadium: 1701.

    How to find the entrance to the upper floors of the stadium

    To get to the door leading to the weapons factory at the stadium, exit the balcony where you spoke with Nel. From the statues you need to go right and straight.

    Go past the diner, the script dealer, and the arms dealer until you reach a large hole in the floor. From there, go left, down one flight of stairs and into the passage.

    At the terminal near the closed door, enter 1701 and go to the factory territory.

    The main part of the task: secret passage

    Entering the closed area, you will find yourself in a corridor, from the window of which you can assess the situation in a large room.

    In total there are five bandits and two turrets, behind which there is an elevator to the top.

    To make it easier to sneak through this room, you can turn off the turrets and surveillance cameras via the laptop located on the left side of the room.

    It's also much easier to get to the elevator from here.

    Having dealt with the opponents, take the elevator to the workshop. While the elevator is rising, Nel will send a photo of the bomb to V's phone.

    At the exit of the elevator, two bandits will stand with their backs to you. Neutralize them or wait until they disperse in different directions. Here you can go left or right.

    There will be no significant difference in the passage: both there and there one bandit and one turret will be waiting for you. This guide covers path along the left side of the corridor.

    Deal with the enemies and go down the stairs to the first floor behind the door on the left.

    At the bottom, follow the passage between robotic machines. There is a worker in the passage with whom you should not have any difficulties.

    Sneak to the right to the doors of the technical corridor, at the end of which there will be a shortcut. This is where you need 20 “technique” points.

    Then defuse the bomb.

    And return to the elevator the same way you came. No new enemies will be added to the location, and the patrol routes of old ones will not change. You can return upstairs either by the stairs on the left, closest to the technical corridor, or by the stairs behind the passage with robotic machines.

    The main part of the task: passage with shootings

    After taking the elevator to the weapons factory, deal with the bandits and turrets in the corridor. Below, in the far part of the workshop, enemies will raise the alarm.

    Once you're done with the enemies here, go left into the hall with the statues.

    Be careful, the elite Barghest attack aircraft and a turret are waiting above.

    Also in this room behind the statues there will be a cache with the reward of task 1R-ONC-LAD if you chose the ending “format robot.”

    Where is the cult weapon Hercules ZACH located?

    After the hall, go along the corridor to the next room, the warehouse of the arms factory.

    A little to the right the iconic weapon Hercules ZACH will be waiting for you.

    Network bomb room

    After the hall with the statues, go right into the room with screens. Go behind them, to your left there will be a door to the room in which the bomb is located.

    Defuse it and leave the weapons factory. Be careful, in this version of the passage new enemies will appear in the location.

    And after going down the elevator - an ambush.

    In any version of the passage, as soon as you enter the elevator, Nel Springer will send a message to V’s phone that he is leaving the stadium.

    Now you need to find Nel Springer and return the “sliver” to her.

    Meet Nel Springer

    Exit the stadium through the main entrance and go left.

    As soon as you reach the parking lot, you go inside.

    Nel will drive up, ask you to get into the car and tell you that she seems to be being followed. You won’t have to wait long; Biotechnika soldiers will show up almost immediately with an arrest warrant for Nel. And the reason for the arrest is a secret that both Nel herself and Mr. Hands kept silent about.

    Nel Springer in the past organized a terrorist attack at the Biotechnics laboratory in Paris, which resulted in the death of people. But Nel did not know that there would be casualties.

    Give Nel Springer to Biotechnika or protect her

    Select the "Do what he says" option

    Justifying himself, Nel will get out of the car, and V will be faced with another choice: insist on his innocence or defend himself.

    In the first option, the situation will be resolved peacefully, Nel will be put in a car and taken away. It is no longer possible to interact with her in the game. Mr. Hands will be dissatisfied, but he will fulfill his part of the deal and transfer the reward.

    If you choose "Let's see how you arrest me." then Biotechnika agents will attack you.

    Nel will remain on the sidelines, and after you eliminate the enemies, she will thank you. After some time, she will contact V to give a new task, “Internal fight against terrorism.”

    Select the option “Sit in the car, I’ll sort it out.”

    There will be no peaceful dialogue; all Biotechnika agents will have to be neutralized. Nel will thank you for your trust and repent for what she did in Paris. A little later, the continuation of the Nel Springer storyline will become available to you in the form of the task “Internal fight against terrorism.”

    Which ending should I choose?

    We can say that protecting Nel from Biotechnika agents is a good ending. It is not known for sure whether Nel knew about the victims when she set up the terrorist attack in Paris or not. The important thing in the task is that Nel wants to avoid a repetition of that situation and new deaths, to try to justify her past action. And V helps Nel go through her “Path of Redemption.”

    Perhaps that is why Mr. Hands asks V to complete the task silently, without unnecessary killings. By the way, if you completed the task secretly and were not detected, Mr. Hands will note this:

    V, I'll have to clean up after you, but today you saved more people than you killed. And most importantly, the customer was not harmed. I'm glad that I won't have to clean up after you at the stadium. Those smart guys from Barghest won't even know you were working under their noses. I close the order and transfer your money.

    We hope that our guide helped you understand all the details and subtleties of this task.