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    One Way Or Another in Cyberpunk 2077: how to avoid an ambush and deal with mercenaries

    One Way Or Another in Cyberpunk 2077: how to avoid an ambush and deal with mercenaries


    A small task “One Way Or Another” in the Phantom Liberty expansion for Cyberpunk 2077 is available only after completing the order "Path to Redemption", if the hero chose to protect Nel. In this mission, V will receive a strange message from Nel Springer asking him to meet in a quiet place, which turns out to be a trap.

    With our guide, you will learn how to avoid mercenary ambushes and complete the mission most efficiently.

    How to start a task

    First, at the end of the “Path to Redemption” order, you need to select the answer options either “Sit in the car, I’ll sort it out”, or "Let's see how you arrest me", thereby saving Nel from Biotechnika agents.

    Nel Springer herself will disappear, and after a while she will send a strange and mysterious message to V’s phone.

    After this, the task itself and the goal marker will open.

    Find the place where Nel is hiding

    The easiest way to get there is from the Golden Pacific Boulevard fast travel point.

    Follow the street straight from the move point, and when you reach the pit and excavator, turn left.

    Then straight out again into a large open space. Go to the objective marker and Nel will send you another message asking you to look in the blue container.

    What happens after opening the container

    Once opened, V will be thrown back and blinded by a flash. Therefore, before opening the container, you need to be prepared that V will be immediately attacked by mercenaries.

    One enemy with mantis blades will run up to you almost immediately.

    One will be on the balcony.

    One attack aircraft will move closer together with cover and help the sniper with fire.

    Two more attack aircraft will be standing at the entrance to the territory: one heavy with a machine gun, the other with a rifle.

    Recommended battle tactics

    Be prepared to quickly deal with the nearby enemy and take a position behind the concrete blocks.

    Behind them you will find yourself relatively safe from the sniper on the balcony and can easily eliminate him. All this time he will be assisted by a mercenary on the ground, so aim the sniper carefully. In addition, other opponents from the entrance will be drawn towards you.

    Here you can take a position near the wall, to the left of the pipes. In this place you will be inaccessible to the bandits from the entrance.

    Having dealt with the nearby mercenary, also eliminate the remaining ones from cover. Since the heavy one with the machine gun moves slower, it is more advantageous in this situation to focus on the faster bandit.

    Notes to help you understand what happened

    On the bodies of some bandits you can find archived dialogues explaining the goals and reasons for the ambush. It turns out that one of the mercenaries' name is Miriam, and she received an order for V from a certain "BT", it is quite possible that this is an abbreviation for "Biotechnics". She was ordered to pretend to be Nel Springer to lure V into a trap.

    She asked her friends for help, but the mercenaries were not told who V was or what he was like. Therefore, their plan failed, and V, after killing the last mercenary, receives as a reward one thousand eurodollars.

    The title of the task in English “ONE way or another” (One way or another) refers to the song of the same name by the Blondie group, the main message of which is: I am watching you and in any case I will find you. This information indirectly supports the theory that Biotech has been tracking V since the conflict in "Path to Redemption" and will somehow get to him.

    We hope our guide helped you complete the Internal Counter Terrorism mission without much difficulty.
