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    Signal Translator at Lethal Company: what does a signal translator do?

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Lethal Company The Signal Translator is a ship improvement added in patch 0.45. With it, you can send short messages to all crew members, warning them about enemies or directing them to the crowbar. In this guide, we will tell you how you can get this item and what is the best way to use it.

    How to Get Signal Translator from Lethal Company

    As is the case with other upgrades, it is impossible to find a signal translator in the open world - it can only be buy in store. To do this, go to terminal on the ship and fill it with a command store to open a list of products for sale.

    Approximately in the middle of the assortment, you will see the device you need, sold for 255 credits. To purchase it you need to enter the command signal translator, and then confirm it by writing the word confirm.

    Note: If you have already gotten used to the terminal, you can simply use short commands, for example, immediately write “signal” to buy a translator, and then enter the letter “c” to confirm the order.

    You can make this purchase anywhere, since unlike ordinary tools, improvements immediately appear on the ship. This device can be found under the overview monitor - it stands on the floor, and you can easily leave it there and never touch it again, since all its functionality is tied to using the terminal.

    Is it worth buying a signal translator?

    At the very beginning of the game, you definitely don’t need to do this, plus, you’re unlikely to have the money for it. It's better to spend your existing capital on more useful things, such as flashlights, shovels and walkie-talkies. The latter will allow you to communicate faster with each other. Plus, on starting moons you often don't have to worry about monsters hearing your conversations.

    When will you move to medium difficulty satellites, for example, Offense and March, where encounters with blind dogs and other dangerous monsters that react to sound are becoming increasingly frequent, it makes sense to purchase a signal translator. You should already have enough credits to purchase it. Next we will tell you how to use it.

    Why do you need a signal translator at Lethal Company?

    So, it is needed to transmit short messages to all crew members. A terminal is required to send texts, so it will be actively used by the player who remains on the ship to monitor his comrades. He just needs to enter the command transmit[сообщение].

    The picture above shows an example message "transmit TCC GO" , in which a player with the nickname TCC is advised to start moving or he will die. Immediately after entering a command, the corresponding text will be displayed on the screen in large letters, and for all players. However, it will not be possible to compose entire poems, since this system has its own rules:

    • The description indicates that the message can consist of 10 characters, but in reality its size is limited to 9 characters.
    • The game filters special characters before sending them, but this does not include numbers and mathematical symbols such as +, - or < or >.
    • It takes about three seconds to receive the full 9-character message. The shorter the text, the faster players will see it.

    How to effectively use a signal translator

    Considering the above restrictions and conditions, you probably have a question about why this device is needed at all, if the game has walkie-talkies through which you can freely talk to each other without any restrictions. There are several reasons for this:

    • Firstly, the walkie-talkie takes up an inventory slot, which is best left for valuable scrap. For this reason, the radio is usually used only by the leader of the search team and the observer remaining on the transport ship. If a character without a walkie-talkie breaks away from his group, you can still communicate with him through a translator.
    • Secondly, talking on a walkie-talkie creates noise, which can cause people to run away monsters. Blind dogs have the best hearing, and they immediately attack players who are talking to each other. Messages from the translator are absolutely silent.
    • Thirdly, messages are delivered to all players on the team at once, so the observer does not need to notify all players individually about a new danger that has appeared on the map.

    As for character restrictions and long message delivery times, they can be easily circumvented by using abbreviations, abbreviations and mathematical symbols. For example, if you need to warn a player about Bracken, then simply enter his nickname and the short name of the monster, as shown in the picture below.

    We also advise you to decide in advance with the team about the notation. For example, you can assign your own number to each player and then you don’t even have to write their nicknames. If one of them turned possessed, then simply write “2 masked” in the terminal, that is, the second member of the team is now wearing mask.