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    The best Pals in Palworld for combat, base and movement around the world

    MoriSensei Guides 0



    While exploring the world Palworld you can find both strong companions and efficient workers at the base. There are more than a hundred fires in the game, and deciding which one will be useful is not always easy.

    In addition, the higher the character level, the more specific Pala you will need for your tasks. For example, at the beginning of the game you can build a base in any place you like, but by the middle of the game you will need to extract certain resources, and therefore optimize all the work processes of the Pals. About the best Palakhs to start the game And building a base we covered in our previous guides.

    Therefore, to achieve different goals in Palworld, you will need Pals that are best suited to these tasks. In our guide, we will tell you about the best Pals for working at the base, for combat and moving around the game world.

    The best boards for working on the base

    For your base, you can choose any Pals based on their working skills. But the more skills Pal has, the lower the chance that he will do what you need right now. And by the middle of the game, several specific vectors for further development of the base appear:

    • Mining. Metal ore, coal, sulfur and quartz.
    • Search for eggs of rare Palov, hatching them in incubator, crossing Palov.

    The best Pals will be those who have 2-3 working skills of level 2 and higher. Let's take a closer look at them.


    This Pal seemed to have been created in order to mine ore. At your base, he will become the best earner, without being distracted by third-party matters.


    Reptiro is good because it can both mine ore and smelt it if all deposits are exhausted. If Reptiro is at the furnace, then it takes less than a second to smelt one ingot of metal ore.


    Penking is a well-balanced pal for working on the base. His initial goal is to water the plantation, and having finished with it, he will also quickly be able to help other Pals.


    Mozzarina is an unobvious, but extremely necessary Pal on the base. The thing is that to get some Pals you will need "Pasture for dates", and for them to interbreed on pasture, they need cake. It is created from milk and honey.

    Mozzarina is the only Pal capable of producing milk, so she is essential in at least one of your bases.


    This Pal produces the second item needed for the cake - honey. Bigard's performance is low; there are Pals who do a better job at the base. But its importance cannot be overestimated - thanks to it, you will be able to receive new Pals that cannot be found in the game world.

    Wumpo Nerd

    The main purpose of this Pal is tree cutting and transportation. Of course, there are Pals that are specifically adapted for cutting down trees, for example, Mammorest or Irktirdir, but it is better to use them outside the base. In addition, Vumpo Botan can not only chop well, but also help in construction and carrying objects.


    Mossanda is best suited for transportation, but will be able to help other Pals equally well in cutting down trees, in construction, and in sowing. With Mossand, optimizing work processes at the base is much easier.


    Practical application of Vulipop - production of cotton candy on pasture. By feeding on cotton candy from the feeder, your Pals will independently maintain their sanity in optimal condition.


    In addition to other practical applications on the farm, Katress will become an excellent defender of your base. And if necessary, with its help you can create medicines faster.

    The best Palas for combat

    Just as for working at the base, it is advisable to choose Pals for battle based on their combat skills and strengths. Dumad, for example, gives a buff to Pals with the earth element, and the boss of the first tower, Pal Grizzbolt, has a vulnerability to this element.

    Each Pal is unique, but despite this, the game has Pals with outstanding combat abilities that will be useful to you in any situation and which you can get at almost any stage of the game.


    Getting this Pal is relatively easy, but in the initial and middle stages of the game Incineram, largely due to its abilities, has great power.


    Gorirat is one of the best regular element Pals for combat. His ability to briefly increase his damage will allow you to quickly end any battle.


    Verdash is considered one of the best Pals for fighting in the game in terms of attack, second only to the legendary Pals. In addition to his devastating attacks, Pal's ability speeds up your character and imbues his attacks with the power of a nature element.


    Bushi is quite difficult to catch as his powerful attacks deal a lot of damage. But, if you manage to do this, you won't have to worry about battles with other Pals.


    In addition to the fact that Grizzbolt's attacks are strong, this Pal can be mounted and fired from a machine gun directly from it. It's also worth saying that this Pal does an excellent job of maintaining power at the base.


    Lilin is strong both as a combat Pal and as a support companion due to her ability to restore a large amount of HP.


    Felbat can only be obtained by crossing Pals, but due to its high attack and defensive abilities, it will be a very useful companion.


    One of the strongest Pals in the game. His powerful abilities will make the mid and late game easier for you.


    Shadowbeak is one of the strongest flying Pals. We will talk about his unique abilities below.

    The best palas for moving on land, water and air

    Unlike Pals, which are designed for a base or battles, choosing mounts is much easier. It is important to note that it is best to take Pal, whose passive abilities have an increase in speed of 20% (maximum 30%). With such a passive ability, even on Melpac it will be comfortable to move around the world.

    However, all riding Pals differ from each other both in speed and in other characteristics. And even among them there are the best of the best.


    This Pal is perfect for both combat and movement. Its peculiarity is that while riding it you can move both on the ground and in the air. In addition, Shadowbeak is the fastest in flight compared to other Pals.


    Irkitrdir has a high running speed and a lot of stamina. In addition, Irkitrdir's double jump will allow you to climb high cliffs, and the dash will allow you to cover distances even faster.


    Pirin combines the best qualities of the ground mount Pal: he is fast, tough and has a high jump. Moving on the ground on this Palais is as comfortable as possible.


    Pal Kitsun is a kind of improved version of Dayehaul: he is faster, stronger, and also protects from cold and heat.


    This Pal will allow you to move through water without using up stamina.


    Vanwyrm flies for a long time and quickly, and also performs well in battle.


    Halzephyr is an excellent Pal for moving through the air: he has a lot of stamina and high flight speed.


    For flying - one of the best Pals in the game. His stamina is enough to fly over the Palpagos Islands, and his attack power and flight speed are higher than those of other Pals, except for Shadowbik.

    We hope our guide helped you choose the best Pal to base, fight, and navigate around Palworld.