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    Upgrade Pals in Palworld: is there an evolution?

    Onorina Guides 0



    Playing Palworld, players sooner or later begin to think about how they can improve their Pals so that their performance increases and they begin to do the job more efficiently.

    From this guide you will learn about all the ways to improve your Pals, as well as where to get resources for this, and whether there is evolution of creatures in the game.

    What are the ways to improve Pals in Palworld?

    There are a total of four ways to strengthen Pals in the game:

    • Level up - by doing your daily work, Pal will gradually increase his level.
    • Strengthen the Pals with souls - this can be done with the help of the Monument of Power. It will be possible to improve performance indicators, health, defense and attack.
    • Use a Capsule with the essence of Pals - this building allows you to combine several creatures and thus obtain strengthened Pals.
    • Cross Pets – Using the Rendezvous Pasture, you can breed Pals of the same species. As a rule, they produce offspring of a higher rank than themselves.

    Strengthening with souls using the Monument of Power

    The Monument of Power building can be placed at your base when you reach level six. This will require 20 stones and 10 palzium fragments. The statue allows you to enhance your own characteristics and the indicators of the Pals.

    Souls will be required to strengthen the Pals. There are small, medium and large souls in the game.

    To improve Pala, go to the statue and press the “V” key, select Pala and the type of characteristic you want to upgrade.

    All indicators can be increased 10 times. Each level increases the selected characteristic by 3%, that is, you can increase each parameter by a maximum of 30%.

    The table below shows how many and what kind of souls are needed for each level.

    Level Soul General stat increase
    1 Little soul Pala – 1 3%
    2 Little soul Pala – 2 6%
    3 Little soul Pala – 3 9%
    4 Little soul Pala – 4 12%
    5 Average soul Pala – 1 15%
    6 Average soul Pala – 2 18%
    7 Average soul Pala – 3 21%
    8 Big Soul Pala – 1 24%
    9 Big Soul Pala – 2 27%
    10 Big Soul Pala – 3 thirty%

    Where to find Palov souls

    Little Souls of Pal can be found in chests, scattered throughout world map. In addition, this type of souls drops from some Pals, namely: Daedrim, Nox, Cognito, Marait, Tombat and Felbat.

    Medium Pala Souls drop from chests located in the Volcano and Desert biomes. In addition, such souls can be obtained from Halzephyr.

    Large Souls of Pal drop from chests located in the Winter biome. This type of soul can also be obtained from Anubis and Paladius.

    Strengthening with Pala Essence Capsule

    Having reached the fourteenth level, you can acquire such an important building as the Capsule with the essence of Pala. To place a building on the base you will need 20 palsium fragments, 20 metal ingots, as well as 5 details of ancient civilization.

    To improve Pal, you will need to sacrifice other creatures of the same type. Therefore, if you have a friend whom you want to improve, be sure to go on a search and grab several of the same individuals to upgrade him.

    Please note that after you sacrifice Pal, he will disappear and this process is irreversible. Therefore, be careful when choosing the buddies you want to send to the Capsule.

    In order to improve Pal, interact with the Capsule. First select a pet to upgrade, and then select buddies to sacrifice. After this, start the device.

    The maximum you can improve Pal in this way is four times (this can be tracked using the stars under his portrait on the Capsule screen).

    Each rank increases the companion’s unique skill, and also increases the creature’s health, attack and defense by 5%.


    Number of Fires required

    General stat increase
    1 4 5%
    2 16 10%
    3 32 15%
    4 62 20%

    Is there an evolution of Pals in the game?

    Unfortunately, there is currently no Pal evolution in Palworld. That is, it will not be possible to develop pets. However, it is still possible to crossbreed and knock out the best versions of Pals of a certain type.

    Having reached the nineteenth level, you will be able to build Dating Pasture. Send two opposite-sex individuals into it and give them a cake. After some time, the couple will produce an egg.

    Place it in incubator and get a baby. Usually, kids get some parameters from their parents, and some characteristics will become higher.

    We hope our guide helped you understand the evolution of Pals in Palworld, as well as understand how to improve your pets in the game.