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    Fruits of Mastery in Palworld: Where to Find Fruit Trees

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Palworld Fruits of Mastery are special consumable items that can be used to give your Pals certain active skills. You can get these fruits from some trees growing in different parts of the game world. In this guide, we'll tell you where to find all the Mastery Fruit trees, how to use them, and choose the best skills.

    Where to Find Mastery Fruit Trees in Palworld

    The fruits of mastery grow on special trees that appear dried out in appearance, and blue crystal growths are visible near their roots. These fruits spawn randomly, so on the same tree at different times you can collect different skills (usually no more than three) of different rarities.

    To collect fruit you just need to go to the tree and press the "F" key as soon as you see it on the screen. If you can't reach it, try sitting on flying Pal or jump. You don’t need to fulfill any additional conditions, so you can start farming them immediately after starting the game.

    As for the respawn time of fruits, it depends on the “Recovery speed of collection objects” parameter in the world settings. You can increase it so that new skill fruits appear on trees faster.

    In total, you can find 17 trees with the fruits of mastery in the world. The map above shows their approximate location, and also shows two routes for the fastest farming. Next we will tell you in detail how to find these trees.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 1

    • Nearest Teleport: Church Ruins on Swamp Plains Island
    • Coordinates: 367, -319

    Can be found near the starting location. Travel to the indicated teleportation point, and then run southwest into the half-open cave. Inside, next to the pond, you will find a tree.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 2

    • Nearest teleport: Gigantic Green Beast Hill
    • Coordinates: 202, -451

    Also located next to the starting area. Travel to the marked teleporter and then head northeast to another island. The tree stands on the edge of a cliff. The easiest way to climb it is using a flying mount.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 3

    • Nearest teleport: Small settlement
    • Coordinates: -13, -481

    From the indicated village, move west and climb onto a mountain plateau with an autumn forest. The desired tree will be almost in the center of the hill.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 4

    • Nearest teleport: Small Bay
    • Coordinates: -192, -520

    Move to the waypoint, move northeast, crossing to another island. It has quite high protrusions, so you can't do without a flying Pal. On the edge of the cliff you will find the object you need.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 5

    • Nearest teleport: Hermit Falls
    • Coordinates: -185, -404

    It is located almost at the very top of the cliff. If you want to get here quickly, you'll need a flying Pal.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 6

    • Nearest teleport: Prospectors' Fork
    • Coordinates: -244, -200

    It is also at the top of the cliff. After teleporting, turn around and climb up the cliff to the west. This can be done with a land mount, but with a flying one you will climb to the top much faster.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 7

    • Nearest Teleport: Church Ruins on the Forgotten Isle
    • Coordinates: -451, -35

    Can be found on a remote northwestern island. After moving to the waypoint, go a little south and you will find a huge quarry here, on one of the ledges of which the object you need will grow. You can just jump down there.

    Mastery Fruit Tree 8

    • Nearest teleport: Ruined City Fortress
    • Coordinates: -626, -258

    After teleportation, move west and climb to the mountain plateau where the fortress will stand. Near one of the walls you will find the tree you need. Be careful, as aggressive Vixens may be walking near it. We also advise you to take things with you that will protect you from the heat.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 9

    • Nearest teleport: Anubis Statue on Obsidian Volcano
    • Coordinates: -551, -627

    Once you've arrived at the waypoint, simply walk to the feet of the giant Anubis statue and you'll immediately see a tree near them.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 10

    • Nearest teleport: Lake Center
    • Coordinates: -37, -159

    It is located at the top of the mountain, so again it is best to use the flying Pal to quickly get to the desired object. Note that there are 8 ore deposits located nearby.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 11

    • Nearest teleport: Flower Hare Mountain - Summit
    • Coordinates: 51, -52

    After teleporting to the marked waypoint, begin moving northeast. At the edge of the cliff you will find a tree. Be careful, as Mossands are roaming around.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 12

    • Nearest teleport: Guardian's Abode
    • Coordinates: 150, -29

    You can simply continue moving east from the previous location, or move to the indicated teleporter, and then go up a little north. Go down to the pond, and on its shore you will find a tree. Be careful, as adherents of the Palov protection organization are running nearby.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 13

    • Nearest teleport: Lightning Speed ​​Abode
    • Coordinates: 337, -40

    After moving, start moving southeast towards the mountain range. Not far from the lava river, at the foot of the mountain, you will find the tree you need. There are dangerous Pals roaming around, so be careful.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 14

    • Nearest teleport: Dunes Entrance
    • Coordinates: 293, 257

    It can be found north of the indicated teleport, in the desert. You will need to climb a mountain plateau. The easiest way to do this is using a flying Pal. The object you need grows next to other trees, so it can be easily overlooked.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 15

    • Nearest teleport: Desert City
    • Coordinates: 330, 487

    It is also located on top of a mountain plateau located north of the desert town. Use the flying Pal to quickly get to him. Finding it is quite easy, since the tree stands right in the middle of the sand.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 16

    • Nearest teleport: Desert City
    • Coordinates: 184, 432

    From the previous location, first go down from the plateau in an easterly direction, and then fly across the water and climb up to the high cliff. Right at its top you will find the tree you need. You definitely can't do without a flying mount.

    Tree with fruits of mastery 17

    • Nearest teleport: Genetic Research Unit Tower - Entrance
    • Coordinates: -149, 583

    After teleporting to the waypoint, start moving north, going down the mountain. At the foot of another rock you will see the tree you need. Be careful, as dangerous guys with plasma rifles are wandering around.

    How to use the fruits of mastery in Palworld

    So, you managed to collect several skill fruits, and now you want to give new skills to your Pals. To do this, open your inventory, right-click on the fruit, and then select the creature to which you want to give the ability (“the Pokemon” must be present in your squad).

    Now go to the “My Pals” section in the main menu, select the creature that was just given the skill, click on the unnecessary skill and replace it with a new ability from the list. As a result, your “Pokemon” will receive a new attack. Carefully choose who to feed which fruit to, since it will not be possible to restore it later, that is, the skill will be forever assigned to a certain Pal.

    Let's add that there are no restrictions on the distribution of skills, that is, you can easily give an ice fighter three fire attacks. However, in many cases this will not be practical, as some creatures, for example, enhance the elemental damage they are related to. So it is better to transfer natural skills to natural creatures, aquatic ones - aquatic ones, and so on.

    Best Active Skills in Palworld

    Of course, the most powerful skills are those that have the greatest power, that is, they cause enormous damage (from 120 to 150 units). At the same time, the most significant benefit comes from those that can, in addition, hit several enemies at once and impose status conditions on them.

    For example, one of the most valuable fruits of skills is the Storm Spike, which has a huge damage radius, can freeze opponents and deal additional damage to Dragon-type Flames (we recommend using this attack when fighting Jetragon).

    Fireball and Lightning Strike work in a similar way. The first is capable of inflicting burning on all affected enemies, therefore it is extremely useful against natural and ice-type Fires, and the second can cause paralysis (it is recommended to be used when fighting aquatic creatures).

    The table below shows all the most effective active skills in the game, obtained from the fruits of mastery.

    Skill Element Power ST
    Fire ball Fire 150 55
    Storm Thorn Ice 130 45
    Hydro jet Water 150 55
    Lightning strike Lightning 150 55
    Dragon meteor The Dragon 150 55
    Stone spears Earth 150 55
    Inferno Fire 120 40
    Dark laser Dark 150 55
    Solar explosion Nature 150 55

    These are all the trees with Mastery Fruits that can be found in Palworld. We hope that our guide helped you find the active skills you need and equip your Pals with them.