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    Squads in Zenless Zone Zero: top best teams in ZZZ


    So that the teams you have formed Zenless Zone Zero easily closed the main and additional content, you will not only have to get used to combat system, but also think about the parameters of the agents: their factions, specialization and anomaly attributes (the local name for elemental damage). In this guide, we will pay attention to all the principles of building packs in ZZZ, highlight the best options for units and briefly talk about their gameplay.

    How to form a squad in Zenless Zone Zero

    Unlike Genshin Impact And Honkai: Star Rail, heroes Zenless Zone Zero endowed with more than two three main parameters : anomaly element, specialty and faction. In addition, we are allowed to choose a helper rabbit Banbu, each of which is tailored for a specific pack/type of agent and can greatly buff the entire team.

    Below we will help you understand all these subtleties, with an understanding of which you can easily assemble a harmonious squad and close any content with the highest rating.


    In the Zero Zone there is five main positions ( specialties ) characters:

    • " Attack » – equivalent to the main damage dealers with an emphasis on dealing damage;
    • " Intimidation » – aimed at finishing off the “stun” strip of opponents; help to put the enemy into a state of stun as quickly as possible, after which you can launch a chain of attacks and deal increased damage ( from an increase of 150% ) by purpose;
    • " Anomaly “- these heroes are better and faster than others in accumulating and activating the statuses of attributes (elements) on enemy units, this is also their main damage;
    • " Support » – support heroes, with the help of their unique talents, they can buff an ally or debuff/slow down/pull enemies;
    • " Defense » – shield fighters/tanks that absorb or repel enemy attacks, thereby increasing the team’s survivability.

    More detailed descriptions of all specializations have been added in the screenshot below.

    Any character is created for a specific position, but in ZZZ everything is far from so simple: analyzing the local combat system, you may have noticed one important detail - all agents, without exception, help deal damage to the enemy. And therefore, they can hardly be divided into narrowly targeted positions and displayed only for pressing one specific button.


    The next important part of forming a squad is choosing a faction. Depends on him activation of special bonuses, as well as the talents of some Banbu. And specific builds may even hide new chains of attacks ( Nicole + Enby + Billy ) or ultimates ( Kolyada + Ben ).

    There are only such gaming clans by the time of version 1.0 six :

    " Sly hares " - a detachment led by Nicole. Now this is one of the largest gaming factions, whose members are: Enby, Billy and Nekomata.
    Plant "Belobog" - a faction from those close to the president of Belobog Industries, Kolyada. Her in-game subordinates include: Grace, Anton and Ben.
    Household staff agency "Victoria" under the direction of Lycaon, it also has a large staff of employees: Rina, Ellen and Corinne.
    From " Sections 6 "(HSOS 6) only Sokaku is available in the game so far, but we have already been shown the entire main cast: the head of Miyabi, as well as Asaba and Yanagi.
    New Eridu Public Security (department of criminal investigation) appeared only in the main plot, according to which we were given to play for captain Zhu Yuan - the event leg second half 1.0. Her co-workers: Qingyi, Jane and Seth.
    Sons of Calydon - a group of bikers that Piper and Lucy joined. The rest of the cast can be partially found on the streets of New Eridu ( Caesar, Bernice and Lightyear ).
    Obol Squad is the smallest, since we were introduced only to Soldier 11.

    The number of factions and the known composition of participants are current at the time of release version 1.0.

    If, when selecting a squad, near the names smiley glows , then you have taken teammates into the pack (or the heroes have the same anomaly element). Remember that to activate faction bonuses, your squad must have at least two heroes from the same clan.

    Anomaly attribute

    In the manual for combat system we have already touched on the topic of elemental damage in ZZZ: the game does not have reactions in the sense that we might be used to for the same reason Genshin Impact, and anomalies practically do not combine with each other (exception: Chaos, caused by an overabundance of various elemental statuses on the enemy). In addition, their multipliers are not affected by crit bonuses - to increase damage from attributes, you need to look for individual stats in your equipment for knowledge and control of anomalies .

    To assemble a squad, you first need to know one thing: if there are minimum 2 agents with an identical attribute (or faction), this will allow you to activate additional bonuses (you can read about them in the “makings” or by the smiley icon in the team selection menu).

    Enemies in Zenless Zone Zero also have different weaknesses to specific attributes, but in the early game this will not matter much - at ranks 30-35 you will only need to level up your heroes to a suitable level, but later you will have to take into account the selected element.


    The last assistant, without whom any chosen squad will not realize 100% of its potential is the banbu. With lifting Level 16 Internot, you will unlock all the functionality of the rabbits: the tuning workshop (shop with improvements) and the banbu channel (banner).

    Everyone is banbu to some extent tied to agents with a certain specialization, faction or anomaly attribute: Majordon activates his additional talent only in a squad with 2 Victoria household workers, and Plaxaboo - if there are characters with a fire attribute in the pack, etc. To find out which heroes to place a specific bunny with, look at description of skill "b".

    You can read more about the functionality and leveling up of these eared helpers from our separate guide with tier list of all banbu.

    Examples of units based on basic parameters

    Now let's take a closer look at how to create a pack of agents from the same faction, anomaly, or with a competent choice of specialties. We are given everything to choose from three slots + window for Banbu.

    Full faction squad

    The main advantage of such teams is the activation of “inclinations” (additional skills), and sometimes new combos or variants of superpowers. At the game's release, not all factions can boast a full complement of agents, but most of them have at least two representatives:

    • Victoria Maid Agency (suitable rabbits: Majordomo/Pingwibu/Sharkaboo/Seeker, or any attribute of anomaly);
    • The full composition of the “Sly Hares” (Amillion/Seeker/Bullseye, or any attribute of anomaly or specialization);
    • Also the full composition of the Belobog plant (Foreman/Rocketabu/Plaksabu, or any attribute of anomaly or specialization);
    • Piper and Lucy from the Sons of Calydon (Revolverbu or any one under the anomaly attribute or specialization).

    Mono-attribute squad

    The selection of agents of one element at the release of the game is also difficult; in addition, such units are not suitable for every enemy (especially in the late game). And yet, they also activate the “makings” talent + enhance the damage of the selected element. There are probably only three reasonable builds in version 1.0:

    • Full Ice with Ellen, Lycaon and Sokaku (Majordomo/Pingwibu/Akulabu);
    • Full-fire with Soldier 11, Kolyada and Ben (Foreman/Rocketaboo/Plaksaboo);
    • Full electricity with Anton, Grace/Enby and Rina (Foreman/Plug/Electrobu).

    With the release of Zhu Yuan, a squad of two ethereal heroes can be added to this list:

    • Zhu Yuan and Nicole + agent of choice (Resonab/Beelzeb).

    In the character pool there are Nekomata, Korin, Billy and Piper, who distribute physical attributes, but among them there is not a single support agent, although the assembly of Nekomiya + Billy and Nicole is quite possible - for faction synergy, and some kind of elemental damage.

    Squad with a balance of specializations

    Classic combination dd + sub-dd + support ZZZ also has it, but it is implemented a little differently: it usually includes attack hero, then scary character, and after - support/defense. There are many options here, but they all have one thing in common: general principle : the intimidation agent fills the enemy with a “stun” bar, the main damage dealer uses skills to inflict an overwhelming amount of damage + usually activates the ultimate, and the support implements his special talents (so Nicole can use a screed at the right time, and Sokaku can buff the squad for ice damage and recovery energy after some techniques).

    The best options for packs in ZZZ

    After considering all the nuances of choosing a faction and specialization, as well as banbu and anomalies, we will highlight specific examples of units and describe the gameplay.

    F2P pack of epic heroes

    First, let's look at a squad of free characters, including Korin and Enby, available to everyone, as well as Nicole. In such a squad, the faction bonus + Chaos damage will be active, since all the characters have different attributes.

    Main dd Sub-dd Support Banbu
    Corinne – an excellent basis for the “attack” DD at the initial stage of the game, which can be useful even in the endgame. Enby acts as an additional damage dealer with the "intimidation" specialization - her attacks will help to quickly stun enemies. Nicole can attract crowds of enemies in time and belongs to the same faction as Enby, which means it will help activate additional. bonus. Packer First of all, it will strengthen the physical Corin's attacks and damage in combos.

    Instead of Corinne, you can choose Billy, who will calmly take the “attack” hero slot.

    Mono element

    Expensive, but one of the best mono-elemental units is the composition of Ellen, Lycaon and Sokaku:

    Main dd Sub-dd Support Banbu
    Ellen , as the first event legend with the “attack” class, copes well with the role of hyper-carry. For now Lycaon is one of the best "intimidation" agents, capable of independently enhancing their stun attacks. Sokaku contributes a lot of impact to the team’s overall damage multiplier and adds the ice anomaly bonus to its allies. Akulabu – the first and so far the only S class combat banbu with the ice attribute: helps accumulate elemental status and buffs ice attacks.

    Second option: a good pack of fire elemental agents, with an emphasis on anomaly damage .

    Main dd Sub-dd Support Banbu
    Soldier 11 specializes in attack, but is actively played and buffs itself for elemental damage if the squad also has units with a fire attribute. Kolyada will accumulate stun + she has several unique attacks in conjunction with Ben, causing quite a lot of damage. Ben in 1.0 he is the only defense hero, and does a good job with survivability, and is also indispensable in activating special attacks with Kolyada. Rocketaboo – S-rank battle rabbit, significantly increasing the damage of the fire anomaly.

    Standard Legendaries

    At the start Zenless Zone Zero many have already managed to turn out their first, standard S-rank agent. For such players, we have prepared squad options for each legendary:

    Squad composition Banbu Gameplay
    Grace It will look good in a pack with Anton and Ben: with the “anomaly” class, it perfectly distributes the shock status, under which Anton’s attacks become more effective, and Bigger will shield his allies with a shield at the right moment and take the enemy’s attacks. The A-rank Bumabu in this pack will be survivability support, providing the team with shields.
    If you got Lycaon , this is an excellent reason to pump up Sokaku and Korin for him - the head of “Victoria”, under Sokaku’s buffs, very quickly copes with the accumulation of stun, after which he cedes the attacking role to the immobilized enemy Korin. The best A-rank banbu for this pack, Pingwibu, will increase the Ice Anomaly attribute accumulation rate and will be useful in combo attacks.
    Kolyada best combined with a representative of her faction for a number of reasons: she has additional and very strong attacks with Ben + Anton will be one of the best main A-rank damage dealers, contributing damage to the queue of joint combos.
    One of the possible squads for Rina there will be a combination with Enby and Anton: the senior maid is able to greatly buff electric attacks and the chance of breaking through both herself and her allies + Alexandrina is good at a quick retreat, which is obtained from activating “Quick Help”. From the fighting rabbits, you can choose Electroba, which helps in accumulating electro anomalies.

    Holders Soldier 11 can choose Enby and Ben as her companions - this results in a well-balanced squad, in which the presence of Bigger not only protects the team, but also allows you to activate the elemental damage bonuses of the main damage dealer. Plaksaboo, which gives a bonus to attacks with the fire element, will fit perfectly under it.

    Nekomata is a strong damage dealer with active close-range attacks, so he feels harmonious in a team with Billy and Nicole. The chapter of “Cunning Hares” helps to pull enemies together, which makes it much more convenient to hit them, and Billy is able to distance himself in time and fight off the enemies surrounding Nekomiya with massive damage. If you have an S-rank Amillion, it will perform well against a small number of enemies.

    Attribute Overload (Chaos Anomaly)

    The last, slightly unusual version of the squad is through Chaos reaction. If your list of characters includes Grace, as well as Piper and Lucy, take a closer look at this gameplay option:

    Main dd Sub-dd Support Banbu
    Grace – an electric character with the “anomaly” class, which means he will actively impose and bring the shock status on enemies to activation. Piper is also the hero of the “anomaly”, only physical. She does a good job of dealing damage with rotation and actively distributes physical damage. weakening. Lucy , in combination with Piper, activates the faction bonus, introduces impact damage and accelerates the activation of Chaos on enemies. Applejack works in packs with penetrating damage (from small arms) - it also deals physical damage. attribute and useful in combos against individual enemies.

    All the principles covered in the article will be useful not only at the release of ZZZ, but also with the release of new heroes - take advantage of the main parameters to fully realize the potential of your favorite heroes and make your game more productive!
