In Genshin Impact Jubilant Feathers are special items found in Simulanka and allowing you to get Excerpts of Bliss. They can only be found in this temporary summer location. In this guide we will show the location of these feathers in the form of paper birds on the map and tell you how to collect them.
Where to find Jubilant Feathers in Simulank
At this point in time you can find 33 feathers of fun, which are freely scattered around the map Simulanki. They look like pieces of paper collected in the shape of a bird, surrounded by shimmer.

Their number will increase in the future as additional areas of the region are opened. You can make your search easier by equipping the " Locator " Jocund Letters ", awarded for achieving a certain number of collected Fragments of Joy ( go to the event section → “Summer Gifts” → “Gift Costume” ).
Having picked up one such feather ( paper bird ), you will receive immediately 3 fragments of joy. When you get within a certain distance of such an object, your a characteristic icon will appear on the minimap , with which you can find a feather ( icon that looks like two petals ).

The maps above will show the approximate locations of all thirty-three feathers of fun ( they look like origami birds ): from 1 to 15 you will find in the Forest of Blessings (starting area event ), from 16 to 23 - in the Constellation Capital, and from 24 to 33 - in the Broken Sea. Next, we will tell you in detail how to find them. You can make your search easier by using interactive map.
Paper bird 1
The very first bird can be found not far from the starting teleport on the map of Simulanka (south of the Forest of Blessings): it hovers to the right of the path, on a stone under a tree that has lost its color.
Paper bird 2
Then go to the paper bouncy swamp (southwest of the Forest of Blessings): the next trophy lies under a figurative arch-fountain with the eyes of a frog.
Paper Bird 3
Next, go up to the hill on the western side of the frog swamp: another origami bird is located near a collection of fabulous paper animals, between which there is a battle Achievement: Challenger monument.
Paper bird 4
From the previous find, fly straight north to a similar high rock - near it there is a lower hill, as you approach it a bird’s mark will appear.
Paper bird 5
A little further to the north, right under the gathering place of the last bird, there is a gorge with a stream: go down to it and you will see a stone cube floating in the air, and above it - the 5th magic leaflet.
Paper bird 6
This figurative page floats under a lantern flower along the path that leads to the castle of paper flying squirrels ( north of the gorge with the 5th birdie ).
Paper bird 7
The seventh curiosity can be picked up at the top of the Forest Fairy's hut (hat-shaped roof), near which we will meet Nilou — she stands in a separate nook on the eastern half of the Forest of Blessings.
Paper bird 8
From the house Nilou run along the path to the north: on the way to the flying squirrel castle you will see a spiral that has lost its colors, over which another origami bird is hovering.
Paper bird 9
Continue towards the spiral tree with blue foliage: in the clearing before the entrance to the lower hollow there is the following magical leaflet.
Paper bird 10

The tenth trophy is located on top of the main building of the Kingdom of Winds and Bells, you can climb to it along the branch to the right of the “entrance” to the castle (here we first meet Princess Simest and her assistants).
Paper bird 11
We move to the northern side of the flying squirrel castle: this bird is placed on one of the trees growing at the edge of the hill.
Paper bird 12

Having received the previous value, go to the path to the west: above it there is a low tower with a sharp blue roof, from which you can loot another Jubilant Feather.
Paper bird 13
Paper Bird 13 is stuck inside a spiral, which can be stumbled upon if you follow the path in the northwestern part of the Forest of Blessings.
Paper bird 14

The penultimate trophy is located on a tree with blue branches growing on a separate rock west of the talking flying squirrels' castle.
Paper bird 15
And the 15th, the last origami bird in the Forest of Blessings, floats on a mound on the south side of the cliff with the previous collected curiosity.
Paper bird 16
Let's continue our search from the "port" island south of the Constellation Capital: the 16th paper bird is located above the windmill, standing near the house on the left side of the road to the castle. Under the pillar you can see a clot of magical smoke that increases the height of the jump - it will help you quickly rise to the goal.
Paper bird 17
The rest of the search will take place in the capital: the 17th magic page floats in the center of a small pond, in front of the teleport at the gate in the southern part of the city.
Paper bird 18
Climb to the roof of the houses built in the shape of an arch, in front of the place where you received the previous origami bird: the 18th find is hovering over the nest at the top of the structure.
Paper bird 19

Without descending from the previous area, fly east to the wooden platform with the area underneath puzzles with wooden men: the bird can be assembled at the edge of the structure.
Paper bird 20
Return to the southern teleport, and from it run along the alley to the left: you will come across a house in front of which three clockwork men are sitting - our goal is located among the boxes on the second floor of the building.
Paper bird 21
This paper bird can be found in the area of the artificial pond, on the western side of the main palace (if you have the teleporter activated on the roof, you will quickly fly down from it). The shimmering leaflet hangs in the air, but underneath it there is a water lily with a bluish haze that helps you jump higher.
Paper bird 22

The twenty-second wonder can be obtained if you get to the central elevator, which rushes straight to the roof of the palace (here through the quest " They follow the stars " we find 4th Discarded Star ): the bird is placed on the box to the right of the entrance to the lift, and you can easily cross over to it via a magic bridge.
Paper bird 23
The paper bird number 23 is hidden between well-kept blocks of bushes, in the eastern half of the roof on which the monument is erected Goddess of Prophecies.
Paper bird 24
All that remains is to find the last part of the enchanted origami scattered across the Broken Sea in the north of the Simulanka map. The bird closest to the first activated teleporter is hovering on a tower of wooden sticks, standing on the way to the Evil Dragon's Cave (southwest of the area).
Paper bird 25
From the previous find, go down and approach the playground with wooden men (at the northwestern edge of the clearing): the bird is hovering over a cube, from which you can push upward.
Paper bird 26
Now move to the teleport in the southeastern half of the Broken Sea, and from there move north: a narrowing path of floating earthen blocks will lead you to another magical leaf.
Paper bird 27
For the 27th magic bird, go to a piece of land with a fallen tower (the starting point of the quest " To the Towards the Lighthouse, or Far Away "). Then go around it and you will see a clearing with magical creatures and a group of monsters from Sumeru, between which a flickering curiosity has been squeezed.
Paper bird 28

We move to a large island in the center of the Broken Sea. West of the teleporter in this area there is a stone platform with a pair of wind-up toys sitting on it - above their heads you will get the 28th birdie.
Paper bird 29
A couple of little men, above whose heads they received the previous value, were looking at the “high island” to the west - get to it using jumping cubes or use the teleporter. A paper bird waits at the top edge of the wooden block staircase surrounding the island.
Paper bird 30
To get the 30th origami bird, you need to fly to the small island south of the previous two areas ( see map screenshot above ): the trophy floats on a branchy tree.
Paper bird 31
We return to the teleport on the island in the middle of the Broken Sea and fly to its eastern half: the bird is in a wooden block with a round hole, before going down the hill.
Paper bird 32
For the 32nd origami, go down to the western half of the broken island in the center of the explored part of the map: the curiosity is located in a recess and quite close to the teleport ( move towards it and jump off the nearest edge using the glider ).
Paper bird 33
The final enchanted bird-shaped leaf is hidden in a secret room under the statue of the Goddess of Fate, on an island in the northern half of the Broken Sea. Once you get here and activate the teleport, you will see Three Stars - follow the one in the center.

Pass the middle star behind the central monument, and when you see a golden flicker with the “ Inspect "—jump down from the edge of the island, straight after the flying star.
The Achievement: Hero will automatically turn into a spark that will fly to the hole under the statue - you will find yourself in a hidden room, inside which there will be several memorabilia, an origami bird and a luxurious chest.
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