In Genshin Impact Klee is 5 star character, which can be randomly dropped by players when spending accumulated Source Stones. If you already got this heroine or want to know if it is worth trying to knock her out at all, then read our guide, in which we indicated her main features, as well as talked about the best builds, weapons and artifacts for her.
Characteristics of Klee
Since she is a spellcaster, her attacks are a bit less predictable than the classic characters. For example, her normal attack is a bomb Yelan: Throw, and her charged attack is a laser beam with an explosion.
When it comes to controlling the battlefield, Klee certainly does it at 100. "Jumpy Dumpty", her basic ability, summons a bear that bounces twice before turning into a minefield that explodes on contact with the enemy. And she has two charges at once! Her ultimate "Sparks ‘n’ Splash" creates bombs in the air that deal massive area-of-effect Pyro damage.

Once you unlock both of her passives, her charged attacks become much more powerful and have a chance to cost no stamina, deal 50% more damage, and grant all party members elemental energy after landing a critical hit. Her passive skills are as follows:
- Pounding Surprise - Ascension 1: Dealing Bomb Jump damage has a 50% chance to create an Explosive Spark that is consumed on the next charged hit (costs no stamina and deals 50% more damage).
- Sparkling Burst - Ascension 4: After a critical hit using a charged strike, each team member gains 2 elemental energy.
- All Of My Treasures! - Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt (curiosities) on the minimap.
Klee starting perks are great and are a good addition to basic attacks and skills, but it's the Sparkly Explosion and Blazing Delight talents that bring out the true power of this character. Unfortunately, unlocking them is extremely difficult, since obtaining talents depends only on the luck of the player.

- Tier 1 - Chained Reactions: Attacks and skills have a certain chance to trigger sparks that bombard enemies, dealing damage equal to 120 percent of Rumble and Sparks' damage.
- Tier 2 - Explosive Frags: Hitting Bomb Jump Mines reduces enemy defense by 23 percent for ten seconds.
- Level 3 - Exquisite Compound: Increases the level of Bomb Jump by 3. Max Enhance Level: 15.
- Level 4 - Sparkly Explosion: If Klee leaves the battlefield while Rumble and Sparks is active, an explosion will occur that deals 555 percent of Pyro's AoE damage of her attack power.
- Level 5 - Nova Burst: Increases the level of Rumble and Sparks by 3. Max Enhancement Level: 15.
- Level 6 - Blazing Delight: After using Rumble and Sparks, the rest of the party members will constantly restore energy. When this skill is used, all team members receive a 10% Pyro damage bonus for 25 seconds.
Best builds for Klee
Klee perfectly performs the function of the main damageer (DPS) of the group. However, your play style will directly affect which build suits you best.
The best weapon
For this heroine, any weapon that significantly increases elemental damage is suitable. If you, for example, have the Eye of Perception, then you can use it without any problems even in the endgame. However, the best option is still Skyward Atlas. True, the chance of getting it is extremely low. It can also be replaced by Prayers to the Holy Winds.

- Skyward Atlas (5-Star Catalyst) – Increases elemental damage bonus by 24%. Basic hits have a 50% chance to cause Heaven's Wrath to attack for 15 seconds, dealing damage equal to 320% of the hero's attack power. Only fires once every 30 seconds.
- Prayer to the Holy Winds (5-star) - Increases movement speed by 10 percent and grants an 8 percent bonus to elemental damage every 4 seconds during combat. The effect stacks up to 4 times.
- Eye of Perception (4-Star Catalyst) - Basic and charged hits have a 50% chance to fire an arrow that deals damage equal to 360% of the hero's attack power. This arrow bounces off enemies a maximum of four times. This effect occurs once every 8 seconds.
- Ritual Memoirs (4-star; Elemental Mastery) - Successfully using an elemental skill has a 40% chance to instantly restore its cooldown. The effect appears once every 30 seconds.
- Solar Pearl (4-star; Critical Hit Chance) - Increases damage from elemental abilities by 20 percent for 6 seconds after a successful normal strike. At the same time, elemental abilities increase damage from simple attacks for 6 seconds.
- Sea Card (4-Star Catalyst) - Elemental Reaction grants a 16% elemental damage bonus for 10 seconds. Can stack up to 2 times.
- Dodoko's Story (4-star; Attack Power) - Increases the damage of a charged strike by 16 percent for 6 seconds when hit by a normal strike. If you land with a charged hit, your Attack Rating will increase by 8% for 6 seconds. Can be obtained by completing a Achievement: Challenger Harpastum Bombs Loaded Blow ‘Em Away!
Best Artifacts
Here again you have a choice. You can use Klee as a secondary damage dealer by simply using her abilities and then returning to your main DPS, or you can keep playing her for a lot of normal and charged attacks. In both cases, the following sets of artifacts can help you:
- Crimson Witch of Flames (5-star) - 2 items: increase Pyro damage bonus by 15 percent; 4 pieces: Increase overload and burning damage by 40%. Increases the damage of the Melt and Steam statuses by 15%. Using an elemental skill increases the effects of 2 pieces of the set by 50 percent for 10 seconds. The maximum stacks up to 3 times. It can be obtained in Wu Wan's Hidden Palace Dungeon.
- Gladiator’s Finale (5-star) - 2 items: Increases attack power by 18%. We do not recommend taking four artifacts, since their effect does not extend to Klee anyway, so you should just combine it with Burning Scarlet Witch. This set drops from elite bosses.
- Wanderer’s Troupe (5-star) - 2 items: Elemental Mastery +80; 4 items: Increase the damage of your charged attack by 35% if Achievement: Hero use a Catalyst or a Onion. A good replacement for the Burning Scarlet Witch. Also drops from elite bosses.
- Resolution of Sojourner (4-star) - 2 items: Increase attack power by 18 percent; 4 items: Increases the critical strike chance of your charged attack by 30%. A budget option that can be found in the Midsummer Courtyard dungeon

Combinations with other characters
Klee is currently one of the best damage dealers in the game, who can easily replace Dilyuk in the squad.
The ideal team with this heroine is as follows:
- Primary DPS: Klee
- Secondary DPS: Razor or Mona
- Traveling Doctor: Qiqi or Diona
- Support: Venti or Bennett
A more budget-friendly option looks like this:
Leveling Klee
How to improve skills
To do this, you will need the following resources:
- Teachings, pointers and philosophies about "Freedom", which can be obtained in the Forsaken Rift dungeon on Mondays and Thursdays.
- Scrolls of Divine Magic, Seal, and Forbidden Curse dropped by Shamachurls or crafted with Alchemy.
- Ring of Boreas - Dropped by Elite Boss Lupus Borealis

You will need several unique items to level up the Klee.
- 1st Ascension (Max Level 20) - 1 Agnidus Agate Sliver, 3 Philanemo Mushroom, 3 Divining Scroll.
- 2nd Ascension (max level 40) - 3 Agnidus Agate Fragments, 2 Everflame Seed, 10 Philanemo Mushrooms, 15 Scrolls of Divine Magic.
- 3rd Ascension (max level 50) - 6 Agnidus Agate Fragments, 4 Everflame Seed, 20 Philanemo Mushrooms, 12 Seal Scrolls.
- 4th Ascension (max level 60) - 3 pieces of Agnidus agate, 8 Everflame Seed, 30 Philanemo mushrooms, 18 scrolls of seal.
- 5th Ascension (max level 70) - 6 pieces of Agnidus agate, 12 Everflame Seed, 45 Philanemo mushrooms, 12 scrolls of forbidden curse.
- 6th Ascension (max level 80) - 6 precious Agnidus agate, 20 Everflame Seed, 60 Philanemo mushrooms, 24 scrolls of forbidden curses.
Filanemo mushrooms can be found under the roofs of buildings or purchased from the botanist Chloris in Mondstadt. IN separate guide we have indicated the exact location of this local curiosity. Everflame Seed and Agnidus Agate drop from the boss Pyro Regisvine. Agates can also be obtained by destroying Ancient Geovishap.
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