In Genshin Impact A New Star Approaches is the third chapter of the first Thoma game story campaign. To start it, you must first execute past act and reach at least Adventure Rank 28. If you're having trouble completing Archon quests, finding key characters and items, or solving puzzles, check out our guide.
The Floating Palace
Head to Tianheng Mountain
Since Ganyu will not tell you how to get to the Jade Palace, the Achievement: Hero will decide to go to the highest point closest to him. The fastest way to get there is to move to the teleporter to the south of it, and then head north. There you will find vines on the side of the mountain. Use them to climb to the top.
As you get closer to the top, a short cut-scene will start in which you finally get "a little" closer to the Jade Palace. What now?
Find a way to climb up to the Jade Chamber
Climb a little higher up the mountain and you'll see a clover-shaped windmill on the southeast side. Use any Anemo skills you have to create a stream of wind that will lift you high into the air.

Use it to reach the wind rings, which will take you to the stone platform above. Watch the new video. Paimon will offer to use Guizhong ballista. Open the chest before leaving this area and head to the siege weapon to the northwest.
When you arrive at the right place, you will encounter several Millelith guards. Talk to them and they will attack you as another intruder. These guys are pretty weak and pose no threat at all. You will be attacked in turn by 3 groups of guards, consisting of three or four fighters.
Once the fight is over, a new cut-scene will play in which you will face Keqing. The mission will end and you will receive a well-deserved reward: 675 adventure points, 27,500 Mora, 3 hero experience and 5 magical enhancement ore.
Find the right Paimon Recipe Item
To complete this task, you need to go northwest from where you are now, that is, go towards Dunyu Tomb. You can easily get there on foot or teleport to the Statue of Seven, located southwest of the ruins, and then glide down.

As you probably already noticed, 2 quest markers will be displayed on the mini-map. Go to the south marker first and you'll run into a large Hydro slime at the edge of the pool.

Defeat him to get the first ingredient - Tasty Slime Condensate. Kill all other enemies nearby and go to the second sign in the northwest. You will see a man in a cage. Deal with the treasure thieves to get the Key and free the prisoner.

Before you open the cage, look in the center of the area for a few pots of sugar flowers. You also need Extra-Sweet Sweet Flower. After taking it, free the man from the cage. His name is Meng Dan, and he can help you get the gift box.
Head to Ming Xing Jewelry House
Teleport to Liyue Harbor and follow the quest marker. The desired shop is located just a couple of steps southeast of the northern fast travel point.

Approach the girl behind the counter and talk to her. Xing Xi will give you an incredibly beautiful box that looks like a real antique. Check out the new cutscene as your brave team prepares a sweet treat.
Find a guide to the Jade Chamber
It can be found in the upper part of the city, to the left of the main building. Talk to the man and watch a large number of cut-scenes. As a result, you will be able to get into the palace and meet with Ningguang.

Wait for Ningguang to come to the edge of the platform and then talk to her. Watch a couple more videos, and then meet the girl inside. Unfortunately, there is not much to explore here, so you can immediately go down to the lower floor and chat with the hostess again.
Choose a piece of "paper snow"
Before picking up the paper, BE SURE to look around the corner of Ningguang desk to pick up Liyue Customs: Acceptance of God book. After that, you won't be able to pick it up.

Now look at the wall and you will see a new cutscene. After its completion, the task will come to an end. You will receive 725 Adventure Points, 30 Sourcestones, 29400 Mora, 3 Hero XP, and 5 Enchantment Magic Ore.
Solitary Fragrance
Head to the location indicated on the piece of paper
You have to find Zhongli on the Reed Islands. However, before you leave the palace, go up the stairs and talk to both secretaries, Bai Xiao and Bai Wen. During a conversation with them, you can notice a dialogue option with a small chest icon. Select it to receive pointers about "Diligence" and "Prosperity".

Now you can safely leave this area and go to the mountains south of the Guili Valley. Teleport to the east side of the mountains and you will be on the right side of the indicated area. We note in advance that here you have to fight with several fairly strong fatui. Don't rush into the fight right away - instead, deal with the enemy first in the flower field, on the hill southeast of the quest marker. If you don't, then you'll have to fight Electro, Hydro, Cryo, Pyro, and Fatui Geo Agents at the same time.

The most difficult to deal with Hydro and Cryo opponents, as they are able to easily freeze you. If you're facing all of the Fatui at once (or most of them), then focus on the Cryo enemy. Be careful when using Barbara for healing, as you can easily get cold. If you feel that you cannot win, then retreat, regroup and attack again. Remember that Electro Fatui are weak to Cryo, while Hydro Fatui are weak to Electro and Cryo Fatui are weak to Pyro.

Once the battle is over, climb to the top of the ruins to find the wooden crates. Examine the one to which the papers are glued and watch a small cut-scene. Looks like the Fatui are trying to recreate the relic that Childe gave us.
Find Zhongli in the Reed Islands
It's time to meet Zhongli. It is northwest of our current location and north of Luhua Lake.
Teleport to the fast travel point south of the quest marker and head to the indicated area. Zhongli will be waiting for you under the tree. Next, you have to find glaze lilies that grow nearby.

Follow the river south and you will eventually reach a signpost where you will find wild glaze lilies. Then deal with cryo enemies. Next, watch the new video featuring Ganyu.
Once the cutscene ends, travel to the waypoint north of Liyue Harbor and approach the main gate to see a few of Fatui and Millelite's fighters. Talk to Fatui Felix and he will tell us what is going on here. The quest will end soon. You will receive 675 adventure points, 27,500 Mora, 3 hero experience, and 5 magical enhancement ore.
Heart of Glaze
Go to the golden chamber
This place is south of Liyue Harbour, outside of the city itself. Head to the southwest exit and follow the road, then turn left at the fork and you will reach the right building.

When you get close and try to go inside, you will see that this is a kind of dungeon. This means that there will be a battle inside, so we advise you to prepare in advance for a difficult battle. There is almost nothing interesting here, so go to the quest marker to see a new cut-scene with Childe.
Fight Childe
The fight against Childe will be divided into 3 phases, and each phase is a full boss fight that will have an entire health bar, so be prepared for a long fight.
In the first stage, you basically fight against the regular Tartaglia, who has the same abilities and moves as his playable version. He can dodge and change direction very quickly. Your main enemy in this battle will be your own stamina. You have to regularly perform several quick dodges at once during the battle, which spend a large amount of stamina.

In case you don't know, here is a list of all the attacks that Childe performs during the fight:
- Bow Attack: Shoots 3-4 arrows with Hydro damage. Dodge them by making dashes to the side while continuing to approach the enemy.
- Wave Arrows: He jumps into the air and fires 3 arrows at once. Each of them creates a small wave that moves forward - just dodge to the side so as not to get hit. Not bad if you find yourself right under the boss at this point.
- Daggers: His Onion transforms into a pair of water daggers for melee combat. He can create a small Hurdle to block your attacks while daggers are up, so don't hit him at this point and just back off.
- Waterfall Arrows: He shoots projectiles into the air, and marks appear on the ground showing where they will fall. Leave the marked areas quickly to avoid taking damage.
- Shockwave: He transforms his Onion into a pair of daggers and creates a shockwave around him that deals damage and knocks back the character. This attack is extremely difficult to dodge.
- Keith: Childe starts loading his Onion and then shoots at the ground. Then a huge whale emerges from the ground and jumps in front of it, dealing massive damage. If you see that the boss has begun to prepare for a charged shot, then quickly move away from him as far as possible.

After you defeat Childe, he will surround himself with water and reappear, dressed all in black. He will now use Electro skills instead of Hydro skills, making him more dangerous, especially if you use Barbara to heal the team.
Now he uses a weapon like a spear and can really destroy your entire squad. He will still use some of his attacks from the previous stage, such as the defensive Hurdle or daggers, but the rest of the moves will change:
- Sting: It makes a sharp dash forward and pierces everything in its path. The worst thing is that he does this 4-5 times in a row. As soon as he stops, he immediately performs a similar move, but in the opposite direction (usually the one where your Achievement: Hero is), so be very careful and dodge in time.
- Double Strike: He draws his daggers, dashes quickly towards you, and delivers a double slash. As soon as you see that he is approaching you, immediately jump off in the other direction.
- Lightning Rod: He raises his spear and charges it with lightning, and a small circle appears on the ground. The boss then jumps into the air and slams the spear into the spot where the circle is, creating a small explosion that hits everything around. It is very easy to dodge this attack as the circle does not move.
- Spear Spin: He spins his spear and slams it into an area in front of him, dealing damage. An electric charge passes through the ground, imposing an appropriate status on the character.
- Lightning Strike: A small purple mark appears on your character, and after a couple of seconds, a circle appears around him. At the same time, Childe will raise his spear to collect electricity. When this happens, you need to immediately start running, because powerful lightning will hit the ground. The best thing you can do is change character and use Elemental Burst to completely avoid the attack.

As soon as you defeat this second version of Tartaglia, he will change again, appearing before you in a new armor. The battle with him is a combination of the two previous phases and a couple of new attacks. He will again be able to shoot you with a bow and summon a whale, as well as strike with a spear. As for the new movements, they look like this:
- Double Strike: He teleports to you and strikes with both hands. Nothing dangerous, especially if you notice in advance that he is teleporting and run away in time. Another variant of this attack is that he strikes once and then slashes. Nothing too bad either. In the third variation, he does a crosscut and immediately drops his weapon. Note that this attack has a wide range and he can turn around after the first hit, so be very careful.
- Fountain Kick: It hits from afar, and then several pillars of water emerge from the ground. They are easy to dodge by simply jumping to the side.
- Water Slash: He will perform a slash but will not attempt to get close to you. After hitting, several water beams will appear, aimed directly at you. Again, step aside
- Electrocircle: It makes a vertical cut, creating a beam in the form of a circle that moves towards you. Before this attack, the enemy stops moving, so it is easy to calculate.
- Mega waterfall of arrows: he will start charging his Onion and aim at the ceiling, and huge circles will appear on the floor. Run to a safe place (usually the center of the room) and wait until the attack ends.

All in all, this is a very fun fight. After about a couple of minutes, you will see patterns in his movements, which will greatly simplify the battle. Once you've dealt with the boss, watch the new cutscene to complete the quest. As a reward, you will receive 800 adventure points, 30 source stones, 38,100 Mora, 4 hero experience and 7 magical enhancement ore.
A Turning Point
Watch several cut-scenes in which the adepts decide to help you in the battle with the awakened god Childe. Ningguang will create monster fighting platforms on which Guizhong ballistas will be mounted. They will be used by adepts to destroy the enemy. You will need to protect them from Fatui agents.
Protect Guizhong 's Ballista
At first glance it may seem that this will be a difficult battle, but in reality it is quite simple. After the fight starts, you will see that one ballista is directly in front of you, and two more to the left and right. Next to them are 3 portals, from which enemies related to different elements will come out, including Anemo.
They will practically not pay any attention to you, trying to destroy the ballista. Therefore, do not waste time on your defense, concentrating all your strength on doing as much damage as possible to enemies. In the upper left corner of the screen, you can see the health of the siege weapon. Keep an eye on these indicators and try to protect those ballista who have the fewest lives left.

After the first wave of enemies, the ancient god will attack you with a powerful energy blast. He will hit the center of the platform, so move away from the middle of the platform to avoid damage. Subsequently, he will shoot at you from time to time, so be careful and dodge the projectiles when you see the red ring closing under him.
Then you will start receiving buffs from adepts that will increase your attacks, defense and speed. You will be able to kill enemies with 1-2 hits. However, opponents will start exiting all portals, attacking all 3 ballistas at the same time. Therefore, do not relax ahead of time. After dealing with all the opponents, watch a spectacular cutscene and collect a well-deserved reward: 800 adventure points, 30 source stones, 38,100 Mora, 4 hero experience, a monolith fragment and 7 magical enhancement ore.
The Fond Farewell
Find Zhongli
Head to Wangsheng Funeral Home, located south of the gift shop. Talk to the ferryman. You will learn that the guy went to the Northern Kingdom Bank. Move there and watch some videos. You will see Signora again and learn a lot about Zhongli. Then leave the bank and start the ceremony.
Head to the Yujing Terrace and take part in the ritual
Start climbing the stairs to the terrace and approach the two groups of people. They are greatly disturbed by recent events. Watch some videos of Keqing, Ningguang and Ganyu.

Talk to all three cute girls and then chat with Zhongli. The conversation will turn to the new region - Inazuma, as well as its archon. Very soon you have to go to a new area.
This chapter will then come to its logical end. For the quest, you will receive 750 adventure points, 30 sourcestones, 35,925 Mora, Memory of Immovable Crystals, 4 hero experience and 7 magical enhancement ore.
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