Offspring of death itself Hogwarts Legacy - side mission, giving the player access to the vivarium, which will give the opportunity to breed magical creatures. This material will tell you how to start and complete the quest, sequentially going through all its stages.
Passage of the quest "The offspring of death itself"
How to start a task
- Location: Help-room
This quest continues the Deek chain and opens after completing the quest "The fate of the house elf". To access these additional missions, you must also complete the story stage "Charles Rockwood Trial".

You can find the desired task in the task log or on the overview map. If you don't already have one, you need to complete the specified pre-orders.
After talking to the elf in the help-room, the quest will begin, sending you in search of thestrals for your future menagerie.
Rescue the male Thestral and the female Thestral
If you don't have these fabulous animals in your collection yet, you'll have to get a couple first. Go to the point indicated on the map where thestrals will graze. As you get closer to them, you will see their gender at the top of the screen. Use the Grab Bag enchantment to save the female and the male.
Buy the magical breeding pen recipe
You will also have to go to the store and buy a drawing of the corral itself, where magical animals can live. Go to the map of Hogsmeade and use the local travel point, then head to the shop of tomes and scrolls, where the necessary scheme is sold for 1000 gold. Flip through the scrolls in the assortment of the store, you may want to buy something else for your future menagerie.
After acquiring it, return to the help-room to the house elf.
Conjure a breeding pen
After the next conversation, go through the opened door - on this site you need to place a pen for thestrals. From the spell menu, select "items for creatures" in sequence, then "pen for breeding" and position the building on the plane with the mouse.

Use the breeding pen to force thestrals to mate
Approaching the newly built stables, interact with them and settle two Thestrals there. Now use the book near the stalls and select "breeding". All activities will take half an hour of real time, so you can relax or temporarily switch to other gaming activities.

Comb and feed your offspring
When the timer counts down the specified time, you will find their cub in a clearing with thestrals. Feed and comb him with the spells shown in the screenshot. More details about these and other enchantments in the game will tell our other article.
Complete the mission
It remains to return to the help-room and talk with Deek. You will receive 180 experience points, but what is more important is the acquired opportunity to finally breed various magical creatures.

We hope our guide helped you complete the "Descendants of Death Itself" quest in Hogwarts: Legacy and open a vivarium in your help-room. Please leave any additions or comments in the comments, where you can also share other impressions on the topic of the article.
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