In Genshin Impact Karibert is the task of the archons and the sixth chapter of the third Thoma main storyline. During it, you have to explore the house for clues, create the Forbidden Nameless Medicine of the Royal Court, follow the hilichurl, do research and find Karibert. If you're having trouble picking up and completing this quest, check out our guide.
How to start the quest "Caribert"
Before you can take on this mission, you will have to deal with a number of conditions listed below:
- Reach at least Adventure Rank 35. We have given some useful tips for increasing it in separate material.
- Complete the previous quest in the main storyline called "The Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises" .
When all the requirements are met, you should automatically receive the required quest. It will be added to your quest log - open it by pressing the "J" key, and then select a mission and start tracking it. If for some reason this did not happen, then try logging out of your account, wait 20-30 minutes and restart the game.
Achievement: Fated Encounter
Speak to Kaya at the Jafar Tavern
First of all, you will need to chat with Masrur, who is waiting for you at the docks of Port Ormos. You will receive a Letter from a friend who wants to meet you at the Jafar Tavern. Wait for the next day (16:00-18:00) using the Paimon menu, and then go to the specified institution (it is nearby).
Kaeya will sit at one of the tables. Sit next to him and start a dialogue with him. Dainsleif will join you shortly. After completing the conversation, you have to go to the forest of Avidya.

Explore the inside of the house and defeat the monsters
Travel to the statue of Dendro Archon near Gandhvarva, and then head north to the glowing marker ahead. Climb up the hill and go to the beds. Dainsleif will want to explore the area.

Then go to the hut a little higher, open it and go inside. Examine the objects highlighted with white triangles (they are shown in the screenshots below). After examining all things, exit the house to the street.

Outside, Pyro and Geo will be waiting for you. slimes. Deal with them. After that, the second group of opponents will attack you, which will also consist of the slugs of the indicated elements. We advise you to use Hydro, Cryo and Electro attacks against them, as well as blows with a two-handed sword. Having dealt with the enemies, talk with Dainsleif.

Light a fire
After the battle, go to the nearby fire with a pot and light it up using any Pyro attack. Then the conversation with Paimon starts. She will ask you about how you feel about her, and about your adventures with your brother. You can choose any answers, as they will not affect the plot, but only change a couple of lines.
When you wake up, you will find Dainsleif nearby, and Paimon will disappear somewhere. The task will come to an end, and you will unlock the achievement "Night of the Wandering Stars". You will also be given a reward: 625 adventure points, 2 hero books, 25 thousand pestilence and 4 magical enhancement ores.
Who is allowed to laugh at fate
How to create the Royal Court's Forbidden Nameless Medicine
First of all, look into the hut, from which unusual sounds are heard. You will meet a Terrible Man near the entrance. Talk to him and enter the house. Here you will find a sick hilichurl.
Exit the shack and talk to Eide, who will be waiting for you near the fire. He will say that he is going to create a Potion that should help his son regain his mind, but for this he will need our help. He will give you a strange Mushroom, and then he will say that you will also need Sumeru curiosities: Kalpalata Lotus And Sumeru Rose.

If you have the necessary plants, then approach the alchemy table and click on the "Create" option. Then select the desired elixir and craft it. You will unlock the trophy "Not a fatal disease yet". Talk to Hilichurl's father again.
Next, you need to feed the Potion with divine energy - for this, head to the statue of Dendro Archon, which stands on the cliff below. Interact with her and watch a short cutscene. Now return to the hut and give the medicine to the hilichurl. However, it will not affect the creature in any way.
Defeat monsters and collect unusual mushrooms for a potion
Eide will ask you to go to a waterfall located nearby to collect water, which is necessary for growing unusual mushrooms. The reservoir you need is in the south - just plan there and take water. Next, go back and give the bottle to Eida.
The man will leave, asking you to look after the harvest. Soon the character will be attacked molds and carrots. You will need to deal with two groups of enemies. We advise you to collect opponents in one place with the help of Anemo abilities, and then hit them with explosions of elements that hit the area.
Having dealt with the threat, talk to Eide again and tell him about what happened. Thanks to fertilizers, mushrooms will grow quite quickly. Collect a couple of mushrooms, and prepare additional dusky roses and calpalata lotuses. You will need to make a new portion of the potion on the alchemy table.
Then again go to the statue of the Archons. A cutscene will start in which you will see that the son of Eide has left the shack and gone somewhere. This task will come to an end. As a reward, you will receive 775 adventure points, 31 thousand pestilence, 3 hero books and 5 magical enhancement ore.
Crying at the sunset of fate
Start following the hilichurl
Jump off the cliff where the Archon statue stands and fly towards the quest marker, then land and enter the cave. Get to the glowing light and watch a new cutscene. Eide will realize that the departed Hilichurl is not his son, but you still decide to follow him further.

Unknown Sanctuary (where to find runes)
Run forward and enter the strange fog (before that, we advise you to add characters to the Pyro team, as they will help you defeat the boss). This will take you to the Unknown Sanctuary. Move on and fight the three Hilichurls. Walk forward, and on the left you will find the Achievement: Gate of Rebirth (near them, you can also change the squad).

In the spacious hall, open the usual chest on the right, and then turn left, climb the stairs and enter the purple portal. You will be taken to a new location. Walk down the corridor until a new cutscene starts. Then deal with the Electro and Hydro slimes. Before you go to the next star teleport, take the contents of the chest on the left.
Run along the corridor forward and go up the stairs to the right. You will find yourself in a huge hall where you will need to solve a small riddle by finding 3 runes and opening a passage to the lower level. So, first of all deal with Pyro and Hydro Slugs to unlock first rune, similar to an orange rhombus.

Next, climb the stairs up and to the right - you will find another rune hidden behind bars. To get to it, go down a little and enter the purple portal ahead. As a result, you will find yourself in the same location, but turned upside down. Come forward and take second rune from the pedestal.
Now go up the stairs on the left and interact with the console cube to open the grate at the top. Go through the portal again to return to the normal hall, turn right, climb the stairs, enter the open passage, collect the contents of the rich chest and enter the star teleport. Coming out of it, you will see in front of you third rune.

When you pick up the yellow diamond, the grate on the left will open and you can jump down to the center of the temple. After going down, insert three runes into the center of the triangle, and then open the door.
How to defeat the messenger of doom
During the cut-scene, you will encounter the Herald of Doom, which is a Cryo variant of the elite enemies of the corresponding type. For this reason, we recommend that you use Pyro, Hydro and/or Electro characters against him. Naturally, it will be useful to have a good healer or shielder with you.
When you get his health down to 15-20%, he will create an extremely strong Cryo Noelle: Protector and start using more deadly attacks. To quickly remove the barrier, attack the enemy with fire and electrical abilities. Also try not to get hit by the Herald of Doom.
As soon as you remove the Noelle: Protector from the enemy, he will immediately die. Talk to Ada and open the chest near the window. Then continue exploring the sanctuary by going forward along the corridor. Collect the contents of another chest before reaching a new spacious area. Run across the bridge and interact with the cube to open the door.
Go inside and watch the new cutscene. As part of it, you will leave the cave and return to the hut to the hilichurl, who will come to his senses and be able to talk to Eide. Also talk to the man. This task will come to an end. As a reward, you will receive 625 adventure points, 25 thousand pestilence, 2 hero books and 4 magical enhancement ores. You will also unlock the trophy "On the Other Side of Destiny".
Destiny's Destiny
Enter the cave and go to the mysterious statue
You have to go back to the cave, following the quest marker and entering the fog. After infiltrating the Unknown Sanctuary, run to the mysterious statue along the same path as before. Electro slimes will be waiting for you near the gate. After dealing with them, go up the corridor and fight Hydro and Cryo slimes.
Walk across the bridge and interact with the cube to open the second Achievement: Gate. Next, stand on the balcony to start a new cut-scene. You won't find anything here, so decide to return to the house. Chat with Eide again. You will see that the Hilichurl has escaped.
Where to find clues and Caribert
Go outside and approach the wooden box on the left side, which is indicated by the arrow. Examine the evidence and run further to the next marker. Chat with the forest watchmen.
Keep searching. Soon, on the edge of the cliff, you will find the desired hilichurl. Talk to him and then watch the cut-scene. You will return to the hut. Watch the new video. Next, you will wake up in your reality. Chat with Dinsleif.

On this task and the whole chain will come to an end. You will unlock an achievement called "Karibert" and also receive as a reward 775 adventure points, 60 primogems, 31 thousand mora, and 2 Guide to Admonition", "Wit" and "Honesty". You will also be given 3 Hero Books and 5 Enchant Magic Ore.
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