    The Tale of Rowland Dubs at Hogwarts Legacy: How to Follow the Map and Find the Wand

    The Tale of Rowland Dubs at Hogwarts Legacy: How to Follow the Map and Find the Wand


    In Hogwarts Legacy the Tale of Rowland Doobs is side mission, in which the player has to save the uncle of a Hufflepuff student. During the quest, you can uncover the secrets of the past main antagonist of the game - the goblin Ranrok. If you have any difficulties during the passage of this mission, then study this guide, which discusses in detail all its stages.

    Passage of the quest "The Tale of Rowland Dubs"

    How to start a mission

    • Recommended level: 10
    • Rewards: "Handmade Necklace" appearance; 180XP
    • You need to complete the story quest "Hurtcote's Helmet"

    When completing a mission, rowan broth will be a necessary attribute. We advise you to stock up on them as much as possible, as well as plants and potions to enhance your combat abilities. After all, as you progress, you will need to fight with a lot of goblins.

    The task is issued by a girl named Adelaide Dubs. After passing the story mission "Helmet of Urtkot", the student will send a letter in which she will report the missing uncle and ask the main character for help.

    You can find Adelaide on the Hogwarts map: Astronomy Wing - Transfiguration Room. After teleporting, go to the courtyard, as shown on the map above.

    In a conversation, you will learn that after the death of her parents, it was her uncle who took care of her niece. Therefore, it is important for a girl to understand the reason for the mysterious disappearance of a loved one.

    Find Rowland Dubs' Camp

    The path to the desired point and the view of the camp from above.

    Having reached the last stop of Rowland, it is necessary to clear the area and look for clues.

    Explore the camp area to find a clue

    Use the Revelio spell to find the map and trader's diary under the shed.

    If you read the last notes in the diary, it becomes clear that Dubs was kidnapped.

    In the same camp there is a cave with a chest where you can get equipment. We destroy the barrier with any destructive spell. For example, "Bombard", "Confringo" or "Incendio".

    Use Rowland's map to follow his trail

    The map of Rowland Dubs in Hogwarts Legacy shows the location for the further passage of the mission.

    The goblin hideout is very close. It's easy to get to - place a marker on the Corrow Ruins teleportation point and follow the route.

    The map shows the path and a view of the location from above.

    Make your way to the goblin outpost

    To find the kidnapped merchant, you need to get into the very depths of the goblin base. You can go through in stealth mode using the Deillumination Spell and tricks to distract the enemy.

    While invisible, look for interactive objects with the Revelio spell, as in the screenshot. Use a basic spell on them. Enemies will be distracted and you can sneak past them unnoticed.

    You can also go into open confrontation. In this case, all available potions and plants will come in handy. There are a lot of opponents on the territory - in addition to the supporters of Ranrok, a troll may appear on the battlefield, it will greatly complicate the passage.

    It is also important to remember that in stealth mode, moving on a broomstick is dangerous, and sometimes not available at all.

    In search of Rowland, find the stairs as shown in the screenshot below.

    You need to climb the wall of the fortress and enter the stone arch.

    Inside, find the grate, behind it is the passage to the dungeon "Ruins of Corrow".

    Investigate the Goblin Outpost and find Rowland Dubs

    In this dungeon, you can combine stealth with an open encounter. Some rooms can be cleared, while others can be passed stealthily. Spoiler: at the very end of the quest, you will have to return to this place to leave the dungeon, so if the enemies remain in the location, you will have to sneak past them with a de-illumination spell.

    First of all, you must fight the goblins. There is no way to avoid combat here. According to the plot, you will need to return to this fork.

    Next, you should find a brown door with gears, as in the screenshot below.

    Behind it you will find the character you need. He asks for help to find his magic wand, without it it will not be possible to get out of prison.

    Where to find Rowland's wand

    Turn around and move straight ahead to the passage with the stairs.

    Climbing up, you will find yourself in a spacious location with a round mechanical door. There is a stove next to it on a ledge. Light the logs below it with the Incendio spell to move on.

    We recommend that you carefully explore the next location, you can find a lot of good items there.

    From the very beginning there will be a fork.

    If you go to the left, you will find a chest with a stand for a chorus of frogs in the help-room.

    To find Rowland Dubs' wand, you need to turn right. She lies on the table.

    Give Rowland his wand

    After taking the find, return to Dubs' dungeon and give the wand. Talk to the merchant.

    During the dialogue, you can find out Ranrok's past and the reason why he dislikes wizards so much.

    After you say goodbye to Dubs, the quest will come to an end and you will receive your reward.
