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    Birds With Broken Wings in Cyberpunk 2077: how to install a morphimplant

    Fenthick Walkthroughs 0



    Birds With Broken WingsCyberpunk 2077 is the eighth story mission in the Phantom Liberty expansion. Jay seems to be playing a double game, but you are already involved in this deadly game, and the stakes are at maximum. In this guide, we will go through the stages of the mission, in which Reed and Alex will propose their strategy for victory, intercept data from the transmitters and install the morphimplant.

    Walkthrough of the "Birds With Broken Wings" quest in Cyberpunk 2077

    How to start a task

    The quest will begin immediately after completing the previous quest in this chain - "Black and Red", no special actions are required. If you switched to other tasks, you can enable tracking manually at any time using the task log.

    The first goal after receiving the mission will be to wait for Reed's call; you can speed up this process by using the “Wait” option in the character menu.

    Get to Alex's hideout

    After the game day, you will talk to Reed on the phone, and you can also read text messages from Jay and Alex. It’s the latter that you need to visit at the Moth, so head back to the Shore Slums and look into the bar, which has already become the main headquarters of your company.

    Go to the utility rooms behind the counter and go down to the boiler room. The spy duo is already assembled, start a dialogue and discuss a plan for further action.

    Then go up to the office with them to take part in the briefing.

    Talk to Alex

    When the briefing is over, follow the girl and take the offered device. With an intelligence level of 10, you can adjust the plan directly in the dialogue, noting that hacking one tracking station is unlikely to be enough. Otherwise it will just be done later.

    Then leave the shelter and move to the “Chapel” movement point.

    Conversation with Jay

    A little later, Jay will get in touch, inviting you to a personal conversation at a designated place. She will also update the firmware, which will give you 3 biochip points. It is better to leave this dialogue for a while, since after connecting to the second transmitter you will have several free hours of waiting.

    When this happens, move to the nearest travel point “Luxor Peak” and, having reached the meeting point, chat with your partner. After the conversation, you can call Reed and tell him the news.

    Access transmitters

    Once you reach the Pacifica Church, climb onto the roof of the marked building and eliminate the enemies guarding the transmitter. The connection attempt will not be successful, Alex will notice that he will need to use another tracking station.

    The second point of interest is located northeast of the current position. Once there, go around the marked building and climb onto its roof.

    The transmitter is not receiving power and needs to be restarted - talk to Luca right next to the device and find out where the switch is. In fact, it is literally ten steps away: of all those located on the roof, you need the one closest to the edge. When approaching them, the child will prompt with the words “hot” and “cold” the relevance of the nearest device. To save you from childish games, we have marked the required remote control in the screenshot below.

    After interacting with the switch, return to the transmitter and read the necessary data. After this, you need to wait a few hours, which you can spend talking with Jay if you haven’t done so before.

    Talk to Alex

    You can actually skip straight to the next stage of the quest, but you can also optionally visit Alex at the Moth and spend time together. The program includes alcohol, music, awkward dancing and some personal talk.

    Visit Farida's clinic

    The easiest way to get to the clinic is from the Golden Pacific Boulevard teleport. After moving, follow the marker to the entrance and call the intercom, the password is the phrase “You collect souvenirs from the time of the Unification War” .

    Go inside and talk to Farida. By the way, Reed is already here and it seems that he is also ready to change the rules of the game - to his own.

    Sit in the operating chair and let Farida perform the manipulation of installing the morphimplant. Here Johnny will visit you and express out loud the thoughts that have been in the air for a long time: the tangle of deception has become too entangled and V will have to make a choice literally at random, having no information about Jay’s true motives or the authenticity of Reed’s intentions.

    The mission will be completed after leaving the clinic, changing to the next task - “Identity Crisis”.