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    Clash! Great Mine! in Honkai Star Rail: disperse the rioters and defeat Giovanni

    Zorthrus Walkthroughs 0



    In Honkai: Star Rail Clash! Great Mine! is adventure mission, and also part of the event "Aether Wars" and the quest chain “Interstellar Festival-Tournament”. As part of it, you will need to disperse the mayhem using aurumaton spiders, find new ethereal spirits and defeat Giovanni (Frost Wanderer). If you have any difficulties receiving and completing the task, then study our guide.

    Passage of the mission “Clash! Great Mine!

    How to start a task

    It starts automatically immediately after completing the previous quest in the series called “Battle of strategies! Hertha Space Station!, so take a look at your mission log and start tracking the corresponding mission.

    Meet March 7

    The first thing you will need to do is chat with a friend in the Administrative District. She will ask you to go to the next area. To do this, move to Kamnegrad and go to the entrance to the Big Mine. Chat with March 7 again.

    When the main menu of the Aether Wars event opens, select a new victory zone. Familiarize yourself with the challenges' objectives and the enemies you'll encounter along the way. You will mainly have to fight with mechomorphs and anthropomorphs, so we advise you to assemble a squad consisting of aliens and anthropomorphs. The picture below shows an example of such a command.

    Note: The level of your creatures must be at least level 5, so we advise you to first go through online matches in order to collect the required amount of data and chips to upgrade your spirits.

    The map below shows the location of all challenges (duels with players), chests and ethereal spirits that can be found in the territory of this victory zone. Next we will tell you in detail how to get to them all.

    Disperse the lawless people 1

    After appearing in the new area, go through and chat with the Topaz support squad. You will meet an old friend and have the opportunity to talk with her. Then go up the slope and ask the robot guide - he will tell you about a new type of puzzle.

    Climb even higher, and then go to the next quest marker. Next, interact with the guide to gain control of the stealth bomb. You will need to quietly eliminate the enemy, like in a quest "Market of the Future 2". To do this, wait until the guard turns his back to you, and then run towards him (RMB) and explode (LMB) when he is in the explosion radius.

    Common Chest, Ethereal Spirit "Soldier" and Eager Youth

    Go forward to a spacious area. First, fight a trio of level 5 Silvermane Guard soldiers. Attack them with aliens to deal increased damage to them. Use the Gunner skill to strengthen the suppressor for joint attacks. Also use your ult on him so that he gains energy faster.

    By winning this battle, you will receive the ethereal spirit “Soldier of the Silver-Maned Guardians,” which is an anthropomorphic spirit. Now you can open a regular chest located at the border of the map, to the right of the tents.

    Go a little to the right and challenge the Impatient Young Man to a duel. He will put gunners and security officers against you. First of all, deal with the gunners so that they stop inflicting additional attacks. Then deal with the rest of the enemies.

    Disperse the lawless people 2

    Once you've collected all the items, head west to the next quest marker. Talk to the guide again to gain control of the spider robot. This time you will need to blow up two guards at the same time.

    Wait until the patrolling guard has his back turned to you, then run to the cobblestone ahead and hide behind it. Again, wait until the guard approaches another KMM employee near the minecart, then quickly run towards them and blow them up.

    Ethereal Spirit "Spider"

    Move forward to the next marker. On the way, deal with three spider automatons. As a result, you will receive your own Spider Automaton as an Ethereal Spirit.

    Disperse the lawless people 3

    Run forward to the next marker, and then talk to the guide to gain control of the stealth bomb. Stand right next to the passage, hiding behind the iron beams.

    Then wait until one of the guards turns his back to you and walks back a little. Quickly run out of cover and explode before the second guard has time to shoot at you.

    Automaton Fanatic, Tormented Miner, and Naive Gambler

    Keep moving forward. On the way, deal with the next three soldiers. Then start climbing up the metal platforms. Once up, open the regular chest near the house.

    Move right to the spatial anchor and bridge. Walk forward and on the right you will encounter an Automaton Fanatic, who will pit two Fake Weavers and two Spider Automata against you. Deal with the weavers first, as they cause significant area damage. Then finish off the spiders.

    Go further and fight the Exhausted Miner on the left, who will pit two imaginary weavers and two tramps against you. Again, deal with the weavers first. Continue running across the bridge until you reach the Naive Player. Here you have to defeat a grizzly automaton and two silver-maned guard soldiers.

    Anthropomorphs will help defeat the automaton, and aliens will help the soldiers. When the grizzly calls spiders, you can ignore them, as in this version they will not run towards your creatures and explode. So keep hitting the robot. In addition, after his death, the spiders will immediately explode themselves.

    Luxurious chest and ethereal spirit "Vagabond"

    After defeating the naive player, you will be able to take the contents of the luxurious chest behind him. Move on and fight the trio of Vagabonds for the Vagabond Ethereal Spirit.

    Disperse the lawless people 4

    Go to the next marker and talk to the guide again to gain control of the spider. This time you will need to destroy three opponents at once.

    So, first approach the fence of beams, boxes and barrels on the right side, thereby getting as close as possible to your goals. This must be done when the patrolling team leader has his back to you.

    As soon as the team leader starts walking back, come out of cover, quickly run forward so that all three targets are within the explosion radius, and click on the LMB. If you are lucky, you will be able to kill all the enemies at once.

    Regular chests

    Go back a little to the bridge and take the branch on the left. Once down, you can fight three rogues and open a regular chest.

    Now you can follow the marker again. Run east and deal with the spider automatons along the way. Then go to the marker, talk to March 7 and interact with the minecart. She will go down and attract the attention of the guards. Next, activate the bomb.

    Continue running forward and turn right at the fork. In this branch, you can fight three tramps and pick up the contents of another regular chest.

    How to defeat Giovanni

    Return to the main path and go to the marker. Watch the video, and then move to the very first teleport. Here Giovanni will be waiting for you, who will bring to battle the shadow of the everwinter, the frosty wanderer, the spider automaton and the soldier of the silver-maned guards. We advise you to take more anthropomorphs for this battle.

    For example, your team may consist of a lieutenant, a gunner, a tramp and a chubby guy. The first one will apply a shield and counterattack enemies, the second one will carry out additional attacks (use his skill on the lieutenant) and speed up the filling of the ult, the third one will increase the damage of the entire team, and the fourth one will heal the squad.

    Of course, your fighters must have at least level 5. Focus all your attacks on the Frostwalker. The fact is that he himself will finish off his allies, since he will restore his health at the expense of his comrades’ HP. Moreover, this enemy is capable of inflicting enormous damage over an area.

    Maxim and the ethereal spirit “Frosty Wanderer”

    When you defeat Giovanni, the challenge and the quest itself will come to an end, however, we do not advise you to leave the Victory Zone, as there are still several places to explore. Move to the bridge and then call the lift. Sit on it and go down.

    Ahead you will immediately meet Maxim, who will pit a tramp, two spiders and a soldier against you. You can use the same command against them as you did in the battle with Giovanni. Having dealt with him, go to the right and fight three soldiers guarding the passage to the slope.

    Then start going up the slope and on the right, near the tents, deal with three more tramps. Climb higher and fight two frosty wanderers. We recommend using the same squad with which you fought against Giovanni.

    Concentrate all your attacks on one enemy to quickly kill at least one wanderer. Note that opponents will steal health from each other, so hit the one who has fewer lives. Don't forget to heal your allies with mumps.

    Having dealt with your opponents, you will receive the “Frost Wanderer” ethereal spirit and unlock the “Mask Medal” achievement. You can now leave the victory zone since you have completed all the challenges there.