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    Heaviest of Hearts in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find prosecutor Georgina

    MoriSensei Walkthroughs 0



    "Heaviest of Hearts" in the Phantom Liberty expansion Cyberpunk 2077 - one of the last orders from Mr. Hands. In this task you will need to help a certain Michael Maldonado find the prosecutor Georgina and convince her to delete Michael’s testimony against her son. His story is ambiguous, and our guide will help you figure it out, find the prosecutor and get the iconic pistol.

    How to receive an order “Heaviest of Hearts”

    The quest is only available after completing the Phantom Liberty main storyline and Mr. Hands' quest " Interregnum " The customer is located near the Golden Pacific Boulevard fast travel point.

    Michael Maldonado will be waiting for you on site. He will tell you his controversial story: a man had to testify against his son, whom he considers an honest man. Michael was allegedly threatened that if he did not do this, it would be even worse for his son.

    Michael wants V to talk to prosecutor Georgina Zembinski “as best he can.”

    Michael will also say that she often visits the Heavy Hearts club. On the way there, V will receive a message from Mr. Hands. This club is dear to him because he holds important meetings there, so Hands will ask V not to start any shootouts inside.

    Walkthrough of the “Heaviest of Hearts” order

    Nightclub "Heavy Heart"

    Follow the objective marker to the club and enter through the main entrance.

    Inside you will have several ways to find out about Georgina's exact location:

    • Ask the waiters. One of them will tell you that the prosecutor is in the VIP area on the second floor.
    • Talk to the barmaid. She doesn't know where Georgina is now, but she knows someone who can tell her.

    You will find this man, Jack, in the toilet on the right side of the club. For a small fee, 550 eurodollars, he will help you. His informants will tell you that they saw Georgina in the room No. 4 VIP zones.

    Find Georgina Zembinski

    Initially, the door to the VIP area is closed, and you can only get there by turning off the lock. From the entrance to the VIP area, go right into a small room with a security guard and vending machines.

    By any available means, sneak through the door under the “Staff only” sign, and then through the first door. There will be a terminal on the far wall where you can disable both the door lock to the VIP area and the cameras.

    Now you can enter the VIP zone itself. Go up to the second floor and, avoiding open conflict, go to the end of the corridor into the room behind the sofa.

    It's worth noting that you don't have to go to room 4 first. If you already know that Georgina is in room 6, then you can go there straight away. This will not ruin the task.

    Inside, talk to the dancing prosecutor. He will just point out that Georgina is in room No. 6. It is located to the right of room No. 4. You can get into it from the hall only if you have 20 points "Technique".

    However, you can get into the room in another way. On the right there is a technical corridor with an emergency door. Hack it and go into the room.

    Here you should immediately pay attention to the pink suitcase. It contains Eurodollars and iconic pistol "Prosecutor".

    Conversation with Georgina Zembinski

    At first, Georgina and her partner will be hostile, but as soon as they find out that V is from Michael, they will slow down. Georgina will explain the situation with Michael's son. Eric Maldonado is a robber, arsonist, scumbag. In addition, he has a connection with a major drug dealer, Hector Sacristino.

    Michael Maldonado betrayed his son by confirming during interrogation his connection with Hector. He was blinded by the money he was promised for his testimony. Georgina will offer to listen to the recording of Michael's words, and then remove his name from the testimony, making it anonymous. After listening you will have a choice:

    • Agree with Georgina.
    • Refuse and order the entry to be deleted.

    The choice of ending affects only the final lines of Michael and Mr. Hands and does not have any consequences.

    Select the option “Okay. Agreed"

    Georgina will remove Michael's name from the entry. Return to the customer. Michael will be very upset, because he wanted not only to remove his name, but also the entire recording of the interrogation, so that there would be no charges against his son. He will refuse to pay, but no matter what choice you make, he will still transfer V 2000 Eurodollars.

    Mr. Hands will also be dissatisfied, but will pay V a reward for completing the order - 4000 Eurodollars.

    Select “I don’t believe you.” Delete readings"

    Georgina will be upset by this choice. She'll ask Hank to deal with V, but the shooting can be avoided if you have "Body" is greater than 9.

    After this, return to the customer. Both Michael and Hands will be pleased. And if you completed the task secretly and did not engage in shootouts, then Mr. Hands will praise V in addition to the main reward, 4000 Eurodollars, will pay extra 2000. Thus, with a secret passage and in this version of the ending you can get the greatest reward.

    “I spoke with Mr. Maldonado and he was very pleased with your work. Keep it up. I'm glad you were able to settle this matter without too much fuss. The client is happy, which means I am too. I’m closing the order and sending you a small bonus.”

    We hope our guide helped you successfully complete the “With a Heavy Heart” mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.