In Genshin Impact Kaeya is 4 star character, which uses a one-handed sword in combat and is of the Cryo type. In a squad, he can act as a primary or secondary damage dealer with a bias in support. You can get it for free as part of the Crash Course story quest. If you want to know about his best builds, weapons and artifacts, then check out our guide.
Features and abilities of Keii
With proper pumping and use, he can show himself well in battles with bosses and groups of ordinary mobs, however, in terms of versatility and overall strength, this swordsman still loses to such top damage dealers as Diluc, Klee or Tartaglia. It has the following benefits:
- Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst have a small cooldown.
- The elemental explosion effect persists after switching characters.
If we consider the shortcomings of this hero, then they include a small area of effect of the elemental skill, as well as low team synergy for passive abilities and constellations.
How to play Kaya
Freeze Enemies Quickly

The elemental skill "Frostgnaw" has a rather short cooldown of only 6 seconds, which allows you to continuously deal Cryo damage. Combined with water or characters' Hydro skills, Kaia can permanently freeze enemies.
Use Elemental Burst for powerful reactions
The Glacial Waltz ability surrounds the character with spinning icicles that deal Cryo damage to enemies they touch. Because this effect persists even when switching heroes, it can be used to create dangerous elemental reactions. For example, combine it with Tartaglia's Hydro skills to permanently freeze enemies, or with Diluc's (Klee) Pyro skills for a devastating "Melting" effect.
Makes it easier to explore the world
This swordsman's passive skill Hidden Strength reduces stamina consumption while sprinting by 20%, making it extremely useful when exploring different locations. In addition, his elemental skill can freeze the surface of the water, allowing the team to easily reach some remote island or cross a wide body of water.
As for the rest of his passives, Cold-Blooded Strike allows the hero to regenerate 15% of his Attack Rating when hit by an elemental skill, and Glacial Heart increases the amount of elemental particles dropped by enemies frozen by Cold Lash.
Talents (constellations)
To open them, you need "character Serendipity ", which can be earned by dropping copies of the hero during prayers. So get ready for the full randomness.

- Excellent Blood - When fighting enemies that have About Cryo, the chance of landing a critical strike with basic attacks and charged attacks is increased by 15%.
- Never-Ending Performance - The duration of the elemental explosion increases by 2.5 seconds each time a mob is killed. The maximum duration can be increased by 15 seconds.
- Dance of Frost - Cold Lunge's level increases by three.
- Frozen Kiss - When the hero's health bar falls below 20%, a Noelle: Protector is activated that absorbs damage equal to 30% of Keia's maximum health for 20 seconds. The effect appears once per minute.
- Cold Embrace - Increases Ice Waltz's level by three.
- Glacial Whirlwind – Using an elemental explosion restores 15 energy and spawns an additional icicle.
Best builds for Keii
Basic Cryo DPS
Thanks to the appearance of a new set of artifacts, this swordsman can turn out to be a good damage dealer with an emphasis on critical damage. In this case, as a weapon, you can take:
- Aquila Favonia (5-star) - Increases attack by 20%. Taking damage restores health points equal to 100% of attack power and deals 200% damage to nearby enemies. The effect occurs every 15 seconds.
- Blackcliff Longsword (4-star) - Enemies killed increase attack by 12%. The effect lasts for half a minute and stacks up to three times.
- Prototype Rancour (4-Star) – Successful charged and normal hits increase your Attack Rating by 4% for 6 seconds. The effect occurs every 0.3 seconds and stacks up to four times. Can be crafted with forging.
- Harbinger of Dawn (3-star) – Increases your critical strike chance by 14% while above 90% health.

As for the set of artifacts, the following set will be the best in this case:
- Blizzard Strayer: 2 items - increase Cryo damage by 15%; 4 items - when fighting enemies with Cryo effect or Freeze, the probability of inflicting crits increases by 20 and 40%, respectively. Can be found in the dungeon "Peak of Vindagnyr".
If you are unable to assemble the previous set, then for now you can get by with the following sets:
- Gladiator’s Finale: 2 items - Increases attack power by 18%. Can be obtained from elite bosses.
- Bloodstained Chivalry: 2 items - increase physical damage by 25%. Can be obtained from the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern dungeon.
Minor Cryo DPS
A more traditional build for Keii, which aims to enhance his elemental explosion. You will be able to use this skill more often, thereby creating various elemental reactions and dealing considerable damage. This assembly becomes significantly stronger after the opening of the 6th constellation. So, as a weapon, you can take:
- Skyward Blade (5-star) – Increases your critical strike chance by 4%. When using an elemental explosion, the damage from simple and charged hits is increased by 20%, and movement speed by 10%. The effect lasts 12 seconds.
- Favonius Sword (4-Star) - Critical hits have a 60% chance to generate elemental particles that restore 6 energy. The effect occurs every 12 seconds.
- Corrupted Desire (4-star) – Increases elemental skill damage by 16% and its chance to critically hit by 6%. A budget sword for Keii that can be obtained during the event "The Chalk Prince and the Dragon" .
You can try two sets of artifacts. The first one includes the following sets:
- Blizzard Strayer: 2 items - Increase Cryo damage by 15%.
- Noblesse Oblige: 2 items - Increase elemental explosion damage by 20%. Can be found in the dungeon "Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern" .

The second set consists of one set:
- Noblesse Oblige: 2 items - Increase elemental explosion damage by 20%. Using this ability increases the Attack Rating of all team members by 20% (lasts 12 seconds).
Combination with other characters
If you plan to use Keia as your main damage dealer, then we recommend that you put together the following command:
- Primary DPS: Kaeya
- Secondary DPS: Xiangling (to create the Melting effect) or Fischl (to create Super Conductive Damage, which deals Cryo damage in an area and reduces enemies' resistance to physical damage)
- Support: Venti or Sucrose (for crowd control and creating the Elemental Reaction: Swirl effect)
- Support: Qiqi (for healing the team and gaining Ice Crushing Elemental Resonance, which increases the chance of inflicting critical hits)
If Kaeya should play the role of a secondary damage dealer in your squad, then you can supplement him with the following characters:
- Primary DPS: Tartaglia, Diluc or Razor (to create elemental reactions with an elemental skill and Keia's explosion)
- Secondary DPS: Kaeya
- Support: Venti or Sucrose (for crowd control and creating the Elemental Reaction: Swirl effect)
- Support: Barbara (for healing the team and freezing enemies, since the effect of her elemental skill remains even after switching to another character)

Leveling Keii
How to improve skills
This can be done by collecting a number of talent enhancement materials, namely:
- Teachings, Instructions, and Philosophies on "Poetry" - Obtained from the Forsaken Rift Dungeon on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- Seals of the Treasure Thieves, the Silver and Golden Ravens, are dropped by Treasure Thieves and crafted using Alchemy.
- Spirit Locket of Boreas - Can drop from Lupus Borealis Elite Boss.
How to level up a character
Get ready to collect a large number of various materials. Below is a list of them and how to get them.
- First Ascension (Level 20) – 1 Shivada Jade Sliver, 3 Calla Lilies, 3 Treasure Thieves Seals
- Second Ascension (Level 40) – 3 Shivad Jade Fragments, 2 Rime Cores, 10 Calla Lilies, 15 Treasure Thieves Seals
- Third Ascension (Level 50) – 6 Shivad Jade Fragments, 4 Frost Cores, 20 Calla Lilies, 12 Silver Crow Seals
- Ascension 4 (level 60) – 3 pieces of Shivad Jade, 8 frost cores, 30 calla lilies, 18 silver crow seals
- Fifth Ascension (level 70) - 6 pieces of Shivad Jade, 12 frost cores, 45 calla lilies, 12 golden raven seals
- Ascension 6 (Level 80) – 6 Jewel Shivad Jades, 20 Rime Cores, 60 Calla Lilies, 24 Golden Crow Seals
Shivad's Jade and Hoarfrost Core can be obtained from the Elite Boss Cryo Regisvine. Jade can also be obtained from Lupus Borealis and ancient geovishap. Calla lilies are a local curiosity of Mondstadt. IN separate guide their location is indicated.
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