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    Merchant in Palworld: where to find and how to buy Palov

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Palworld merchants are special NPCs from whom you can purchase a variety of useful items, valuable materials and some Palov. They come in several types, and you may randomly encounter them while exploring the world or find them in certain settlements. In this guide, we will show the location of all sellers and indicate their range.

    Roaming merchants in Palworld

    The most common type of sellers in the game, which can be divided into two types:

    • They wear red clothes - they sell drawings, materials and consumables.
    • They wear green clothes - they sell blueprints, ammunition, weapons and equipment.

    You may encounter any of them as follows:

    • Find in a settlement - some traveling merchants are constantly located in certain settlements, that is, when you come to them, you are guaranteed to find the seller you need (we have indicated their location below).
    • Randomly meet in the open world - the game will randomly spawn these NPCs, so you may well find a wandering merchant when exploring new locations.
    • Randomly meet at your base - sometimes wandering merchants will look into your camp, so do not forget to inspect its surroundings while returning home, because guests could very well come to you with valuable things.

    Roaming merchants are a valuable source of blueprints, which tend to have a higher rarity level than recipes unlocked with tech points. For this reason, they have higher quality and characteristics. However, their manufacture will require more materials.

    In addition, you can find many resources and ready-made items from these sellers. For example, a merchant living in a remote fishing village can sell you a cheap pistol, which you can open yourself only after reaching level 25. Thus, with the help of merchants, you will be able to get things that have not yet been unlocked, or save yourself from the need for tedious farming.

    Note that if you accidentally or intentionally kill a merchant, you will be considered a criminal and will be attacked by the guards. However, it is impossible to kill these NPCs forever, that is, after some time they will be resurrected in the same place. They only accept one currency - gold coins, so we advise you to always keep them with you.

    Red Roaming Merchant 1

    • Region: Desert City

    It can be found in the northern part of the archipelago in the indicated settlement. Go behind the stone walls, and in the market square near one of the stalls you will find the character you need.

    As for its range, you can see it in the table below. Note that you can purchase any number of items, that is, the merchant’s supplies are endless.

    Item Price
    Megasphere 920
    Mastery Fruit (Earth): Sand Tornado 2 500
    Fruit of Mastery (Earth): Stone Thrower 1 000
    Mastery Fruit (Herb): Seed Bomb 2,000
    Low quality medicines 240
    Medicines 800
    Quality medicines 3,000
    Drug for psychocontrol 10,000
    Tomato 150
    Lettuce 150
    Leather 150
    Bone 100
    Horn 300
    Frost-giving organ 100
    Quality Pala oil 300
    Tomato seeds 200
    Lettuce seeds 200

    Red Roaming Merchant 2

    • Area: Small settlement

    This village is located near the starting location, in the southern part of the archipelago. The seller himself can be found in a shack located at the bottom of the settlement. The pictures below show its exact location.

    As for its range, you can see it in the table below. Note that you can purchase any number of items, that is, the merchant’s supplies are endless.

    Item Price
    Drawing of a headband with long ears 1 500
    Witch hat drawing 1 500
    Farmer's hat blueprint 1 500
    Bowler hat drawing 1 500
    Tokotoko hat drawing 1 500
    Drawing of a hat in the form of Humoss 1 500
    Penking hat drawing 1 500
    Pal-sphere 120
    Arrow 5
    Low quality medicines 240
    Medicines 800
    Quality medicines 3,000
    Berry seeds 50
    Seeds of wheat 100
    Egg 50
    Milk 50
    red berry 50
    Wheat 100
    Leather 150
    Bone 100
    Horn 300
    Wool 100
    Electrocreating organ 200
    Venom gland 100
    Flame-making organ 100

    Red Roaming Merchant 3

    • Area: Remote fishing village

    This village is located in the southwestern part of the archipelago, on the seashore. The character you need stands in the eastern part of the settlement, next to the shack.

    As for its range, you can see it in the table below. Note that you can purchase any number of items, that is, the merchant’s supplies are endless.

    Item Price
    Megasphere 920
    Fruit of Mastery (Flame): Fire Breath 2 500
    Fruit of Mastery (Flame): Firestorm 2 500
    Mastery Fruit (Water): Water Bomb 2 500
    Low quality medicines 240
    Medicines 800
    Quality medicines 3,000
    Drug for psychocontrol 10,000
    Tomato 150
    Lettuce 150
    Leather 150
    Bone 100
    Horn 300
    Flame-making organ 50
    Quality Pala oil 300
    Tomato seeds 200
    Lettuce seeds 200

    Red Roaming Merchant 4

    • Area: Church Ruins on Marsh Plains Island

    Get to the indicated teleportation point, and then run east and jump off the cliff. In the middle of the water you will find a small island on which two merchants have settled down, standing next to a cart. Approach the one wearing a red cloak.

    As for its range, you can see it in the table below. Note that you can purchase any number of items, that is, the merchant’s supplies are endless.

    Item Price
    Drawing of a headband with long ears 1 500
    Witch hat drawing 1 500
    Farmer's hat blueprint 1 500
    Bowler hat drawing 1 500
    Tokotoko hat drawing 1 500
    Drawing of a hat in the form of Humoss 1 500
    Penking hat drawing 1 500
    Pal-sphere 120
    Arrow 5
    Low quality medicines 240
    Medicines 800
    Quality medicines 3,000
    Berry seeds 50
    Seeds of wheat 100
    Egg 50
    Milk 50
    red berry 50
    Wheat 100
    Leather 150
    Bone 100
    Horn 300
    Wool 100
    Electrocreating organ 200
    Venom gland 100
    Flame-making organ 100

    Red Roaming Merchant 5

    • Area: Small bay

    Teleport to the marked waypoint and then start running south along the coast. Soon you will see smoke from a fire ahead, near which a merchant will be sitting. As for its assortment, it is the same as that of the previous merchant.

    Red Roaming Merchant 6

    • Area: Church Ruins on the Forgotten Isle

    Move to the marked teleporter, and then move east to the coast of the island. Near the water you will find fires and a cart, near which two merchants will sit. You want the one wearing all red. As for its assortment, it is the same as that of the previous merchant.

    Green Roaming Merchant 1

    • Area: Remote fishing village

    This village is located in the southwestern part of the archipelago, on the seashore. The character you need is located almost in the center of the settlement, next to the hut.

    As for its range, you can see it in the table below. Note that you can purchase any number of items, that is, the merchant’s supplies are endless.

    Item Price
    Royal Crown Drawing 1 500
    Golden Crown Drawing 1 500
    Helmet drawing 1 500
    Academician's hat drawing 1 500
    Fur armor for heat protection 3000
    Heat protection underwear 1000
    Ring of Fire Protection 1000
    Fire crossbow 25000
    Firebolt 15
    Cheap gun 16 600
    Primitive cartridge 120
    Pistol cartridge 120
    Rifle cartridge 220
    rifle cartridge 220
    Assault rifle cartridge 150

    Green Roaming Merchant 2

    • Region: Desert City

    It can be found in the northern part of the archipelago in the indicated settlement. Go behind the stone walls, and in the market square near one of the stalls you will find the character you need.

    As for its range, you can see it in the table below. Note that you can purchase any number of items, that is, the merchant’s supplies are endless.

    Item Price
    Fedora hat drawing 1 500
    Cylinder drawing 1 500
    Drawing of a cocked hat 1 500
    Explorer Hat Blueprint 1 500
    Drawing of a hat in the form of a grinning Totoko 1 500
    Drawing of a hat in the form of Catress 1 500
    Fur armor for heat protection 3000
    Fur armor protection against cold 3000
    Heat protection underwear 1000
    Cold protection underwear 1000
    Musket 37 600
    Primitive cartridge 120
    Pistol cartridge 120
    Rifle cartridge 220
    rifle cartridge 220
    Assault rifle cartridge 150

    Palami Traders in Palworld

    In appearance, they look almost identical to the roaming merchants, except that they are dressed all in blue. You will be able to purchase from them common and rare Pals, which are allowed to be caught by law. The rarer the creature, the higher the price. You can find them in settlements or in the open world near bonfires.

    Note that if you lose your Pal, for example, by not picking it up after death or by deliberately abandoning it, you can later return the creature back by buying it from this merchant. True, you will have to pay a fairly large amount if we are talking about a high-level Pal.

    The fact is that the price directly depends on the level of creation. At the 1st level the multiplier to the base price is 1.65x, and at the 50th level it is already 9x. For example, if a seller has a level 12 Univolt with a base value of 4280 coins, then you will be able to buy it for 14,124 coins due to the 3.3x multiplier.

    Let us add that the assortment of Pals from traders is selected randomly from a certain pool. Next, we will indicate which creatures can be purchased from which seller.

    Trader Palami 1

    • Area: Church Ruins on the Forgotten Isle

    Move to the marked teleporter, and then move east to the coast of the island. Near the water you will find fires and a cart, near which two merchants will sit. You want the one dressed all in blue.

    A merchant may have 5-6 Pals of different levels for sale, and some creatures may be repeated, but at the same time have different characteristics. The table below lists all the Pals you can find from this seller.

    Pal Basic cost
    Lamboll 1000
    Cattiva 1000
    Chiquipi 1000
    Foxparks 1040
    Pengullet 1080
    Jolthog 1060
    Rashoa 1680
    Dayhaul 1920
    Mozzarina 2620
    Gobfin 1840
    Iktirdir 2620
    Loopmun 2400
    Univolt 4280

    Trader Palami 2

    • Area: Church Ruins on Marsh Plains Island

    Get to the indicated teleportation point, and then run east and jump off the cliff. In the middle of the water you will find a small island on which two merchants have settled down, standing next to a cart. Approach the one wearing a blue cloak. Its assortment may contain the same Pals as the previous seller.

    Trader Palami 3

    • Area: Small settlement

    This village is located near the starting location, in the southern part of the archipelago. The seller himself can be found in a shack located at the top of the settlement. The pictures below show its exact location. Its assortment may contain the same Pals as the previous seller.

    Trader Palami 4

    • Area: Small bay

    Teleport to the marked waypoint and then start running south along the coast. Soon you will see smoke from a fire ahead, near which the seller you need will be sitting. Note that it is located a little further than the red merchant, across the river. Its assortment may contain the same Pals as the previous seller.

    Trader Palami 5

    • Region: Desert City

    It can be found in the northern part of the archipelago in the indicated settlement. Go behind the stone walls, and in the market square near one of the stalls you will find the character you need.

    A merchant may have 5-6 Pals of different levels for sale, and some creatures may be repeated, but at the same time have different characteristics. The table below lists all the Pals you can find from this seller.

    Pal Basic cost
    Fuddler 1360
    Hangyu 1020
    Nightwing 6300
    Robinville Terra 2150
    Ryhound 3880
    Dazzy 1390
    Dinossum Lax 3380
    Serfent Terra 5140
    Digtos 2980
    Lovander 2450
    Broncherry 2920

    Trader Palami 6

    • Area: Remote fishing village

    This village is located in the southwestern part of the archipelago, on the seashore. The character you need is located nearby a wandering merchant in a green cloak. He stands near the entrance to a wooden house.

    A merchant may have 5-6 Pals of different levels for sale, and some creatures may be repeated, but at the same time have different characteristics. The table below lists all the Pals you can find from this seller.

    Pal Basic cost
    Gobfin Ignis 1800
    Incineres 4780
    Lizpunk Ignis 1640
    Pirin 6720
    Flambelle 2500
    Vanwyrm 4360
    Vixen 1540
    Kelsey Ignis 1240
    Reptiro 6940

    Underground traders

    They differ from previous sellers in the appearance and assortment of Pals. You can purchase many epic and legendary high-level creatures from them. We have indicated their location in separate manual. Let's add that they also drop golden keys.

    These are all the merchants that can be found in Palworld. We hope that this information will help you find these sellers and familiarize yourself with their assortment in advance.