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    All endings in Baldur's Gate 3: good, bad and secret

    All endings in Baldur's Gate 3: good, bad and secret


    In Game Baldur's Gate 3 There are a large number of endings: good, bad and hidden. This is where most of the player's choices actually affect the game world and the outcome of the quests.

    In this article we will tell you about all the currently known endings, as well as what choices you need to make to get the desired outcome of the game.

    Good ending in Baldur's Gate 3

    The good ending in Baldur's Gate 3 is where the player chooses destroy the larvae along with the older brain. There are several options leading to this outcome of events.

    Stay on the Emperor's side

    It is possible to remain on the Emperor's side and ensure a good outcome for the game, even despite his insincere intentions towards our heroes.

    However, in order to overthrow the brain, the Emperor will invite someone from your squad to undergo ceremorphosis and finally become a mind flayer.

    If you do not intend to make any of your companions an illithid, give all Netherite Stones to the Emperor before the final battle. After which he will absorb the powers of Orpheus and will be ready to help us in the battle with the Absolute.

    Once you reach the Brain, convince the Emperor to destroy it. After this, Baldur's Gate will be saved.

    If you decide to make your character an illithid, at the pier the Emperor will invite you to continue your alliance. You can choose the option to attack him and kill him.

    Choose Orpheus's side

    To help Orpheus, it is necessary to free him from his shackles in the astral plane. To do this, according to the quest “Help Kitrak Voss”, you need to get Orphic Hammer from House of Hope.

    If you agreed to exchange the Netherian stones for the hammer with Raphael, you will have a completely different ending, which difficult to classify as good.

    Arm yourself with patience and steal the hammer yourself. In this case, the Emperor will consider your actions as betrayal and will side with the Absolute.

    The freed Orpheus will also tell you that someone in the party needs to become an illithid to defeat the Absolute. This can be either the main character or Karlach, if she is in the squad.

    Orpheus himself can be persuaded to become a mind flayer. He will help you destroy the brain, but in the end he will decide to die, since he will not be able to appear before his people as an illithid.

    Bad endings in Baldur's Gate 3

    Enslaving the Elder Brain, instead of destroying it, gives the worst outcome of the game in terms of morality.

    Enslave the brain

    When you reach the Netherese Brain during the final battle, select betray the Emperor or Orpheus and enslave the brain. You must choose a melee attack and pass a strength check (12).

    Everyone who is infected with larvae, including party members, will obey you along with the Absolute.

    Let the Emperor take over your brain

    Decide to subjugate the brain, talk to the Emperor about enslaving it. He will be hesitant because he will then have to fight an entire Githyanki army.

    You must pass a Persuasion check (20) and persuade him to take the risk. In this case, you, like everyone else, will be subject to the Emperor.

    For the glory of Baal

    This ending is provided only for Dark Seduction.

    The dark temptation, having accepted the legacy of Baal, must betray the Emperor or Orpheus and take possession of the brain at the behest of its "Father", for the glory of Baal.

    Read the rest of the endings of the Dark Seduction, as well as a detailed build and walkthrough in this article.

    Deal with the devil

    Having chosen the side of Orpheus, while in the astral plane, the Emperor will decide to join the Netherian brain. If the deal with Raphael was not made earlier and your squad does not have a hammer, it will appear after the Emperor leaves.

    Select “I beg you, Raphael, help!” and Raphael will give you the hammer on the condition that after defeating the brain you will give him the crown.

    At the end of the game, Raphael appears before us in a cutscene and talks about his plans to take over all the circles of hell. He will also promise to come back for you.

    If Gale took possession of the crown and became the God of Ambition, Raphael will appear at the feast, demanding to fulfill his part of the contract and give him the crown.

    If you refuse Raphael's contract while in the Astral Plane, without the Emperor and the hammer, the Absolute will turn your characters into illithids and the game will end.

    Secret endings in Baldur's Gate 3

    Finish the game at the very beginning

    In the area where the Nautiloid fell, not far from the place where Astarion was first encountered, there is a wounded mind flayer. Just indulge in sympathy for the braineater and the game will end.

    Kara Vlaakith

    During Laesel's quest, in the manger of Illek, you will come face to face with the Githyanki goddess Vlaakith. If you answer her rudely, she can destroy your squad in one second and the game will end.

    End of the game at House of Hope

    To get the Orphic Hammer without a deal with Raphael, you need to get to Averno yourself and steal it.

    In Raphael's chambers you will meet his personal succubus - Haarlepa. He, in turn, will invite you to play a game in exchange for information about the location of the hammer.

    If you agree to the game, but at the same time give it to Haarlep along with the body and intelligence, the main character will die, and with him the game will end.

    Give in to your brain

    When you first encounter the Absolute, in the Pool of Change underground in Baldur's Gate, select "Bow before the might of the Netherian brain" , at that very moment the entire squad will undergo ceremorphosis and submit completely to the Absolute. The game will end.

    Companion personal quest endings

    All Gale endings

    Gale's death

    After Gale is killed in battle in one of the first two acts, the quest will begin "In case of death..". The player will have to follow rather complex and confusing commands in order to resurrect Gale.

    If this is not done, your characters will either die along with him due to the strong necrotic field from his corpse, or after a few in-game days the Netherian Orb will detonate and the game will end.

    Blow up the sphere in the second act

    Before visiting the Shadow-Blinded Lands, you will be greeted by Gale's old friend, the wizard Elminster. He will offer to talk in your camp and tell you that Mystra wants Gale to destroy the Absolute by exploding the sphere. Support Gale in this decision and go to the Moon Towers.

    Appearing before the Heart of the Absolute in the Illithid Colony, Gale will say that it is time to carry out Mystra’s command. Select “Take action. We can't handle such power. Let's end this together" , and Gale will blow up the Netherian sphere along with the elder brain.

    Since the larvae were not destroyed, widespread ceremorphosis will occur and the illithids will enslave all of Faerûn. The game will end with the narrator's phrase “In a way, this is the end. Although not the one that fate has prepared for you." .

    Detonate the sphere in the final battle

    Having almost reached the very brain, Gale will say that right now he can put an end to the Absolute. By selecting "Well, let's say goodbye.." , Gale teleports the squad away and climbs up to Karsus's crown.

    Presenting himself in front of the brain, he will create a magic blade and stick it in his chest, thereby detonating the bomb. After this, the city will be saved and the entire squad will thank Gale for his heroic deed.

    Become a god

    If you support Gale throughout the game in his plans to use the crown of Karsus, then Gale may become a god.

    After reading Annals of Karsus, Elminster will meet you again and tell you that Mystra wants to talk to Gale in Kyoto of the Storm Coast.

    To give Gale a chance to become a god, he must ignore Mystra's offer to talk and continue to agree with Gale about the crown.

    After the final battle with the Absolute, pieces of Karsus's crown will fall into the Chiontar River. Gale will promise to get them and forge the crown again. If Gale manages to do this, then in the epilogue he will appear already god of ambition. In the case of a romantic relationship, he will invite the main character to go with him and also become a god.

    Gale gives the crown to Mystra

    If, after reading the Annals of Karsus, Gale still talks to Mystra, then his decision will be inclined to give the crown to her.

    If your character is in a romantic relationship with Gale, after the final events he will propose marriage to him.

    In the epilogue, Gale will tell you that he gave the crown to Mystra, received her forgiveness, and now works as a professor at the University of Magic in Waterdeep.

    All Shadowheart endings

    The Path of Selune

    In order for Shadowheart to choose the path of Selune, it is necessary to visit the Temple of Shar in the Shadowblighted Lands and find the Song of the Night, who turns out to be the daughter of Selune.

    As soon as Shadowheart will free Maid Eileen, the goddess Shar, along with the rest of her followers, will reject her.

    In the third act, Shadowheart's quest "Daughter of Darkness" will continue in House of Sorrows (X9-259, Y: 13) from where you will be taken to the Grim Embrace Monastery.

    After meeting Abbess Viconia DeVir, a fight will occur if you decide not to give up Shadowheart. After the battle, in the Hall of Loss you will find the captured parents of Shadowheart, who will turn out to be Selunites.

    If you decide to kill them in order to lift Shar's curse and set her free, Shadowheart's parents will be reborn as fireflies and will follow her for the rest of their lives. In the epilogue, she will tell you that she became a follower of Selune and began her journey from the temple of Selune in Waterdeep.

    To save the Saints, you must pass a Persuasion check (20) and persuade Shadowheart to save them despite the curse.

    She will free the parents, who will be in the camp until the end of the game. In this case, in the epilogue, Shadowheart will talk about how she is happy, bought a house and lives in it with her parents.

    Become a Dark Justicar

    To ensure Shadowheart fulfills her duty to her goddess, support her in her decision kill the Nightsong. After killing the maiden Eileen with the spear of night, Shar will reward Shadowheart with the title of Dark Justicar and his approval.

    In the third act, when the heroes reach Baldur's Gate, Shadowheart will also need to visit the House of Sorrows. This time, by killing Viconia DeVir, Shadowheart will be able to become full leader of the Shar Church. In the final battle against the Absolute, she will command the Sharite army.

    At the party in the epilogue, Shadowheart will tell you about her everyday life as the head of the Shar Church.

    All Astarion endings

    Act 3 will begin the final stage of Astarion's quest "The Blonde Elf". You need to get to the palace Casadora Zarra and stop him from doing the bloody ascension ritual.

    After the battle with Cazador, it is necessary to help make the main decision regarding the future fate of Astarion: whether he should ascend or not.

    Help Astarion ascend

    After supporting Astarion in his decision to ascend, open his mind and show him the scars that Cazador carved into his back. Astarion will carve the same symbols into Cazador's back and begin the ritual, sacrificing him and his fellows.

    As a result, Astarion will become a high vampire and a fairly strong party member.

    If the main character is romantically involved with Astarion, you can feel the difference in communication. Astarion will become noticeably more domineering and aggressive. He will also offer to bite your character and he will become his vampire spawn.

    In the epilogue, the ascended Astarion will tell you that he lives for his own pleasure in the palace of Cazador.

    Convince Astarion to remain a brat

    If Astarion is dissuaded from performing the ritual, he will kill Kazador and free all his brothers.

    However, after defeating the elder brain, in a cutscene at dawn, as a result of the destruction of the larva, Astarion will begin to burn in the sun and run away.

    Six months later, at the Withered One's feast, Astarion will talk about how he feels quite happy. He will also share that he decided to follow the road of adventure and become a hero.

    In the case of the protagonist's romance with Astarion, they will live in a fortress in the Underdark, along with the rest of the abominations, if they are still alive.

    Astarion's bad ending

    If you skip Astarion's quest in the third act and don't kill Cazador, you'll get the worst ending. He appears at the feast in the epilogue, visibly nervous and not trusting anyone. Suffering from paranoia, Astarion will forever live in the shadows and feed on parasites again. He will be afraid of Kazador's revenge and will ask the main character to help him kill him.

    All Laezel endings

    Rebellion against Vlaakith

    After visiting Illek's nursery, Laezel learns that Vlaakith is in fact illegally ruling the Githyanki, keeping back the truth about the real ruler, Orpheus.

    If Laezel rejects his goddess and helps Kitrak Voss free Orpheus, he will help you defeat the Elder Brain in the final game.

    After defeating the Absolute, Orpheus will invite Laezel to go with him and overthrow the tyranny of Vlaakith.

    If transformed into an illithid, Orpheus will ask you to kill him, since he cannot appear before his people in this form. Before he dies, he will ask Laezel to free the Githyanki people and defeat Vlaakith.

    If you support Laezel in any of these options, Laezel will fly away on a red dragon. In the epilogue, she will appear in the form of an astral projection and talk about how she constantly trains.

    If you took the Githyanki egg from the manger in Act 1 and kept it, Laezel will tell you that the egg has hatched and she is raising a young Githyanki named Xan as her own son.

    If you pass a Persuasion check (30) and persuade Laezel to stay in Faerûn, she will also offer to help the protagonist help her fight Vlaakith.

    Ascension of Laezel

    If Laezel remains loyal to Vlaakith and kills Orpheus, after the events of the game she will go to Vlaakith personally to take part in the ascension ritual.

    A cutscene will begin, after which it will be clear that Vlaakith does not elevate his chosen ones, but absorbs their power, as Kithrak Voss claimed.

    In the epilogue, if you ask Withered what happened to Laezel, he will answer that he does not feel her presence at all.

    All endings Karlach

    Return to Averno

    After the fight with Absolute, in the final cutscene, the infernal mover Karlakh will begin to malfunction. You can return Karlach to Averno, but only if several conditions are met:

    • The main character has an affair with Karlach or Will did not break his contract with Mizora.
    • Dammon helped stabilize its mechanism throughout the game.

    She can return to Averno only in company with Will or the main character.

    Karlach will still appear at the party in the epilogue. The Withered One will summon her from the very heart of hell along with his partner, and for a while the hell mover will give her the opportunity to meet her friends. She will tell you that she is looking for a way to cope with the mechanism and return to Faerun.

    Death on the Pier

    If Karlakh did not become a mind flayer, or several of the above conditions were not met, Karlakh will die right on the pier in the final cutscene.


    Before the fight with Absolute, our ally will offer someone from the squad to take on the final form of an illithid.

    Karlakh will propose her candidacy, as she will feel that she has very little time left to live. Support her by choosing "Well, if that's what you really want, then all I can say is... Thank you." .

    This choice will save her from death and from returning to Averno.

    In the epilogue, Karlach will tell you that she has found a way to find food for herself. She agreed with a healer in the city that hopelessly ill patients would be offered relief from pain. With their permission, Karlach will eat their brains.

    All of Will's endings

    Grand Duke

    Will assumed the status of Grand Duke and began to rule Baldur's Gate, rebuilding the city after the final battle and conducting political affairs.

    If Will didn't break his contract with Mizora, she would still be by his side and involved in his life.

    In the case of a romance with Will, at the end of the game he proposes to the main character and together they begin to live in Baldur's Gate in a new status.

    Avernus Blade

    If Will renounces the title of Duke, he will receive a new title and the mantle of the Blade of Avernus. Will will also take an oath to exterminate devils in hell itself.

    If Will went to Averno with Karlach, he will tell you that together they are looking for a way to repair her infernal engine and return to Faerun.

    Frontier Blade

    If you ignore Will's Act 3 questline, he still appears as the Frontier Blade in the epilogue. He will tell the main character about his new adventures and that he has now become a monster hunter.

    All endings of Khalsina

    If you complete the quest “Remove the Dark Curse” in the second act, in the epilogue Halsin will share his successes in restoring the lands. He organized a community of survivors and together they will repopulate all the places destroyed by the curse.


    After saving Baldur's Gate, Jaheira will begin rebuilding the city. She will tell you how she called Harpers from all over the world to help the city. Jaheira can also initiate the main character into the Harpers right at the party.


    Minsk has two options for the development of events, depending on the decisions you made regarding the Zhentarim and the Guild.

    If you chose to support Kina Ninefingered, the Withered One will summon Minsk directly with the thief he was holding in his hands at that moment. Minsk will tell you that although he has made peace with the Guild, he continues to persecute them.

    If you chose the Zhentarim side, Minsk will be summoned straight from prison, where he has been for quite a long time.


    Mintara will tell you about how she returned to the Underdark. She dreams of reclaiming her former home in Menzoberranzan and overthrowing the cult of Lolth.

    She will also complain that instead of conquering the brain and creating a new world together, you decided to destroy it.

    Surprise from Dark Seduction

    With the latest patch, a new version of the epilogue has been added regarding the Dark Seduction. If Dark Seduction accepted the legacy of the "Father" but refused to subdue the brain and kill himself in the end, Baal will punish him with complete madness.

    In the epilogue, Dark Seduction reaches the party, which is already in full swing. Obsessed with a thirst for murder, he will wait until everyone falls asleep to kill them.
