The Dark Urge is a unique playable character in the game Baldur's Gate 3. He differs from other backstory characters in that he can be completely customized by players.
Dark Seduction suffers from memory loss and a strange thirst for violence: “I need to find out who I am and what happened to me. Until my trembling hand drew tragedy in blood.”
In this guide we will tell you in detail about the best build, all the key events, features of the passage and various endings of the Dark Seduction quest.
Best build for The Dark Urge
Best race
By default, Dark Seduction is a white Dragonborn with some distinctive characteristics: the Frost Breath effect (damage 2~13) and resistance to cold damage.

We recommend focusing on this canonical choice. Other good options would be a half-orc, dvergar, tiefling zariel, or githyanki.
Class selection
Initially, Dark Seduction has the Sorcerer class, a subclass of Storm Enchantment.
The best option for Dark Seduction is the Oathbreaker Paladin class. Read more about how to break your oath and become an Oathbreaker in this article.
Compared to the Sorcerer, the Paladin has more powerful attacks and spells. Also, the story of the Oathbreaker echoes the dual nature of the Dark Seduction.

Good class options would be: Necromancer Wizard and War Domain Priest. The Oath of Allegiance Paladin would be good for roleplaying as a good Dark Temptation who resists his lust for violence.
Level up
- Level 1 - Vengeance Paladin
- Level 2 - Two-Handed Weapon
- Level 3 - Oathbreaker Paladin Subclass
- Level 4 - Master of Two-Handed Weapons
- Level 5 - Magic Weapons
- Level 6 - Low Recovery
- Level 7 - Challenge to a duel
- Level 8 - Vigilant
- Level 9 - Multiclass Rogue
- Level 10 - Sneak Attack
- Level 11 - Thief Subclass
- Level 12 - Furious Attacker
After leveling up the Paladin to level nine, you need to add the secondary class of the Trickster. Next you need to pump it up to the fourth level.
The Paladin and Rogue multiclass is ideal for Dark Seduction with high charisma.
We recommend taking deception skills and knowledge of intimidation and persuasion. It is also useful to get additional sneak attacks.
"Victim of Persecution" - a unique origin, available only in the game as the Dark Seducer. Gives a plus to passing medical and intimidation tests.

Points and abilities
Best distribution of Dark Seduction stats:
- Strength: 17
- Agility: 10
- Stamina: 14
- Intelligence: 8
- Wisdom: 8
- Charisma: 16
In skills you need to choose belief And athletics. Persuasion works in conjunction with Dark Seduction's increased intimidation, and Athletics will be useful in combat.
Best equipment
First and second acts
- Helm of Slaughter - Found at the Selunite outpost in one of the locked chests (X: 163, Y: -248).
- Deathstalker's Cloak - given to Dark Seduction by the butler for his first kill.
- Adamantine plate armor - armor can be made in an adamantine forge. How to find a forge and forge armor is written in this article.
- Snarling Dog Gloves - Found in Dror Razglin's treasure in Goblin Camp (X: 298 Y:66).
- Falling apart "Night Steps" - located near Faithful to Nere in Grimforge (X: -635, Y: 312).
- Hrup's Ring - found by the goblin Hrup in the goblin camp (X: -74, Y: 438).
- Moon Pendant - Found in the Selunite chest in Medvesych's Cave (X: -327, Y: -135).
- Blade of Justice - found by Paladin Anders on the rising road (X: 106, Y: 562).
- Bow of Awareness - Sold by Roa Moonlight in Goblin Camp (X: 275, Y: -29).
Third act
- Helm of Balduran - found on the altar next to the dragon Ansur (X: 636, Y: -964).
- Baalist Armor - Sold in Murder Tribunal, provided that you have joined the Baalists.
- Master's Legacy Gloves - can be purchased from Dammon at the Forge of Nine in the Lower City, provided he has survived to the third act.
- Hell's Dusk Boots - Found on the top floor of the Serpentine Fortress in a locked chest (X: -32, Y: 219).
- Ring Killer Love - are in Temple Shar at the location of the Self-Repetition Test (X: -833, Y: -729).
- Ring of Regeneration - Sold at the Magic Supplies store in Lower Town.
- Amulet of Bhaal - can be obtained from Sarevok Anchev in Murder Tribunal.
- Balduran's Giant Slayer - can be obtained by completing the Serpentine Path trials in the Prison on Snake Rock.
- Dark Flame Short Bow - Sold by Dammon in the Last Light Tavern (X: -35, Y: 169).
Best companions
The best companions for Dark Seduction are characters prone to evil. They are the ones who will definitely not leave the squad based on your evil decisions.
- Mintara is a Knowledge Domain Priest class (bonuses to ability checks, healing, and controlling enemies). If you wish, you can replace her with Shadowheart, Shar's employee.
- Astarion - Rogue class (picking locks, disarming traps and ranged combat).
- Laezel is a Wizard or Sorcerer class (area damage, control and magic damage).
Dark Seduction Personal Quest
Throughout the game, in addition to the quest to get rid of the illithid larva, Dark Seduction has his own personal task "Temptation".
Here we will talk about the key and unique moments of playing as the Dark Seduction.
Act one
Meeting with Gale
Waking up on Nautiloid, Dark Seduction will understand that he does not remember who he is and who he is. However, the first time he notices an uncontrollable craving for violence is as soon as he finds the portal with Gale.
Just choose “Imagine how nice it would be to chop off that hand.” when a scream is heard and after the cutscene appears in the inventory Gale's severed hand. In the future, the wizard himself will no longer appear in the game.
When visiting the Emerald Grove, Dark Seduction also faces some unique choices.
In the Emerald Grove, while searching for a healer, you will see a scene where Kaga, who led the circle of druids, accuses the tiefling girl Arabella of a crime.
Dark Seduction will have a unique choice - “Point the girl towards the exit: Run!” . In this case, when Arabella runs towards the exit, the snake will attack her and bite her.
Tear off the wings of a bird
In the chambers of the healer Nettie, when you first meet her, you will see her healing a wounded bird. After talking to Nettie, when interacting with the bird, Dark Seduction can choose "Tear off her wings" .
Kill a squirrel
While exploring the Emerald Grove, Dark Temptation will see a squirrel named Twig (X:237, Y:467). When trying to interact with a squirrel, Dark Seduction will kick it and will not even understand how it did it.

Finish off Pandirna
At the tiefling supply warehouse there is a girl named Pandirna whose legs have become paralyzed after taking the Hag’s potion. Dark Seduction will also have the option to take advantage of the girl's helplessness and kill her on the spot faster than she can call for help.
After meeting Alfira, on one of the long holidays she will appear in the camp. The girl will ask us to take her into our squad, and will tell how meeting us inspired her to do great things. Regardless of what you choose: drive her away or allow her to stay, something irreparable will happen.
The dark temptation will wake up in the middle of the night in blood in front of the lifeless corpse of Alfira.
You can choose any scenario: tell your companions or hide the evidence. In any case, no one will leave your squad. Withered, who resurrects dead companions in this case will refuse to resurrect her.
If you don't want to kill Alfira, there is one option to keep her alive. As soon as you visit the Goblin Camp for the first time, save without taking a long rest. Return to the Grove and knock out Alfira non-lethal attack. Alfira's level of attitude towards you will decrease and during a long rest another bard will come instead of her - the dragonborn Quill Grutslang. Quil will also ask you to accept her into your squad and in any case will die at the hands of the Dark Seduction.

Sceleritas Gnus

After killing the bard, during one of the long rests, an old acquaintance of the Dark Seduction named Sceleritas Gnus. In the past, he served our hero and finally found him by the smell of blood.
Gnus will repeatedly appear in the camp and push the hero to do terrible things necessary to complete a personal task "Temptation".
Bite off a goblin's finger
Not far from the Goblin Camp rune circle you can find a goblin named Hrup (X:-74, Y:438), who will invite the Dark Temptation to kiss his feet. Worth choosing “Imagine what his finger would taste like if you simply bit it off.” , how the Dark Seduction will do it.

Love scene with Mintara
In the Goblin Camp you will meet Mintara - a potential companion who can be recruited into your squad if you play as a bad character. At the party to celebrate the capture of the Emerald Grove, Mintara will invite your hero to spend time together. Having agreed, after a short love cutscene, Dark Seduction can break Mintara's neck.
In the Underdark, on a quest "Find a mushroom picker", among the Bibberbangs can be found Dobrogrib - a mushroom that can restore memories.
Because Dark Temptation suffers from amnesia, after taking Dobroshroom, he may vaguely remember some of his atrocities.

Also, Dark Seduction can restore part of the memories if you cast a spell on it "Healing".
Second act
Kill Isobel
One of the key events of the second act is the murder Isobel on the quest "Temptation".
Sceleritas Gnus will appear in the camp again, this time persuading the Dark Seduction to deal with Isobel. However, if you agree, you will have to fight everyone from the Last Light Tavern, since without protection they will fall under the influence of the dark curse.

Jaheira will suspect you of killing Isobel. She must pass several checks (16 and 18) to convince her that Isobel's death is accident. Only by convincing Jaheira of your innocence will you subsequently be able to recruit her into the squad.
Kill an important companion
If you refused to kill Isobel or previously killed Song of the Night in the Temple of Shar (which leads to the death of Isobel and everyone in the Last Light Tavern), Dark Seduction will have to commit another murder.
Vile will appear in the camp and will persuade the Dark Temptation to kill his closest companion. Unfortunately, this time it will not be so easy for Dark Seduction to cope with the lust for murder.
It is necessary to pass a check (14) in order to restrain the first impulse, and then several more checks (18) in order not to kill a party member. But not a single companion, whom the Dark Seduction was supposed to kill, will abandon the main character, but, on the contrary, will provide moral support.

If you decide to kill a companion, then in the morning you will have to pass a check (30) so that the rest of the team members do not attack you.
Kill the pixie
Once Karnissa's Lunar Lantern is in Dark Seduction's hands, free Dolly Dolly Dolly. After freeing the pixie, Dark Seduction will want to kill her in the first second of her release, without receiving help against the dark curse.
More information about how to get the Moon Lantern is written in this article.
Strange ox
In the Last Light Tavern you can find strange ox, who could previously be seen in the Emerald Grove in the first act. If he is persuaded to reveal his secrets, the ox will show Dark Seduction the memories of his bloody deeds. Dark temptation can make a unique choice “Now show the ox the depth of your corrupt thoughts.” and attack him with a dagger. After death, the ox will take on its real appearance.
If you missed the conversation with the ox in the second act, then in Rivington (X:40, Y:-148) you can see him again and kill him.
Meeting with Absolute

Climbing up the beams on the first floor of the Moon Towers, you can find a cracked wall (X:-130, X:-177). Dark temptation will note that there is something living in the wall. By choosing to reach out and then do nothing, the Dark Temptation will enter and end up right in front of the Absolute's heart.
It turns out that the Absolute knows well who the Dark Seduction is, and will also try to summon him. If you give in to the call, the whole team will fall straight into Illithid Colony under the Moon Towers.
There in the Colony, in the Larval Implantation Center, you can stumble upon an old illithid capsule (X:676, Y:35), in which the Dark Seduction itself was located.
Cressa Bone Daughter
In the northeastern part of the Illithid Colony, in the barracks you can stumble upon a character named Cressa the Bone Daughter (X:728, Y:27). She immediately recognizes the Dark Seducer and talks about how she found his body with an illithid larva in a mountain of corpses. Cressa re-sewed the body of the Dark Seduction and wanted to keep it for herself, but he suddenly disappeared.

Kill the cat
While exploring the Moon Towers from the outside, you can stumble upon a cat named Steel Claw (X:-136, Y:-224). You need to talk to the cat using a spell "Conversation with an Animal". The cat will immediately remember the Dark Seduction and will be aggressive towards him, threatening to deal with him. If you select “Try to remember what was forgotten” , Dark temptation will kill the cat.
Act three
Meeting with Gortash
Lord Gortash will invite you to his coronation in Fortress on Snake Rock. There he will tell Dark Seduction that before the loss of his memory, they were allies. Gortash will also tell you the whole plan to capture Baldur's Gate with the help of the Crown of Karsus, and how Orin prevented this plan. She decided to take all the Netherian stones for herself and get rid of the entire trio. Next, he will propose to renew the alliance, kill Orin and bring the matter to an end together.

Murder Tribunal
For the quest “Investigate the murder in the temple of the open hand” and "Impress the Murder Tribunal", Dark temptation to meet Sarevok Anchev - judge of the tribunal, spawn of Bhaal and part-time grandfather of Orin.
It turns out that Sarevok also knows the Dark Seduction. He will talk about how Orin got rid of the Dark Seduction out of envy, since he was the beloved spawn of Bhaal.
Sarevok proposes to kill Orin, standing in front of this An unholy killer. Whatever the outcome of events, you will find out where to find Orin and how to get to the temple.

Devil's share
Dark Seduction will have unique dialogue in the store "The Devil's Share". Unlike the normal playthrough, Dark Seduction does not require any magic checks to find out what the shop owner is really up to. Helsik immediately recognizes our hero, since he was her client in the past.
She will give it to us right away butler hat Sceleritas Gnus, who remained there from the last visit of the Dark Seduction.
If you ask Helsik to talk about the past, she will try to extort money (1-1000 gold) in exchange for information. Dark Seduction learns that he and Gortash asked Helsik to open a portal to hell in order to steal the Crown of Karsus, kept by Mephistopheles.
Orin the Red
Orin will be located in the very heart of the Temple of Bhaal. You will see her with a blade next to the victim she stole from our camp.

When we meet, she will tell you that it was she who planted the parasite in the brain of the Dark Seduction on the very day when his plan was supposed to work. Then the battle will begin and only one chosen of Baal will have to remain.
How to defeat Orin and save the victim, read this article.
Unique equipment and abilities
Deathstalker's Cloak
After killing Alfira, Sceleritas will appear on one of the nights of the long rest and reward you with a unique robe "Death Hunter's Cloak". It gives the owner invisibility for two turns after killing one of the opponents.

Assassin Form

The Assassin form can be obtained in the second act, after killing Isobel or your companion. If you saved both of them, Sceleritas will tell you that Dark Seduction is the spawn of Bhaal, instead of giving him the Assassin form.
It can be obtained a second time in Act 3, after defeating Orin. Only if the hero accepts the legacy of Bhaal will he be able to transform into the Assassin.
Transforming into a killer, in addition to his monstrous appearance, Dark Seduction gains the following attacks:
- “Multi-attack” - attack enemies with claws, tearing them into small pieces (4~16 units of cutting damage).
- "Luxurious Bloodbath" - open the enemy's vital arteries. They begin to bleed, and the flow of blood constantly heals your wounds (3~30 slashing damage).
- Let the Carnage Begin - Brand nearby creatures with the Mark of Bhaal, making them harder to kill when they die.
- "Ruthless Leap" - Suddenly jump on enemies and crash into them. With this, you can make them fall flat for up to two turns (11~31 bludgeoning damage).
Are romances possible?

Playing as the Dark Seducer, you also have the opportunity to start romances. The only difference will be approval some companions, since playing an absolutely evil character, building relationships with some will be more difficult.
Dark Seduction will receive the most approval from Astarion, Mintars and Laesel, so creating a pair with any of them will be easier.
If you kill Isobel during the Dark Seduction quest, Halsin will not join you in the future and it will not be possible to build a romantic relationship with him.
Also don't forget that if you don't kill Isobel, Sceleritas will force Dark Temptation to kill a companion who might be of romantic interest.
The Complete Backstory of Dark Seduction

Since the character is actually an amnesiac spawn of Bhaal, the backstory begins long before the game begins. Baldur's Gate 3. The spawn of Bhaal are known from the first part of the Baldur's Gate series.
The difference between the Dark Seduction and other abominations is that it was created artificially - from the dead flesh of Baal himself. As a child, he was raised by a family until at one point he killed his adoptive parents.
Already in adulthood, as soon as Dark Seduction became the leader of the cult of Bhaal, he created an alliance with Ketheric Torm and Gortash. The plan to take possession of the Crown of Karsus and sow the cult of the Absolute in the world is an idea that belongs precisely to the Dark Seduction.
However, things didn't go according to plan. Orin, also a spawn of Bhaal, became jealous of her brother's success. Dark Seduction had no equal in the number of murders and he was the most beloved creation of his “Father”.

It is Orin who is responsible for infecting the Dark Seduction with an illithid larva. After torture and memory loss from Temptation, he was sent to Nautiloid, where his story in the game begins Baldur's Gate 3.
All Dark Seduction endings
Bad ending
In the Temple of Bhaal, after killing Orin, Dark Seduction will have the most important choice in the entire game - accept the legacy of his "Father" or become free.
Sceleritas Gnus will congratulate Temptation on his victory over Orin and on the fact that only one chosen one remains. Next, a cutscene will begin where Gnus is pierced with knives and Baal himself begins to speak through a pool of his blood.
In order to accept the legacy and play as the evil Dark Seduction, you must select in dialogues “I submit to you, Father. This world will be gutted to the end." .
After the battle with the Absolute is completed, if the Dark Seduction who has accepted his heritage decides save Baldur's Gate, at the very end there will be several options for the development of the event.

If you choose "Whatever it is, this is what you deserve" or " You don't need strength. You have defeated the Netherian brain. Can’t you defeat the Lord of Murder?” . In this case, Baal will decide to punish his offspring and make him completely insane.
By selecting “You cannot be released. You will go to prison and ask to be shackled in the strongest shackles that can be found there.” , a cutscene will begin. The dark seduction, shackled, is in prison and later the Withered One comes to him. After a short conversation, the game ends.

“This won’t happen! To resist to the last is to commit suicide.” The dark temptation dies and the Withered One meets him on the other side.
If selected come to terms with with the punishment of Baal or go to jail, Dark Seduction will appear in the epilogue at the party. Completely distraught from the constant killings, he hides in the bushes, waiting for his former friends to fall asleep and have the opportunity to finish them all off.
Good ending
After defeating Orin, Dark Seduction will have the chance to break free from Bhaal's control and reject him. At the same time, Baal kills the Dark Seducer and he dies.
Suddenly, the Withered One, who has been in your camp since the first act, appears and resurrects the hero, now completely free from the oppression of his dark heritage. Only in this case can you reach a good ending to the game after the final battle with the Absolute.

This is the entire guide for Dark Seduction in Baldur's Gate 3 , covering his best build, key points of his story, optimal equipment, main features and endings.
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