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    How to recruit Mintara in Baldur's Gate 3 when playing as a good character

    How to recruit Mintara in Baldur's Gate 3 when playing as a good character


    In Baldur's Gate 3, there are quite a lot of potential companions. One of them is the drow Mintara. The main advantage of which is considered to be the strong paladin class.

    The easiest way to recruit the Night Guardian is by playing as an evil character. To do this, you must agree to help her cut out the entire Emerald Grove. But in this case, you will have to miss a large number of quests and lose several potential companions, such as Will, Karlach and Halsin.

    However, in the latest patch an option was added recruiting Mintara in the Lunar Towers when playing as a good character. In this article, we will tell you how to properly recruit Mintara without killing tieflings, following good roleplaying.

    How to recruit Mintara in Baldur's Gate 3 with a good playthrough

    First act

    How to find Mintara in the Goblin Camp

    The goblin camp is located in the western part of the map, where the path leads along the quest " Save the Druid " First of all, find the druid himself Halsina. He is located in the Warg Pens (X:401, Y:-29) in the guise of a bear. After his release, he will ask for help to kill all the goblin leaders: Priestess Gut, Dror Razglin and Mintara.

    In order to be able to recruit Mintara later, in the Lunar Towers, you must knock her out during a fight.

    She can be found deep within the Broken Sanctum (X:335, Y:43), near Dror Razglin and the door leading to the Warg Pens.

    After talking with her, you will learn that the goblins are looking for the Emerald Grove and a certain mysterious artifact. Mintara will ask you to help find the grove and share information about its location.

    How to fight correctly

    In order to properly knock out Mintara, the following conditions are necessary:

    • Mintara should have the Temporary Hostility status.
    • During the fight with her, you need to switch to “Non-lethal damage”.
    • Be careful not to accidentally kill her.

    So that during the battle Mintara takes on the status "Temporary Hostility", don't attack her right away. Agree to help her, but do not reveal the location of the Emerald Grove if you have been there before. Agree to torture the prisoner who was captured by the goblins along with Halsin, and then attack.

    First, focus on the All-Seeing Eye and destroy the War Drum (X:326, Y:53), so that help does not come. Kill all the goblins and finally take care of Mintara.

    Switch to "Non-lethal damage" (select from the spell menu) and try to knock out Mintara. Be sure to save before dealing the final blow to her. If you overdo it with damage, you can accidentally kill her.

    Important: in order to recruit Mintara in the future, under no circumstances should you rob her.

    Also, you should not take a long rest after the fight with Mintara if the other leaders are still alive. She may regain consciousness and you will have to fight her again.

    The next time you see Mintara is only in the second act in the Towers of the Moon. There you will also have the opportunity to recruit her into your squad.

    How to find the Moon Lantern and safely get to the Moon Towers - read this article.

    Second act

    How to find Mintara in the Moon Towers

    Upon arrival at the Moon Towers, guards will stop you before entering them. They will send you to to adept Zarell, which can be found along with by Ketheric Torm in the Audience Hall.

    To safely recruit Mintara, under no circumstances should you attack the cultists or behave hostilely.

    As soon as you enter the hall where Ketherick is located, a cutscene will begin where he will judge a group of goblins and Mintara herself. Ketherick wants to sentence Mintara to death because she did not follow his orders and did not find the artifact.

    In order to prevent Ketheric from killing the drow, select a wisdom check (16) in the dialogues: "Mentally influence Zarell to force her to spare Mintara" . If you successfully pass the test, Mintara will be taken to prison, and you will have to deal with the goblins. After this the quest will begin "Secure Mintara's fate."

    If you choose to influence Ketherick himself (21), then even if you pass the check, nothing will come of it. Since he has neither larva nor psychic energy in his brain. But he can be persuaded later by choosing “You shouldn’t kill her. She is a faithful servant of the Absolute." , and then “She’s not lying, she really served the Absolute faithfully.” . Ketherick will order her to be taken to prison. And a new task will appear in the journal: "Check on Mintara".

    The prison is located not far from the Audience Hall; a path of blood will lead there. Go through the door to the left of the throne and go down the stairs.

    Going down into the prison, just outside the door on the left you will see Mintara and two gnome cultists who will try to erase her mind to make her an obedient puppet.

    In a conversation with them, you need to choose “What are you doing with her?” . In all other cases, the dialogue will lead either to combat or to the loss of Mintara.

    Then pass one of the Deception or Intimidation checks (10) to take on the matter yourself and help Mintara.

    You can attack the gnomes and start a battle, but in order to take Mintara out of the Lunar Towers, you will have to fight with the Absolute adepts more than once.

    While mentally connected to Mintara, make a Wisdom check (18) “Having pushed away the essence, rush to Mintara” . If you want to take her out peacefully, offer her pretend to be submissive.

    If you choose "Erase her mind" , at that very second her mind will be broken and she will become a soulless puppet of the Absolute. In this case there will be nothing to help her.

    The cultists won't believe that you wiped her mind. You must pass one of three checks (18) to move on.

    The first time you will be stopped is on the way out of her cell. You can choose any of the proposed peaceful options and pass the test (16).

    At the exit from the towers, if you go through the main doors, you will be stopped one last time. Pass another check (14) and calmly go to the exit.

    Outside the Moon Towers, mysterious the artifact will reveal all the information to Mintara about your journey and the whole truth about the Absolute.

    Mintara will say that she will have a lot to talk to you about. She will ask if you have a camp and how to get there. After a short conversation in the camp, you can immediately add her to the main squad.

    Is it possible to have a romance with Mintara if you pass well?

    Romance with Mintara in the good passage also available, but it will only begin in the third act. Unlike the evil passage - there will be no sex scene.

    During one of the long rests in the camp, Mintara will want to talk. She will tell you about her past and, since she has begun to trust, she will ask you to penetrate your character’s thoughts and see her image in his head. To romance Mintara, open your mind to her and choose to see her as your lover.