Rising Phoenix Hogwarts Legacy - an optional task that sends the player to save a fabulous bird that settled in the southern mountains. To do this, you will have to pretty much run around and fight a bunch of opponents, receiving several valuable ingredients as a reward, the achievement "Rebirth from the Ashes" and the opportunity to admire the fiery bird in your vivarium. In this guide, we will tell you how to start and successfully complete this quest.
Passage of the quest "Rising Phoenix"
How to start a task
- Recommended level 20
- Preliminary quests: Trial of New Fitzgerald and Offspring of Death Itself - after completing them, the Risen Phoenix opens.
Check the map of the celestial wing for the required task. If it pops up, put it on tracking and go talk to Dec in the rescue room. If you can't find the mission shown in the screenshot, you probably need to advance through the story by first completing the chain of story quests above.

The elf will share rumors about a phoenix nesting nearby. Curiosity and fears that a rare bird may fall into the hands of poachers force immediate action.
Find a cave
- Location: Poidseer Coast
If a point with a flying flame "Mountain Phoenix Cave" is open, it will be extremely convenient to use it. If not, get by any means to the place indicated in the screenshot and also on your map.

When you arrive at the marked location, the objective of the task will change - all that remains is to proceed further and enter the mountain cave with the phoenix.
Find the Phoenix

Move deep into the mountains, dealing with spiders along the way. Very soon you will come across a camp of smugglers, who will also have to be dealt with. Once all the enemies are neutralized, you will receive the key to the gate and you can go further.

Get to the top of the mountain
A phoenix will appear in the next room, as if calling to follow him. Run further, climbing higher and higher. We have marked the key points of the route in the screenshots.
When you reach the destroyed bridge, the fiery bird will again honor you with its attention, urging you to move forward. Jump over the gap and climb further to the top of the mountain.

Defeat a gang of poachers

As you enter the large cavern at the top, you'll encounter more enemies (besides the spiders, which might already tire you out). After the battle, do not forget to collect loot in the room and you can continue climbing to the peak - for this you need to clear the passage littered with stones.
Save the phoenix using the grab bag
Use the Grip Bag enchantment on the phoenix. By the way, if you managed to forget about them or want to learn more about spells in the game, we suggest you take a look at our material on enchantments.
After that you will get the achievement "Rising from the Ashes".
Return to the help-room
It seems that the magic bird agrees to go with you, all that remains is to find a way out and move to the place where this task began - to the rescue room. Immediately after moving, a cut-scene will begin in which the rescued animal, which has found a new home in the castle, will present you with a phoenix feather.
How to get a reward
Once the cutscene ends, the task will be completed. Let's sum up the rewards that you will receive by completing the quest:
- 180 experience points
- 3 moonstones
- Achievement "Rising from the Ashes"
"Phoenix Feather" - a valuable reagent for improving equipment and changing characteristics using a loom. You can get the following feathers by placing a bird in your vivarium and taking care of it in a timely manner.
We hope our article helped you complete the Phoenix Rises quest in Hogwarts: Legacy and get the iconic bird into your kennel. We ask you to leave any additions or comments in the comments, where you can also share other impressions on the topic of the article.
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