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    House of the Blue Sunbright in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to get supplies for Sebastian

    Zorthrus Walkthroughs 0



    In Dragon's Dogma 2 House of the Blue Sunbright is a side quest set in Wernworth. During it, you will have to find Sebastian's double, get the necessary supplies for him and find him near the village of Melve if he is delayed on the way. If you have difficulties receiving and completing the task, then study our guide.

    Walkthrough of the quest “House of the Blue Sunbright” in Dragon's Dogma 2

    How to start a task

    First of all, you will need to complete another side mission called “The hand of the giver will never fail”. After helping Daphnia, start climbing up the stone stairs to exit the Slums. At the top, a maid named Diana will call you. Chat with her and agree to meet at the estate.

    Where is Sebastian's double?

    You will need to go to the Townsend estate, located in the Nobles' Quarter (southern part of the city). If you make this task a priority, one of the pawns may accompany you there. The required location is shown in the screenshots below. As soon as you go inside, a dialogue with the maid will immediately begin.

    Then the owner of the estate, Sebastian, will appear and ask you to find a double for him so that he can replace him while he is looking for blue sunflowers for his mother. The fact is that his mother is unwell and becomes desperate when her son is not around. Agree to help the boy.

    Now head to the Slums. The character you need is Daphnia, whom you helped earlier. You can find it in the daytime near the entrance to the church - the images below show the corresponding place. At the same time, you should know that the girl likes to walk around the location, so she may not be at the point we indicated. However, you are unlikely to have problems finding her, since she is different from most of the residents of the area.

    Chat with Daphnia and ask her to go with you to the estate. She will consider this request strange, but will still agree to go with you. Just run to the mansion - the child will follow you. However, she will not be able to maintain a high running pace, so stop occasionally. If she gets stuck in the textures, follow the yellow diamond on the mini-map to find the girl. You can also, if necessary, grab her and drag her on you.

    How to get the supplies Sebastian needs

    Having brought the girl, chat with Diana and Sebastian again. Daphnia will then be dressed in boy's clothes. After watching the short video, go to the kitchen and talk with the maid and the girl from the slums to find out what items the owner of the estate will need during his journey to get the flower: Antidote from poisonous plants, Awakening Powder from miasmas that cause drowsiness, and ugly eye for the stench of the Cyclops.

    Important: Under no circumstances should you engage in dialogue with Sebastian if you do not have all the items listed above, since immediately after talking with him you will have to give him 3 things. He will set off on his journey even if you do not give him all the supplies or useless equipment, which can lead to negative consequences (we talked about them at the end).

    Where to find Ugly Eye for Cyclops Stench

    This item can only be obtained from Cyclops. Fortunately, they are quite common near the capital. In the pictures below we showed the approximate location of two one-eyed monsters. If they are not in these places, then try to wait one game day and check them again.

    Note that this enemy is a very dangerous monster, so to defeat him your characters must be at least level 12 and well equipped. Some Cyclopes may have guards on their legs, so when using a melee fighter, try to climb on top of them and hit unprotected areas of the body.

    Note: Some players note that you can use a Massive Bone instead of an eye, but we have not personally tested this option.

    How to get Antidote and Awakening Powder

    Both medicines can be purchased either from Filbert or from Oriol. The Antidote costs 500 gold, and the Awakening Powder costs 400 gold. If you completed the task "Medicine", then Oriol will sell you the necessary elixirs with a 20 percent discount.

    If you do not want to spend money, you can make these medications yourself. Their recipes look like this:

    • Awakening Powder = Big Leaf + Big Leaf.
    • Antidote = Sadroot + Syrup Leaf.

    These ingredients can be found when exploring the area around the capital, so you will probably have the corresponding plants in your inventory.

    Wait for Sebastian to return

    Having obtained the necessary supplies, return to Sebastian and chat with him. Then give him the Antidote, Ugly Eye and Awakening Powder. He will thank you and then go on a journey to get a blue sunflower in Melva. Now just go about your business or spend the night in a hotel ( at home ) and return to the estate the next day.

    If you gave Sebastian the right items, then when you visit the house you will find that he has returned safe and sound from the village, bringing the right flower. Then listen to the conversation between Natasha and Daphnia. This will bring the task to an end. As a reward you will receive 900 experience points, 3 thousand gold and 2 excellent potato pills.

    Apparently, the owner of the estate is her mother or aunt. This is indicated by her donations to the Gracious Tribute and the striking similarity in appearance between the children. You can talk to Diana in a couple of days to confirm your suspicions.

    What to do if Sebastian has not returned

    If you don't give Sebastian all the items or make the wrong choice, he will run into trouble along the way. Arriving at the estate, you will meet Diana, who will report that the boy has not yet come home, so she will be worried about him and will ask you to go in search of him.

    Depending on which item you did not give to Sebastian, the following may happen to him: he may be attacked by enemies (goblins or wolves), he may fall asleep on the road and/or be poisoned. At the same time, you can always find it in the same place, shown in the screenshots below.

    If the boy falls asleep, then you just need to wake him up (before this, you may have to deal with a group of enemies). If he was poisoned, then you will have to give him the Antidote. Otherwise the boy will die. If a child dies, Daphnia will take his place in the estate. As a reward, you will only receive experience points.