In Genshin Impact Beidou is a good 4-star character who uses a two-handed sword in battles and belongs to the Electro type. In a team, she can play the role of a primary or secondary damage dealer (deals damage). In this guide, we will cover her best builds, weapons, and artifacts.
Beidou abilities and traits
This heroine, with certain assemblies, shows herself well both in battles with bosses and in battles with large groups of ordinary opponents. It has the following significant benefits:
- Can deal Electro damage in an area when counterattacking.
- When activated, an elemental explosion creates a powerful Electro aura around her, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
However, it was not without a couple of shortcomings. The fact is that with a level 4 constellation, she must definitely take damage to maximize her DPS (damage per second). In addition, while using the elemental skill, Beidou cannot move.
How to play Beidou
Choosing the right moment is the Key to victory

Despite being a damage dealer, Beidou relies heavily on his defense, countering enemy attacks with it and then dealing massive damage to opponents. Her elemental ability, Tidecaller, is most effective when properly timed to use it, landing the perfect counterattack.
Use elemental explosion to quickly destroy mobs
Stormbreaker is a powerful offensive ability that should be activated immediately after using Call Wave. This skill allows her to deal Electro damage after each hit, while reducing the amount of damage she takes. Use it when facing a large number of enemies.
Makes it easier to explore the world
One of her passive skills reduces the active character's stamina cost while swimming by 20%. So we recommend that you definitely keep this young lady in the team if you plan to soon try to swim to a remote island.
Passive skills and talents
To open passive skills, you need to ascend the character. Beidou has the following passives to unlock:
- Retribution - A perfect counterattack with Summon Wave grants the heroine the maximum damage bonus.
- Lightning Storm - A Perfect Parry with Summon Wave increases Beidou attack speed by 15 percent, as well as the damage of charged and normal strikes for 10 seconds. In addition, the time required to use charged attacks is reduced.
- Conqueror of Won - Decreases stamina consumption while swimming by 20%.

As for the talents unlocked by the “character luck” that drops out after obtaining copies of the hero, they are as follows:
- Sea Beast’s Scourge - After activating Stormbreaker, a Noelle: Protector appears that absorbs all damage in the amount of 16% of the heroine's health bar for 15 seconds. Electro damage absorption is 250% more efficient.
- Upon the Turbulent Sea, the Thunder Arises - The Chain Lightning generated by Stormbreaker has a chance to strike 2 additional enemies.
- Summoner of Storm - Increases the level of Call Wave by 3.
- Stunning Revenge - Upon taking damage, Beidou begins to deal an additional 20% Electro damage with normal strikes. The effect lasts 10 seconds.
- Crimson Tidewalker - Increases the level of Stormbreaker by three.
- Bane of Evil - After activating Stormbreaker, enemies' resistance to Electro damage is reduced by 15%.
Best Beidou Builds
Basic Electro DPS
After unlocking the first and second passive skills, the damage dealt by this swordswoman is greatly increased by accurately timing the counterattack with her elemental skill. The following weapons and artifacts aim to further increase her physical damage output.
As a two-handed sword, she is best suited Wolf’s Gravestone, however, if you still can’t get it, then you can replace it with other options indicated in the list below:
- Wolf’s Gravestone (5-star) - Increases attack power by 20%. Hitting an enemy below 30% life bar increases all team members' attack by 40% for 12 seconds. The effect occurs every 30 seconds.
- Rainslasher (4-star) - Increases damage by 20 percent when fighting enemies that are under the influence of Electro and or Hydro elements.
- The Bell (4-Star) - When the Achievement: Hero takes damage, the sword creates a Noelle: Protector that absorbs damage for 10 seconds. The effect occurs every 45 seconds. The character deals 12% more damage while protected by a shield.

As for the set of artifacts, we recommend using the following sets:
- Gladiator’s Finale (2 items) - Increases attack power by 18%. Can be obtained by fighting elite bosses.
- Bloodstained Chivalry (2 items) - Increase physical damage by 25%. Can be obtained in dungeon "Clear water and mountain river" .
Minor DPS
Beidou elemental skills not only reduce damage, but also deal powerful Electro attacks, making her a great electric secondary damage dealer. Weapons and artifacts marked by us increase the damage dealt by these skills.
- Wolf’s Gravestone (5-star) - Increases attack power by 20%. Hitting an enemy below 30% life bar increases all team members' attack by 40% for 12 seconds. The effect occurs every 30 seconds.
- Prototype Archaic (4-Star) - On a successful Normal or Charged Hit, has a 50% chance to deal an additional 240% damage to nearby enemies. The effect occurs every 15 seconds.
- Skyward Pride (5-Star) - Increases damage dealt by 8%. When using an elemental explosion and successfully landing normal or charged hits, creates a blade that deals 80% damage to all enemies in its path. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
If we talk about a set of artifacts, then we recommend using two sets:
- Thunderous Roar (2 items) - Increases Electro damage bonus by 15%. Dropped from the Midsummer Courtyard dungeon.
- Gladiator’s Finale (2 items) - Increases attack power by 18%. Can be obtained by fighting elite bosses.

Combination with other characters
If you plan to use Beidou as your main damage dealer, you can assemble the following command with her:
- Primary DPS: Beidou
- Secondary DPS: Xingqiu (His elemental explosion boosts Beidou damage and triggers elemental reactions)
- Secondary DPS: Xiangling (Make sure to have two Pyro Heroes on your team to get bonuses from Elemental Resonance, Attack Power and Reboot)
- Support: Bennett (his elemental explosion further increases attack power and heals the team)
When using Beidou as a secondary damage dealer, you can form the following unit with her:
- Primary DPS: Diluc or Klee (needed to cast Reboot and gain Elemental Resonance).
- Secondary DPS: Beidou
- Secondary DPS: Chongyun (if you got Dilyuk) or Mona (if you got Klee)
- Support: Bennett (his elemental explosion further increases attack power and heals the team).
Beidou leveling
How to improve skills
To do this, you need to collect certain materials, namely:
- Teachings, instructions and philosophies about "Gold" - are mined in Taishan Mansion Dungeon on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- Treasure Thieves, Silver Crow, and Golden Crow Seals - Dropped by Treasure Thieves or crafted using Alchemy.
- Dvalin’s Sigh - Dropped by Stormterror.

How to level up a character
You will need many different items. Below is the complete list:
- First Ascension (Level 20) – 1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver, 3 Midnight Jades, 3 Treasure Thieves Seals
- Second Ascension (Level 40) – 3 Vajrad Amethyst Fragments, 2 Lightning Prisms, 10 Midnight Jades, 15 Treasure Thieves Seals
- Third Ascension (Level 50) – 6 Vajrad Amethyst Fragments, 4 Lightning Prisms, 20 Midnight Jades, 12 Silver Crow Seals
- Fourth Ascension (Level 60) – 3 Vajrad Amethyst, 8 Lightning Prisms, 30 Midnight Jades, 18 Silver Crow Seals
- Fifth Ascension (Level 70) – 6 Vajrad Amethyst, 12 Lightning Prisms, 45 Midnight Jades, 12 Golden Crow Seals
- Sixth Ascension (Level 80) – 6 Vajrad Jeweled Amethysts, 20 Lightning Prisms, 60 Midnight Jades, 24 Golden Crow Seals
You can get Vajrad Amethysts and Lightning Prisms from the Elite Boss Electro Hypostasis. Amethysts also drop from ancient geovishap. The Noctilucous Jade is a local curiosity of Liyue. IN separate guide its location is indicated.
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