In Hogwarts Legacy butterflies are special beacons that can lead you to chests with valuable items. In this guide, we will indicate their location and show exactly where the treasures they lead to are located.
Note that unlike other collectibles, they are not displayed on the map. The icon with them appears on the minimap when you get close to them, and disappears if you move away from them, so you will need to carefully monitor their movement. Butterflies stop near a certain place. Use Revelio to reveal the chest - open it to complete the challenge.
Where to find all butterflies and treasures
In total, in the game world you can find 15 places with butterflies. Below we will demonstrate the locations where these insects start their journey, and the points where they end it. Thus, you can always find the chest, even if you accidentally lost sight of the butterflies. Note that as soon as you open the first such chest, you will unlock the achievement "Follow the Butterflies".
Butterflies 1
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Location: tavern "Three brooms"
They are related to the side quest. "Follow the Butterflies", that is, until you take it, insects will not appear in the place marked by us.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 2
- Region: North Ford Swamp
- Location: Pitt-on-Ford
Teleport to the marked point of the flying flame and go to the northeast. There on the road you will find butterflies. Start following them.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 3
- Region: Forbidden Forest
- Location: Tomb of Galkrad
Go to the specified point, and then move east to the butterfly icon on the map. Insects flutter at the foot of giant trees.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 4
- Region: North Hogwarts
- Location: Tomb of Galkrad
Move to the marked area and then fly southwest to the butterfly icon on the map. Insects will flutter near the river.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 5
- Region: Hogsmeade Valley
- Location: Eastern Hogsmeade Valley
After teleporting to the indicated point of the flying flame, head due south, and soon you will see butterflies near the path leading up. Start following them.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 6
- Region: South Hogwarts
- Location: Mooncalf's Lair
Move to the marked area and then head south and you will find butterflies to the right of the stone archway.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 7
- Region: South Hogwarts
- Location: Aranshir
Teleport to the marked village and then head south. On a small hill you will see butterflies.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 8
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Location: Central Hogwarts Valley
After moving to the indicated point, move east and soon you will find a cluster of butterflies under the bridge. Start following them.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 9
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Location: Eye Mine
Teleport to the indicated point of flying fire, and then move north to the fortress. Near the river you will find another group of butterflies.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 10
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Location: Kinbirge
Move to the marked village, and then head west. Not far from the large boulder you will find another cluster of butterflies.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 11
- Region: Feldcroft Region
- Location: North Feldcroft
Teleport to the marked point, and then move southwest to the reservoir. You will find butterflies near the cliff on a hill.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 12
- Region: Feldcroft Region
- Location: Feldcroft Catacombs
Travel to the marked area and then head southeast. At the foot of a rocky ledge, you will find a cluster of butterflies.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 13
- Region: Poidseer Coast
- Location: Poidseer Castle
From the castle, move north and at the foot of the mountain, to the right of the waterfall you will find butterflies. Start following them to find treasures.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 14
- Region: Poidseer Coast
- Location: South Poydseer Coast
Move to the indicated point, and then go a little to the south. You will find butterflies near the crossroads.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
Butterflies 15
- Region: Klagmar Coast
- Location: Clagmar Castle
From the indicated castle, move to the northwest and look for butterflies on the road, not far from the wooden palisade. Start following them.

The location of the chest that the butterflies lead to is shown in the screenshots below.
These are all the magical butterflies that can be found in Hogwarts Legacy. We hope that our guide will help you find the chests and take all the treasures from them.
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