For the first time, the player encounters the mechanics of Depulso puzzles in a task "Herodia's Hall", but in the castle there are two more rooms with similar riddles. In this guide, we will tell you how to get through the Depulso 1 puzzle room in Hogwarts Legacy and collect all the chests.
How to start a test
The first room with Depulso's test is located in the annex to the library. To find the entrance, use the flying flame point in the Potions classroom, then exit the hallway to the left and head down the spiral staircase. It remains to run to the wooden door, behind it there will be a secret passage, which is activated by a spell "Depulso".
You will find yourself in a hall with moving cubes and three chests on elevations. We have indicated in the screenshot below the order of their collection, which we propose to follow.

How to pass the Depulso 1 puzzle
We remind basic principles operation of the test room:
- The spells "Depulso" and "Accio" act on the face of the cube, which they are aimed at, respectively attracting or repelling the cube to the next obstacle;
- Cubes can "stick" to each other, in this case, interaction with the lower tier of cubes moves the entire structure;
- A spell shot at a luminous sphere resets the position of the cubes to their original position;
- Falling a character into a gap moves them to the start of the challenge without resetting the cubes.
Chest 1
Getting to the first point is easy enough. It is necessary to remove the uppermost cube towards the entrance and move the two lower cubes to the dais - you get an impromptu staircase. Climb up it and collect the reward.

Chest 2
Now go back to the center of the hall and shoot the sphere to reset the position of the blocks. In the screenshots, we consistently described the necessary actions. Goal: create a flyover of blocks and drag yourself across the abyss with it.
Chest 3
Reset the room configuration to zero. It is necessary to assemble a structure in the left corner from almost all the cubes, then move it to the column with the chest.

Now, by piling up blocks, you need to climb up. Having cleaned the last chest in the room, you can go to the exit - either run along the path that left the wall, or jump into the abyss and move to the beginning.

After receiving a random appearance scheme as a reward for the test, you can go to the next Depulso test or do other activities.
We hope our guide helped you get through the Depulso 1 puzzle room in Hogwarts: Legacy without any problems. Comments, additions and advice to other players on the topic of the article can be left in the comments.
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