Herodian's Hall Hogwarts Legacy - an optional task related to solving puzzles. In this guide, we will tell you how to start and successfully complete this quest by solving all the puzzles. The reward can be a complete set of the appearance of this outstanding sorceress and three random pieces of equipment.
We add that in Hogwarts you can find two additional rooms with Depulso trials, in which you can find treasure chests. We have prepared separate guides for solving these puzzles: the first guide and the second guide.
How to start the quest "Herodiana's Hall"
The adventure begins after a conversation with Sophronia Franklin. The girl is in the astronomical wing of the castle, not far from the spell class. Speak with her to learn more about Herodiana, the greatest master of the Rejection Spell. Sometime in the past, she practiced these spells in a certain secret hall of Hogwarts, which you now have to find.
Note: to start Herodiana's trials you will need spells Accio and Depulso (You can get the latter by completing the quest "Professor Sharp's Task 1").
Miss Franklin will give you the first lead to start your search, so you can go straight to Herodian's Hall, located on the lower tier of the Dark Arts Defense Tower.
Find the entrance to Herodian's Hall
Run up the stairs opposite the place where the quest has just started. You need to go down two floors and turn left, into the corridor leading to the hall with the skeleton of a rhinoceros. Near this exhibit there is another staircase that must be overcome, after which the desired place will be on your right. In order not to get lost, we advise you to use the direction marker on the mini-map and additionally check the directions on our screenshots.
You can also use the "Dark Arts Defense Tower" flying flame point, which will significantly shorten your path. When you reach your destination, use the Depulso enchantment on the ornament, which was discussed when taking the quest. A secret passage will open, behind which the test will begin.
Solve the puzzles of Herodiana
The first hall of Herodiana's cache
Here you can interact with objects using Accio and Depulso. The spell works on the side of the cube that it is aimed at - this can and should be used to shoot at them from sharp angles.
We suggest that you first bypass the double block and push it towards the entrance with the help of Depulso, as shown in the screenshot, and pick up random regular quality loot from the chest in the upper niche. After that, send the cubes in the opposite direction with the same spell, and then go to the golden arch above. The Cape of Herodian will be waiting for you in the container.

Second hall of Herodiana's cache
Let's consider the option of building a ladder to get both a regular chest at a time and complete the second test. By the way, if you get confused in moving the cubes, you can simply leave the room and their positions will be reset to their original positions. For convenience, we have consistently described the necessary actions in the screenshots.
Start with a single cube on the second tier.

Now you need to supplement the structure with a base of double cubes “on the ground floor”.

When the ladder is ready, take your time to move forward, but first drag it from the center of the room to the entrance and climb up to the chest with random loot.

It remains to move the impromptu steps back to the golden arch in the back of the room, climb up again and proceed to the next room. Take the Herodian Suit from the chest, after which the next training room will open.

The third hall of the hiding place of Herodiana
We suggest that you first get loot from a regular chest, which in this room is located to the left of the entrance. Jumping just like that will not work, you need to supplement the platform with double cubes. Take a look at the screenshots, there we have described in detail the scheme of actions for completing the optional part of this puzzle.

A simple chest has been opened, now you need to complete the test itself and go all the way to the opposite side. Return to the beginning of the room and cast any spell at the glowing ball on the pedestal - this will reset the configuration of the blocks in the room to its original state. Now please refer back to our scheme in the screenshots below, or you can test your wits by practicing on your own.
Finally, having risen to the opposite side, take the last reward - Herodian's Hat.

How to complete the task: what to choose in the dialogue with Sophronia
The girl is waiting where your first conversation in this task took place. You can return the same way you got to Herodiana's cache, or use the nearest teleportation point to quickly get to the spell class.

In a dialogue with Sophronia, you can choose from several options: show her the relics you found, do it for a fee, or refuse to disclose the details of the adventure at all. This choice will not affect the passage of the game and the relationship between the characters, it is only an opportunity to play your hero in the way you prefer.
After the conversation, the task will be completed. To summarize the rewards for completing:
- 180 experience points;
- 3 random items from optional chests (if you have collected them);
- Herodiana's skin set.
We hope our guide helped you complete the Herodian puzzles in Hogwarts: Legacy, solve all the riddles and get the most equipment for your character. Please leave any comments and additions in the comments, where you can also share other impressions on the topic of the article.
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