In Remnants 2 archetypes are a kind of classes that provide access to unique skills, talents and skills. Some of them are better suited for supporting the team and healing allies, while others are more suitable for destroying enemies at close or long range. However, access to the class system does not open immediately, not to mention the possibility of using a multiclass.
For this reason, we decided to prepare a guide that shows exactly when players get the opportunity to choose archetypes, how to unlock all existing classes in the game, how two classes can be used at once, and which ones are the best.
Choosing a Starting Class in Remnant
You will start the game without any class. Progress through the story until you get to Ward 13 and you will be sent to Wallace, who is sitting on the tower. Don't worry, you won't miss it for sure. It is he who will allow you to choose a starting class from 5 basic archetypes:
- Medic
- Hunter
- Fighter
- dog handler
- shooter

Don't worry about picking the wrong class and ruining your entire game. First, you can reset skill points and rebuild your build if you wish. Secondly, it will be possible to take the second archetype and strengthen the first one with it. Thirdly, in the future you will be able to completely change the class to the one that suits you more.
In general, there should be no problems with the choice, since all archetypes have speaking names and you can learn their basic skills in advance. For example, if you prefer to take out enemies from afar with accurate shots, then you should take the Hunter, and those who want to heal allies and support them in battle should take a closer look at the Medic.

Thus, it is impossible to single out among them the best class, which is head and shoulders ahead of all other archetypes. However, you can still specify a few of the most optimal options. For example, we advise beginners to take the Strelka, who is good at using various weapons, representing a versatile warrior, or the Medic, who is able to heal not only himself, but also teammates.
Multi-class system
Access to it will open after investing the first 10 talent points in your main class. The game itself will inform you that you can now select a second archetype for your character by placing it in an empty class slot in the hero menu.
In this case, you will be able to choose which class to make the main, and which - additional. What is it for? The fact is that the main technique can be used only one, and it is taken from the archetype that was chosen as the main one. As for active skills and passives, they are taken from both classes.
We add that during the passage of the game you will be able to unlock absolutely all the classes available in the game, and then use them. Next, we will tell you how to open them.
How to open all classes (archetypes) in Remnant 2
At the moment, the game contains 11 different archetypes, some of them can be unlocked in a couple of minutes, while others require a lot of non-obvious and difficult actions. In short, you will need to mine a special material, and then take it to Wallace and buy special engrams from him, spending 1000 scrap and 10 luminite crystals each time. Let's start with the basic classes, and finish with the most secret ones.

If you didn't choose him as your starting archetype, then head to Ward 13 and talk to Arms Dealer Brabus at the shooting range. Buy a Rusted Medal from him for 1500 Scrap. Now go to Wallace and take the Hunter's engram.
If you didn't choose him as your starting archetype, then go to Ward 13 and talk to Dr. Nora at the infirmary. Buy the Medic's Badge from her for 1500 Scrap. Now go to Wallace and take the Medic Engram.
If you didn't choose him as your starting archetype, head to Ward 13 and talk to the consumable vendor Reginald. Buy an Old Metal Weapon from him for 1500 Scrap. Now go to Wallace and take the Fighter's Engram.
dog handler
If you didn't choose him as your starting archetype, then go to Ward 13 and talk to the concoction vendor Garbage Tooth. Buy an Old Whistle from him for 1500 Scrap. Now go to Wallace and take the Canine Engram.
To purchase the corresponding engram, you will need the Iron Drum unique material. You can also get it from the Junk Tooth. To do this, wake up the old man and select the "I have questions" option. Then ask him to tell you a story. You will need to listen to absolutely all of his stories, which are definitely more than 10 pieces.
Plus, during the stories, the old man will sometimes fall asleep, and you will have to wake him up. Luckily, you can skip dialogues, which will speed up the process considerably. In addition to the required material, you will also receive an amulet and an Arrow ring.
The first secret class is the easiest to open, although it can take quite a long time. The fact is that you only need to complete the main campaign of the game on any difficulty level. As a result, you will receive a Broken Compass, which must be taken to Wallace.
This archetype simplifies the farming of materials and the search for secrets, so it will be a great option for those who like to explore all the locations far and wide. It is useful for both singles and those who play in a co-op.
To open it, you need to craft a Faded Grimoire at the Blood Moon Altar in Yaesh. Before that, you have to collect 15 Blood Moon Essences. For more information on where to get this material, and what exactly this class is, we told in separate guide.

To unlock it, you will need to get to the Vault of Infinity on N'erud and find the secret area where the Engineer's corpse and the Alien Device lie. We described in detail about the search for these items in separate guide. It also indicates the features of the archetype.

You have to go to the House of Morrow, located in Losom, and find the Manticore there. To do this, you need to stand near a certain grate, and if you are lucky, the monster will drag your character into its lair. We discussed this in more detail in separate guide. It also introduces the features of the Alchemist.

To open it, you will have to get a material called Wooden Sharpening. You have to visit Losom and the Root World, where you will need to find special figures and keys, get the Soul Key and the Dream Catcher, as well as get the Traveler's Dream and deal with the boss named Thunder. In separate guide we have described in detail how to do all this. It also covers the features of the Invader.

A top-secret archetype, to open which you must first get a lot of items, as well as unlock the Explorer and Invader classes. You will need to find Ford's shotgun, the Devastated Heart relic, Summer's amulet and many other things, and then open a strange door in the Labyrinth. We have detailed how to do all this in separate guide.

These are all classes (archetypes) available to players in Remnant 2 at this point in time. We hope our guide will help you unlock them all.
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