In Baldur's Gate 3 an affair with Gale is one of the possible love branches present in the game. To start it and see all the possible sex scenes with the magician, you have to improve your relationship with him and choose the right answer options during dialogues. In this guide, we will tell you in detail how to build a romantic relationship with this character.
Where to find Gale
First of all, you will need to invite a wizard to your team. You can do this almost immediately after the fall of the Nautiloid in Act 1. Go north to the point indicated on the map, and then turn right. Near the rock you will see a purple portal (X: 212, Y: 317) – interact with him. After the first phrase, you will see a hand sticking out of the circle.
Then choose a response with a Strength (7) or other attribute check to pull Gale out of the portal. Most characters will be able to take out the mage without any effort. If you fail, you can try again, but now you will need to get 12 points.

How to improve your relationship with Gale
Before you can take on the development of a romantic relationship, you will need to progress a little in the story. In addition, it is extremely important to try to make decisions that will lead to approval from Gale. While exploring the world and hanging out at camp, there will be many things that can influence his opinion of you. If you don't have a good relationship with him, he won't show any interest in you when it matters.
Approval in Baldur's Gate 3 is the most important aspect when it comes to romance with characters. No matter who you're dating, the first step is to become friends with them so that they generally approve of your actions.
Gale, like all other possible companions, has a distinct personality and worldview, so there are things he approves of and things he doesn't like. So as long as you can maintain an image that matches the characteristics of a sorcerer in your character, gaining his approval will be relatively easy.

Gale is a real good-natured person whose affection can be won by simply doing good and heroic deeds. At the same time, he will take any villainous deeds with hostility. He is also extremely curious, very intelligent, and has an excellent understanding of magic. If you share his curiosity and support him in learning everything new, then there will definitely not be any problems with him.
We will not detail all the actions that Gail approves or disapproves of (you can find them in our separate material on companions), but we will indicate general things that he likes or dislikes.
What Gail approves of:
- Any manifestations of heroism.
- Doing good deeds without any reward.
- Kind attitude towards animals.
- Interest in magical arts.
- Avoiding violent ways to solve problems.
- Providing him with magical artifacts to absorb.
What Gail doesn't approve of:
- Unreasonable acts of violence.
- Violent behavior when interacting with others.
- Stupid actions.
- Condemnation of his current state.
In general, as long as you do good left and right, Gail will not only become an excellent travel companion for you, but will also very quickly reveal her soul to you.
How to start and develop a romance with Gale
Act 1
After completing the main story quest "Save the Druid of Halsin" and the side quest "Save the Refugees", you will be able to celebrate in your camp at the end of the day, choosing to take a long rest. When everyone is celebrating, talk to Gale and choose the following dialogue options:
- I'm sure everyone is happy to see you.
- I like the sound of the word "magical". What's on your mind?
After that, go to the sleeping bag and go to bed for a new scene to begin. In it you will see a projection of a mysterious woman, who will turn out to be the goddess of magic Mystra. Don't choose answer options that make you seem uninterested or in a hurry to leave. Be sure to take up Gale's suggestion regarding learning how to control the weave.
Then you will need to pass several checks - choose those attributes that you have developed best. Most of them have fairly low requirements for passing (no more than 5 points). However, even if you fail some of them, Gale will not be angry. Next, tell him the following phrases:
- "Magically. Even sensually” or “It was so easy for me. You are a great teacher."
- “Try to absorb this moment. It's a wonderful night for intimacy."
- “Imagine you kissing him. Gently at first. Then passionately.”
Gale will be stunned by such a confession and will act rather shy, but will approve of your choice. At the same time, you won’t get any kisses or hugs from him. However, you are still moving in the right direction.
Note: A similar conversation can happen much earlier if your approval from Gale is at a high enough level.
Wait until the next time you can chat with Gale in the camp. He will tell you about Tara, his familiar. Choose answers that demonstrate your interest in the sorcerer, and at the end say:
- "Do not stop. What else do you like about me?

You will be on the right path to winning the heart of the magician. The continuation of the novel awaits you in the second chapter of the story.
Act 2
To continue your romance with Gale, you definitely need to stabilize the sphere in his chest, giving him magical artifacts when he asks you for them. If you did not do this in the first chapter, then you need to do it in the current act. In total, he needs 3-4 magic items.
Next, you will need to chat with Elminster and invite him to your camp. You can find him in the location Path to the Rosimorn monastery at the following coordinates - X: -130, Y: -160. He will help Gale control his condition. This way you can advance your companion’s personal quest.
Note: Sometimes Elminster will visit your camp on his own, meaning you won't even need to look for him.
Continue through the main storyline by going through Challenge Ball and finding Song of the Night. Return to camp before the final battle of Chapter 2. You will find Gale's mirror image in the place where the wizard usually stands. Talk to him and then agree to go where he asks.
You will find Gale sitting on the grass near the edge of the forest - sit next to him. You can answer the first remarks the way you want, and then tell him:
- “Nothing is inevitable - especially if we face it together. You don't have to die."
- “Reach for a kiss” or “I love you too.”
After kissing, choose any answer again. Then Gail will want to show you something. Agree, and he will transport you to the illusion of Waterdeep. Choose any phrases until Gail starts courting you. Then say:
- “Sounds amazing! But I don’t see a bed.”
- "Show me. Show me everything."
As a result, you will see a love scene with Gale, in which you will literally spend the night with the magician among the stars.
Note that if in the meadow you choose the answer: “I don’t need illusions. I need Gale, who is standing right in front of me,” then you will be shown a more mundane scene in which Gale will simply conjure a bed in the forest, and you will sleep on it with him.
Act 3
The next scene is pretty easy to miss. Read the Annals of Karsus in the Vault of Karsus, which can be accessed through the Magic Supplies shop located in Baldur's Gate. Then be sure to talk to Gale at the camp before taking a long rest and heading to Kyoto on the Storm Coast at Elminster's request. You can ask your companion to talk with the great magician, but under no circumstances go to bed, otherwise there will be no dialogue with your beloved.
After reading the book, Gale learns more information about the Crown of Karsus, so she will want to talk to you about it. During a conversation with him, select the following answer:
- Close eyes.
Next, select any answer to his next comment, and then:
- “I feel the same way. Whatever you need from me, consider it already received.”
- "Kiss him."
This will trigger a short romantic scene between you and Gale. Alternatively, you can try to dissuade Gale from doing anything reckless by choosing the following answers:
- "That sounds dangerous."
- “I can't, Gail. Better forget about it. I love you just the way you are".
- “You already have everything I need.”
You will see the same scene, but at the same time Gale will finally be able to find peace of mind. Apparently, this will not greatly affect the ending with him (only the dialogue will change slightly). In any case, you will complete the romance with this character.
How does Dark Seduction affect the novel?
If you chose Dark Seduction as your origin, an important event may occur in the second act. This usually happens if the character did not kill Isobel and has a lover (in our case, Gale). The darkness inside the heroine will prompt her to kill her chosen one during sleep. To prevent this from happening, follow these steps:
- Try to wake your partner and pass a Wisdom check (14).
- Once you are bound, make another Wisdom check (18). You will have a slight advantage because your lover will believe in you.
If you fail to do this, then you will most likely kill your chosen one. Your team members will be shocked by your uncontrollable madness, so if you fail to deceive them, you will have to fight all your former comrades alone. Surviving this fight will not be easy.
In Act 3, you will have the option of accepting your fate or freeing yourself from the Dark Seduction entirely. This takes place after the Murder Tribunal and Orin the Red arcs. The consequences of your decision for the novel (if Gale is alive) will be as follows:
- Free yourself from Dark Seduction/refuse blessings. Gale will definitely be pleased that you are finally free of these shackles.
- Accept your fate by remaining with the Dark Seduction. In this case, Gale will still remain with you.
Is it possible to romance other characters at the same time?
Gail is extremely negative about the fact that you will try to build romantic relationships with other companions. You can try to get approval from other companions and even kiss them, but ultimately you will have to choose who to stay with, as the magician will lead you into a similar conversation.
Arrange with Halsin an affair won’t work either - if you ask Gale for permission, he will refuse you, and if you sleep with a druid behind his back, then you will end your relationship with him. This also applies to other fleeting romances, for example, with Mizora - no matter what you tell Gale later, he will not forgive you for your betrayal.
Thus, if you are planning to build a relationship with Gale, then try to remain faithful only to him, otherwise you will not be able to complete the romantic line with him.
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