In Alan Wake 2 Manuscript pages are collectibles that can be found when playing as Saga Anderson. Finding the first page will unlock the achievement "Not the last". There are no other rewards for collecting them, but they allow you to delve deeper into the game’s lore, and sometimes even find out in advance what awaits you in the future.
Some pages of the manuscript cannot be missed, while others are well hidden from the eyes of players. In this guide we will tell you where to find all these text sheets. Let's add that you can familiarize yourself with their contents at any time by simply visiting the “Map of the Mind” and interacting with the corresponding table (shown in the screenshots below).
All manuscript pages in Return 1: Invitation
During the first act you can only find 2 pages, and they are considered part of the plot, so you will pick them up anyway.
Manuscript page "Message"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
While exploring the Witch's Scoop with Casey, you will study the evidence and watch a cutscene. As soon as it is completed, you will automatically receive the first piece of paper.
Manuscript page "Saga Uses Light to Fight Nightingale"
- Area: Bright Falls
Once in the morgue, watch the video, and then examine the corpse of the former agent to get the next page from his chest wound.
All manuscript pages in Return 2: Heart
During the first act, you can find several sheets of the future book. Some of them may well be overlooked. Luckily, you can pick them up in future chapters if you want.
A page from the manuscript "The Saga Haunts Nightingale"
- Area: Bright Falls
After fighting off Nightingale in the morgue, continue to inspect the room. You will find a page on the floor to the left side of the heroine.

Manuscript page "Saga Finds Shelter"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
Return to the Witch's Scoop, where the entrance to the Fold is located. Inside you will find a page. You will get it according to the story.

Manuscript page "The Saga Opens the Fold at Cauldron Lake"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
Go to the Witch's Hut and restore the lighting in it. To do this, you need to find the fuse and insert it into the electrical panel. We talked about this in detail in separate guide. Having done this, look at the bookshelf on the left to find a page.
Manuscript page "Saga in the Store"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
Enter the store located in the center of the location. Here you will encounter your first possessed cultist. Having dealt with it, enter the room ahead and examine the floor to find it not far from the first aid kit.
A page from the manuscript "Nightingale Walks into the Lake"
- Area: Cauldron Lake (Fold)
Having made your way into the Fold, move forward until you find yourself at the beginning of the location again (you have ended up in a kind of loop). Go forward again and shine the light on the boulder on the right side to find a page.

Manuscript page "Nightingale in the Dark Abode"
- Area: Cauldron Lake (Fold).
She can be found near the tree while searching for Nightingale in the Fold. If you accidentally pass by, don't worry about it, as it can be picked up after the boss fight. Follow the main path and approach the large tree, then look to the left. The pictures below show both locations.
Manuscript page "Fold"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
After you find Alan at the lake and leave him with Casey, you can find a page near the beach. Take the only currently accessible path that leads further from the shore and pass under two fallen trees. Then go around the boulder and in the bushes you will find the required document.
Manuscript page "Saga Burns Dark Matter"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
Exit the break room and deal with the first wolf. Then head towards Witchfinder Station on the left road. Soon you will see someone's camp on the left and a table on which the page lies.
Manuscript page “Cult of the Tree”
- Area: Cauldron Lake
Move in a northwest direction from the lake and find a small building indicated on the map as a Private House. Power up the shack by using the nearby generator to turn it into a break room. Inside, look at the left side of the floor and you will see a page.
Manuscript page "Murder Scenes"
- Area: Cauldron Lake
After exploring the Witchfinder station, go outside and approach the table located on the right side of the house. You will find a page on it.
All manuscript pages in Return 3: Local
In the third act you will find a large number of pages, so some of them are quite easy to miss.
Manuscript page "Trailer"
- Area: Bright Falls
After interrogating Alan Wake, you will ask him to give you the hidden page. He will give you one piece of paper with the text.

Manuscript page for "Ed Returns to Cauldron Lake"
- Area: Bright Falls
Before leaving the hotel, go to the main corridor on the right side of the reception desk. Enter the room on the right side, the door to which is slightly open, and examine the floor.
Manuscript page for "Tammy on the Ferry"
- Area: Bright Falls
Can be found on the coffee table on the left side, not far from the previous page.
Manuscript page from "The Saga of Wateree Forest"
- Area: Wateree
Follow the path that the Koskela brothers pointed to and enter the hut. Inside it on the table you will find a new page.
"Wateri" manuscript page
- Area: Wateree
Exit the house and move in a western direction. Deal with the wolf, turn right and go under the trunk. You will discover a cult cache. Open it, and then turn around, and you will find a page on the ground.
"Scratch's Hunt" manuscript page
- Area: Wateree
As you head toward Coffee World, you'll find a small shack located south of the Ranger's Lodge and north of the souvenir shop. Go inside the break room and look for the sheet on the table.
Manuscript page "Assault on the World of Coffee"
- Area: Wateree
It lies inside the souvenir shop, where you can go after finding screwdrivers. Examine the table on the left side to find a piece of paper.
Manuscript page "Saga fights the possessed in the workshop"
- Area: Wateree
When the Nutcracker is dragged away right in front of your nose in the basement of the Knights of Kalevala workshop, turn around and you will see a page on the floor.

Manuscript page "Fatal Police Mistake"
- Area: Wateree
You can find it behind a large cup, next to which a big guy attacks you. The page lies on the table not far from the paint cans.
Manuscript page "Koskel's Carnival Chariot"
- Area: Wateree
After leaving the workshop, look at the chariot on the left side - you will find a leaf on it.
Manuscript page "Cops and Corruption"
- Area: Wateree
When you come out from under the Espresso Express ride and remove the circuit board from it, you will see a page right in front of you on the ground.
Manuscript page "Police in the Morgue"
- Area: Wateree (Fold)
Move along the Fold, going down into the well. You will again find yourself at the very beginning of the location. Go forward and get to the house. Go inside and you will see a page on the table on the right side.

"Assaults of the Dark Entity" manuscript page
- Area: Wateree
Go to the town and get to the pier located south of the sauna. You will see a page on the pier.
All manuscript pages in Return 5: Old Gods
In a nursing home you can find several pages from a book at once.
Manuscript page "The History of the Valhalla Nursing Home"
- Area: Bright Falls
As you move towards Valhalla, you will find a rest room along the way to the west of the Forest near the bunker. Go inside and find the piece of paper on the table.
"Enchanted Thor" manuscript page
- Area: Bright Falls
When exploring the Wellness Center, go to the Chamber. You will find the required document on the table.
Manuscript page "The Cult Storms the Hotel"
- Area: Bright Falls
After finding the door handle at the reception desk, open the door to the Workshop. Here you will find a hunting rifle and a page lying on the desk.
Manuscript page "One Loses an Eye"
- Area: Bright Falls
After seeing Thor disappear into the Fold, go into the building nearby and examine the floor to find a piece of paper.
Manuscript page "Saga opens a fold in the Valhalla nursing home"
- Area: Bright Falls
Chat with Rose and look through her file. Tell her that Wake has returned to get the key and page of the manuscript from the girl.

Manuscript page for "Barry's Confrontation with the Artists"
- Area: Bright Falls
It can be found in the basement. Go to the Boiler Room and carefully examine the floor near the black boiler.
"Emmett Possessed" manuscript page
- Area: Bright Falls
Between the Boiler Room and the Work Area there is a small room from which you can get to another area if you crouch. However, before you do this, open the red container to remove the page from it.
Manuscript page "Possessed Cynthia"
- Area: Bright Falls
It can also be found in the basement. Go to the Laundry Room and look for a table standing near the door - you will find a page on it.
Manuscript page "Alone Bedridden"
- Area: Bright Falls
Return to the nursing home and start climbing the stairs. On the way up you will find a new page.

Manuscript page "Construction of the Valhalla Nursing Home"
- Area: Bright Falls
Use the access card you received from Rose and enter Gail's room, located on the 3rd floor. You will see a page on the floor next to the table.
"Cynthia and Tom" manuscript page
- Area: Bright Falls
Then look into Cynthia's room, which you need to explore in the story. The required piece of paper will be lying on the floor in the bathroom.
"Rose on Bingo Night" manuscript page
- Area: Bright Falls
After completing the chapter, exit the nursing home. Head to the western edge of the map. The page lies near the radio and the table.
"Bright Falls" manuscript page
- Area: Bright Falls
Head to the southern part of the new forest area. Here you will find a hut with a seating area. The page will lie on the floor.
Manuscript page “Koskela infiltrated the FBK laboratory”
- Area: Bright Falls
Exit the house and start heading east towards the beach area. The piece of paper will lie on the sand.
Manuscript page "Rose Receives a Message"
- Area: Bright Falls
She can be found in the southwestern part of Billy's shipyard, near lunch box.
Manuscript page "Ilmo Resists the Dark Entity"
- Area: Wateree
To find this and the next page you will need to first find all cult caches. By doing this, you will obtain the key to the lighthouse located in Wateree. Enter it and examine the floor to find this piece of paper.
Manuscript page “The Birth of the Cult of the Tree”
- Area: Wateree
Still in the same lighthouse, go a little forward and examine the table on the right side to find a piece of paper with text.

All manuscript pages in Return 6: Scratch
In this storyline, you will return to the Sheriff's Office located in Bright Falls. Inside you will find several more pages.
Manuscript page "Assault on the Sheriff's Office"
- Area: Bright Falls
Go down to the police station basement and restore power. Then go through the room with the prison cells. The page will be in the first chamber on the right side.
"Lake Cauldron" manuscript page
- Area: Cauldron Lake
By this time you will have already received bolt cutter, necessary to get to the Rental Cottages location, located in the eastern part of the specified area. Once you get there, go into the house on the right side. The page will be placed on a piece of furniture.
Manuscript page from "The Cult Finds the Nutcracker"
- Area: Bright Falls
After completing the chapter, head to the place where the main character’s car is parked. The page lies on the ground to the right of the car.
All manuscript pages in Return 9: Come Back
Manuscript page "Door through the Dark Abode"
- Area: Dark Cloister
After entering the Dark Abode with Saga, use the payphone, and then find Breaker. He sits on a bench located in the northern part of the central square. Chat with him to get the last page.

These are all the manuscript pages that can be found in Alan Wake 2. We hope that our guide will help you find them and delve deeper into the game's lore.
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