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    Sparkle in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Honkai: Star Rail Sparkle is 5 star character, having a Quantum type of combat and related to the path of Harmony. In the team, she plays the role of support, buffing allies. In this guide we will tell you about her best builds, light cones And relics. You can also find out about the most optimal units with her

    Note: Member of the Masked Klutz faction has not yet officially released, so the data presented here is based on information obtained as part of beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game.

    Key features of Sparkle

    How to get Sparkle

    This heroine can only be obtained during the event Jump. In the near future, this banner will be launched as part of the second phase of patch 2.0 (starts on February 28). If you want to be one of the first to know about her next rerun, we advise you to bookmark this article.

    Let’s add that HoYoverse only once gave a 5-star character in honor of winning the category for “best mobile game of 2023” and never for completing various events, so it’s highly likely that you can unlock Sparkle only with the help of Jumping.

    Twilight's stat progression

    In the table below you can see how the heroine's basic parameters change as her level increases.

    Level Attack Power Protection HP Speed
    1 71 66 190 101
    20 139 129 371 101
    40 267 248 713 101
    60 396 366 1055 101
    80 523 485 1397 101

    Note that her critical damage, critical hit chance and taunt are 50%, 5% and 100 units respectively at any level, and her energy reserve is 110 units.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Sparkle

    Thanks to her unique abilities, she can buff her allies, enhancing their offensive capabilities. Its advantages also include:

    • Pairs well with hypercarries who constantly need skill points to perform their most powerful attacks, as it not only increases the total number of skill points, but can also restore a significant number of them with a super ability.
    • He has the cheapest ultimate among Harmony characters (110 units), and basic attacks, thanks to the trail, speed up energy recovery. All this allows the heroine to use her ultimate more often.
    • An extremely versatile support, which, in addition to issuing skill points, can increase the critical damage and attack power of allies, as well as promote their action forward and increase the total damage dealt, which will be useful for absolutely any team in the game.
    • Fits ideally into quantum mono packs, as in this case it provides allies with additional bonuses to attack power.
    • She has a high base health, which also increases with traces, which significantly increases the heroine’s survivability.
    • It is relatively easy to assemble, since to perform its main function it only needs to pump up three characteristics: critical damage, speed and energy recovery.
    • It fulfills its main role well without unlocking eidolons or having signature weapons, which F2P players will certainly like.
    • The technique gives the group invisibility, which will allow you to calmly explore locations without being distracted by enemies.

    However, you still can’t call this klutz in a mask ideal, since she also has her own drawbacks, namely:

    • The heroine will be able to maximize her potential only in a quantum mono pack.
    • The buff from the skill lasts only 1 turn and is applied only to one character (in the absence of E6), which is why it is recommended to use Sparkle in teams with one damage dealer.
    • Doesn't work well with damage over time commands, since DoT doesn't crit, which is why the critical damage buff will be useless for damage dealers playing through it.

    Twilight's Abilities

    When using a basic attack "One Actress Theater" it deals quantum damage to the enemy equal to 50~130% of its attack power. At the same time, it restores 20 units of energy and penetrates 30 units of durability.

    Explanation: Standard unremarkable strikes. The Almanac trail slightly increases their usefulness, as it gives an additional increase to energy recovery of 10 units. However, with Twilight you are unlikely to ever run out of skill points, so you will still rarely use her basic attacks.

    After using the skill "Floating in Dreams" she will be able to increase the critical damage of the selected squad member by 12-30% of her own parameter value plus 27-54% for 1 turn and advance his action forward by 50%. When using a skill on yourself, its effect does not advance. The skill restores 30 units of energy.

    Explanation: An excellent buff, which at skill level 10 and at 150% crit. Sparkle's damage can increase the corresponding parameter of the main DD by 81% and at the same time make him walk more often. By the way, with the “Artificial Flower” trace, this bonus is valid until the start of the ally’s next turn, and, therefore, applies to all his bonus attacks and ultimates performed up to that moment.

    Using a superpower "Heroine of a Thousand Faces", she immediately gives 4 skill points to the team and imposes a Cipher on all its members. Each character with this status increases the effect of increasing damage with the heroine's talent by 6-12% for 2 turns.

    Explanation: The key element of the ultimate is, of course, the restoration of skill points, which will allow damage dealers like Moon Eater to freely use their skills to their full potential. The cipher will make it possible to increase its overall damage. Please note that this is a direct increase, not a multiplier. Example calculations are shown below.

    As for the heroine’s passive talent - "Red Herring", then it increases the maximum number of skill points of the group by 2. Each skill point used by an ally increases the damage done by all team members by 3-7.5%. The duration of the bonus is 2 turns, and it can stack up to three times.

    Explanation: If you have Sparkle in your squad, your pool of skill points will increase to 7, which is very useful, because with your ult you can restore 4 points at once. So now you are unlikely to have situations where you burn extra points. As for the increase in damage, without taking into account the superpower at the 10th level of the talent, you can get an increase in damage of 18%, and with it - 58% (if the Cipher is applied to all 4 characters).

    It is also impossible not to mention the technology "Unreliable Narrator", the use of which allows you to obtain the Stealth status for 20 seconds. While it is active, enemies cannot detect your characters. When the battle begins, the heroine immediately restores 3 skill points to the squad.

    Twilight's Traces

    In addition to the above abilities, the heroine’s leveling tree also includes other enhancements that provide passive bonuses or permanent increases to characteristics. They mainly increase her resistance to effects, maximum health and critical damage. You can see all the traces in the pictures below.

    Twilight's Eidolons

    To unlock them, materials of the same name are required, which are issued when duplicates of the heroine appear, which, of course, is random. And considering the rarity of 5-star character drops, be prepared to spend a lot of money and time on this. Luckily, even without eidolons, Twilight can effectively serve as a team buffer. If you do decide to open them up, you can stop at E1 and E2, which significantly increase the heroine's usefulness as a support character, as she will further increase the damage done by allies, allowing them to ignore enemy defenses and increasing their attack power. The list below covers all eidolons.

    1. Hovering Distrust – increases the duration of the Cipher cast by the ult by 1 turn. Increases attack power by 40% for characters with this status.
    2. Absolute fiction - each level of talent summation allows allies to ignore 8% of the enemy's defense in case of damage to him.
    3. An impossible dream – the skill level increases by two, and the basic attack level increases by one. The maximum level for the first increases to 15, and for the second – to 10.
    4. Life is a game – the maximum number of skill points increases by 1, and the number of skill points issued by the ult increases to 5.
    5. The double truth is that the level of ult and talent increases by two. The maximum level for both increases to 15.
    6. Ambiguity of the narrative - the skill increases the critical damage of an ally by an additional 30% of the critical damage of the heroine. This bonus is given to all allies who have the Cipher status.

    How to play as Sparkle

    This masked klutz is ideal for squads with hypercarries that eat up skill points at an incredible rate (Qingque, Moon Eater), as it completely eliminates their skill point shortage problem. It is also worth using for beginners who have not yet learned how to properly build squads and rotations to effectively use skills.

    Remember that thanks to the Artificial Flower trail, the critical damage buff lasts until the target's next turn, meaning it will work on all bonus attacks and ultimates of the character. For this reason, it is recommended to combine Sparkle with damage dealers that have bonus hits (Doctor Ratio, Topaz, Jing Yuan).

    The heroine must use the skill every turn in order to maintain the critical damage buff (it should only be applied to the main DD). If there is no character on the team who can spend more than one skill point at a time, then it is highly advisable that three members of the squad must use their skills every cycle - this is necessary to receive a permanent bonus on overall damage.

    It's important to carefully set Twilight's speed so that she goes right after your main damage dealer, as this will buff him and push his action forward, giving him the opportunity to go twice in one round. The optimal rotation would look like this:

    1. If possible, use the Twilight technique to immediately gain 3 additional skill points, which will allow you to safely use skills with all characters in the first round, thereby receiving the full damage bonus.
    2. When the turn goes to Sparkle, be sure to use her skill on the main damage dealer. This buff only lasts for one turn, so don't spray it on other characters. If you're lucky, the main DD will immediately follow the support due to the promotion of his action by 50%.
    3. It is advisable to use the ult when ready, since it not only gives additional... skill points, but also increases the overall damage of the pack. You can wait to use it only if you already have 7 skill points, since the restored skill points can simply burn out.

    Best builds for Sparkle

    Best Light Cones

    When choosing a weapon, you should take a closer look at those options that increase critical damage, energy recovery and/or speed, and also provide some additional buffs to the team. The table below shows the most interesting specimens.

    Name Characteristics Ability

    World of Games (5 stars)

    HP: 53-1164

    ATK: 24-529

    DEF: 21-463

    Increases critical damage by 32-60%. Gives the wearer a Mask for three turns at the beginning of the battle. With this status, his allies have a chance to inflict crit. hits increases by 10-14%, and critical damage - by 28-56%. When 1 skill point is restored (even if the maximum number is exceeded), the owner receives 1 stack of Colorful Flame. After collecting 4 stacks, the wearer receives a Mask for four turns. Signature for Sparkle, which significantly increases the buff from her skill and gives the team additional bonuses, which, thanks to the ult, will work almost constantly. However, if you are aiming to get E2, then we still advise you to knock out the eidolons, and not take the signature weapon.

    Date with the Stars (4 stars)

    HP: 1058

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 330

    Increases damage dealt by 12-24% at the start of battle when an ally deals damage of the same type as the wearer. An excellent option for quantum mono packs or in squads where there are damage dealers of the specified element (Xuei, Zele, Qingque), as it will further increase their damage.

    Cut the moon and cut the clouds (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 476

    DEF: 330

    Gives a random effect at the beginning of the battle or before the wearer performs an action: the attack power of all allies increases by 10-20%, their damage increases by 12-24%, or their energy recovery is accelerated by 6-12%. The resulting effect replaces the previous one. Bonuses are not cumulative and disappear if the hero dies. Gives good additional buffs to all allies in the squad, although it does not strengthen Sparkle herself in any way. In addition, you can only get it from a paid Battle Pass. If you do not plan to knock out a signature or use a quantum mono group, you can try to remove this cone from the power supply.

    Dance! Dance! Dance! (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 396

    Promotes allies' actions by 16-24% after the wearer uses the ult. Many people often underestimate the usefulness of this cone, but it allows support allies to make more moves per cycle. With Twilight's skill, the main DD is likely to go right after her.

    Past and Future (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 423

    DEF: 396

    Using the skill increases by 16-32% the damage of an ally for one turn who walks after the weapon bearer. A rather useful passive, but only if the main DD goes immediately after Sparkle, and this will not always happen. For this reason, by the way, we do not advise you to give her the Armor signature - “The battle is not over.”

    Choir (3 stars)

    HP: 846

    ATK: 317

    DEF: 264

    Increases the attack power of all teammates by 8-12% at the beginning of the battle. The bonus does not stack with similar effects. If there are no alternatives, you can give Harmony to any character. A pretty good choice if there are no other suitable cones, as it gives a good bonus to all squad members. In addition, getting the 5th overlay should not be difficult even at the beginning of the game.

    The best relics

    As for the choice of ordinary relics mined in corrosion caves, the table below shows the most optimal options.

    Name Bonuses Advantages

    A messenger wandering the hacker space

    2 parts: increase speed by 6%.

    4 parts: increases the speed of all allies by 12% for one turn if the carrier uses an ult on an ally. Bonuses are not cumulative.

    The best choice for Sparkle, which allows you to increase the speed not only of her, but also of other squad members, and she will activate the second passive quite often due to the low cost of the ult.

    A messenger wandering the hacker space

    Blizzard Guardian

    Long-lived student

    2 parts: increase speed by 6%.

    2 pieces: reduce damage taken by 8%.

    2 pieces: Increases maximum health by 12%.

    If you haven't collected the full Herald set yet, you can combine it with Blizzard Guardian or Long-Living Apprentice to give Twilight a little extra survivability.

    Now let's move on to planar jewelry, which is mined in the Virtual Universe. The list below shows the recommended options (the numbers indicate the priority of choice):

    Planar decoration Bonuses Reasons for choice

    1) Broken keel

    2 pieces: Increases wearer's resistance to effects by 10%. If this indicator is equal to or exceeds 30%, then allies' critical damage increases by 10%. A good option for Sparkle, since she can activate his passive relatively easily (the remaining 10% resistance to effects can be gained from the additional stats of relics), adding another 10% crit to allies. damage

    2) Dreamland Penaconia

    2 pieces: Increases energy recovery by 5% and increases damage dealt by squad members of the same type as the wearer by 10%. An ideal choice for a quantum mono pack or a squad with quantum damage dealers. Otherwise, take Broken Keel.

    3) Fleet of Ageless

    2 pieces: Increases maximum health by 12%. If the character's speed is equal to or exceeds 120 units, then all allies' attack power increases by 8%. Another good option for Sparkle, as it increases her survivability and gives another buff to team members (you are unlikely to have problems gaining speed).

    Concerning characteristics of relics, then you need to choose as follows:

    • Body: Critical Damage
    • Legs: speed
    • Planar Sphere: HP%/Def%
    • Connecting rope: energy recovery
    • Additional characteristics: critical damage > speed > HP%, Defense%, effect resistance

    The best commands for Sparkle

    As we previously noted, this heroine will be able to reveal her full potential only in quantum mono packs. Fortunately, the game already has a sufficient number of characters of the indicated element so that you can assemble a similar squad with relatively no problems if you have the Silver Wolf.

    Next come the teams that have a hypercarry that requires a large number of skill points. Now these include the Moon Eater and Qingque. Next come damage dealers with bonus attacks, since they will be able to benefit from the increase in critical damage from Sparkle’s skill for longer.

    However, bonuses to attack power, crit. damage and overall damage, as well as additional skill points will be useful to almost any squad, so you can use it everywhere. In the table below we have indicated the optimal teams with Sparkle.

    Maine-DD Sub-DD Sub-DD/Support Support


    Silver Wolf


    Fu Xuan

    Xueyi (Qingque)

    Silver Wolf


    Lynx (Fu Xuan)

    Moon Eater

    Ruan Mei



    Moon Eater







    Fu Xuan (Lynx)






    Silver Wolf


    Fu Xuan (Lynx)

    Jing Yuan


    Cheetah (Fire Pathfinder)

    Bailu (Natasha)








    Fu Xuan

    Doctor Ratio




    Doctor Ratio








    Leveling up Sparkle

    How to increase abilities (what to download first)

    The pictures below demonstrate the materials and their quantities required to maximize the basic attack, skill, superpower and talent.

    • The celestial note, celestial interlude and celestial melody are obtained from the sepal found in Penaconia or through Synthesis.
    • Scraps of thoughts, fragments of impressions and fragments of dreams are obtained from opponents in Penaconia, assignments and enemies in the Virtual Universe, or using Synthesis. They can also be purchased for unquenchable ashes at the Pom-Pom store.
    • Past Wormhole Disasters - Obtained by fighting the Skarakabaz boss in the Echoes of War "Old Wormhole Crater" located in the Isolated Zone (Gertha Space Station).
    • Imprints of Fate - obtained in the Virtual Universe, issued with a battle pass and purchased for unquenchable ashes in the Pom-Pom store. Sometimes they are a reward in temporary events.

    As for the priority of leveling up abilities, we recommend leveling up a skill, superpower and talent at the same time, since all three allow you to buff your allies. If you have limited resources, then give priority to the skill (that is, it should be 1-2 levels ahead of other abilities). Increase basic attacks according to the residual principle.

    How to level up a character

    At certain levels you will need to elevate the heroine by spending a large amount of resources and credits:

    • Exaltation (level 30): credits x4000 and thought scraps x5
    • Exaltation (level 40): credits x8000 and scraps of thoughts x10
    • Exaltation (level 50): credits x16000, fragments of impressions x6 and dream flamethrower x3
    • Exaltation (level 60): credits x40000, fragments of impressions x9 and dream flamethrower x7
    • Ascension (level 70): credits x80000, dream shards x6 and dream flamethrower x20
    • Ascension (level 80): credits x160000, dream shards x9 and dream flamethrower x35

    The Dream Flamethrower can be obtained from the Stagnant Shadow "Dream Frontier" located in Penaconia.