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    Jade Incense Cauldron in Genshin Impact: where to find and how to solve the riddles

    Jade Incense Cauldron in Genshin Impact: where to find and how to solve the riddles


    In Genshin Impact Jade Incense Cauldron is an element local mysteries Chenyu Valley - mountainous territory in the north of Liyue, added with patch 4.4. The puzzle is a series of interactions with incense burners that must be lit through the use of the Adept skill. Our guide will help you find all the places with tripods, solve every riddle correctly and get all the valuable trophies.

    General puzzle map with Jade Incense Cauldron

    Tripods are located throughout the Chenyu region, and in total there are about 17 pieces (not taking into account individual or combined puzzle elements in local quests ).

    How to use Jade Tripods

    To better understand the mechanics of this puzzle, check out our a guide to all the mysteries of the Chenyu Valley. The principle here is not complicated, the main thing is to have time to activate all the empty incense burners. But there are several nuances:

    • How to interact with the Jade Tripod?

    A jade tripod is a kind of conductor, inside of which a shimmering golden energy for lighting nearby vessels with incense. If turn the camera towards him, the symbol to apply will appear Adept's special skill .

    • How to light jars of incense?

    When you cast tripod Adept skill (“T” on PC), the energy will fly in your direction (can act at a distance, but the range is limited). If an inactive vessel for incense stands in its path, then upon their contact, the latter will be filled with light. You can direct the golden spark in both directions : to yourself and from yourself.

    Often near the vessels there are floating fast navigation marks, to which you can be attracted in the form of a koi carp - be sure to use them if you do not have time to light all the incense vessels.

    Let's take a closer look at the solution to each jade incense tripod riddle. .

    Jade tripod 1

    • Area: slope above Yilong Port;
    • Reward: precious chest.

    We suggest starting with Mingyuan Mountain - on one of its slopes, towering above the port of Yilong, you will find the first riddle with tripods. First of all, deal with the hilichurl running around the blocked precious casket.

    There are two tripods standing here: an active one and an empty one (the second one is closer to the edge of the rock). There are two extinguished incense burners installed parallel to the active vessel - stand behind the far one so that the tripod is visible, and use it on it Adept ability (“T” on PC). The spark will fly towards you through two vessels and ignite them. Afterwards you can fill an empty tripod, standing above.

    All you have to do is take turns (and as quickly as possible) stand in front of the two distant vessels and pass the Adept’s energy through them.

    Jade Tripod 2

    • Area: cliff above the Upper Chenyu Gorge;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    We head to the teleport on the opposite bank from the Ilong port, and from there we fly to the edge of the cliff across the path to the east. Under the tree there is one tripod and a couple of empty vessels (+ a few slimes that will get in the way).

    To spawn a chest, stand in turn behind each of the extinguished incense burners and repeat the mechanics of transferring the Adept’s energy from the storage to you and back.

    Jade Tripod 3

    • Area: clearing behind the bridge west of Qiaoying Village;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    The third point of interest is located just south of the teleport on the mountain behind the village of Qiaoying.

    On your first visit, you will not find the tripod, as it stands somewhere below by the water. Fly to the nearest fish-shaped beacon, and the plate with the storage will rise up. It will float from side to side, and empty cauldrons stand on both sides of the rift.

    Choose one of the sides, stand behind the incense burner, and when the vault is nearby, use the Adept skill. Repeat the steps and to move quickly, use a beacon over the fault.

    Jade Tripod 4

    • Area: Cave east of Qiaoying Village;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    Solving the fourth puzzle is only possible by completing the side quest " Triple expectations " - read her solution in paragraph about setting up three monoliths from pinned guide.

    Jade Tripod 5

    • Area: clearing on the eastern slope of Lingmeng Mountain;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    For the 5th trophy, go to the clearing on the east side of Lingmen Mountain. You will need to light 4 empty incense containers.

    The incense burners stand one behind the other on opposite sides of the energy vessel. To unlock the reward, stand behind the furthest ones and redirect the golden spark with the Adept skill from the tripod to yourself and back.

    Jade Tripod 6

    • Area: Waterfall on the southern half of Lingmeng Mountain;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    Use the nearby teleporter (map above) and get to the base of the waterfall on the south side of Lingmeng. Immediately destroy a couple of cryo slimes so that they do not interfere with moving through the water between the puzzle pieces.

    There are two empty pots on the water, and not far from them there are tripods, one of which will be empty. First of all, go behind the extinct vessel opposite the active storage and redirect the Adept's energy through it. Then go behind the second incense burner and repeat the action, but now filling it with charge + an empty tripod.

    Jade Tripod 7

    • Area: teleport above the slope of the Tea Tree;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    To solve the 7th puzzle, move to the teleporter, which is located at the top of the Tea Tree slope.

    The sequence here is exactly the same as the previous riddle: stand behind the farthest vessels in one of two directions and pass the Adept’s power through them. To speed up, navigate using a beacon in the form of a fish.

    Jade tripod 8

    • Area: Ruins on a hill west of Yaode Valley;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    Now head to the ruins at the edge of the path east of the Chizhang Wall. There is a filled Tripod not far from the travel point, but its range of use is not enough to light the pots.

    Collect its charge and follow to the nearest empty vessel. Stand next to it and redirect energy through it to the empty storage facility opposite.

    Then run to the lone pot that is closer to the tripod and repeat the action. And at the end, go behind the empty vessel to the right of the chest and again attract the golden spark to you (there will be two last incense burners on its way).

    Jade Tripod 9

    • Area: Ruins on a hill west of Yaode Valley;
    • Reward: Chizhang Wall Card and Ancient City Key.

    The ninth puzzle is in the same area as the previous one. Read her detailed solution at separate guide.

    Jade tripod 10

    • Area: Highlands above the Yaode Valley;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    Next destination: the highlands on the eastern side of the gorge in the Yaode Valley. In the marked place we defeat the pyro slime, after which a floating slab with a tripod will appear.

    Here, as in the solution 3rd riddle, you need to quickly fly across the ravine using a beacon. In the clearing with the chest you need to light 2 cauldrons, and another one on the opposite side.

    We suggest starting with the vessel on the side with the chest, but not the closest one. Pass the Adept's energy through it and quickly move to the opposite side of the gorge to repeat the same action to ignite the distant cauldron.

    Use the beacon to move again and point yourself towards the incense burner behind the chest. All that remains is to drive the charge through it and unlock the trophy. If you can't do it in this order, you can try other combinations.

    Jade tripod 11

    • Area: Top of the waterfall west of Huaguang Stone Forest;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    For the 11th chest, follow to the top of the waterfall in the Southern Chenyu Hills (easier to reach from the marked teleporter, or fly from Mount Hulao). At the site you will find a tripod, on both sides of which there are extinct cauldrons. But besides them, at the edge of the two channels of the waterfall there are slabs with two more vessels for incense.

    Take turns approaching any of the slabs and apply the Adept skill to it - she starts to move until it stops in the right place. Afterwards, you can stand behind the farthest of the incense burners and pass energy through both to ignite. Do this on one side first, then quickly move to the other and repeat the same thing (the platforms move back after a while).

    Do not forget that for acceleration in the area there is beacon for targeted flights.

    Jade tripod 12

    • Area: high ground east of the Chizhang Wall;
    • Reward: precious chest.

    Now move to the teleporter above the ruins of the Chizhang Wall (it rises to the northeast above the arena with elite boss, Suanni the hermit ).

    Solving this puzzle is quite easy: there are two directions and 3 pots, so all you have to do is stand in turn behind the distant vessels on each side and pass energy from the tripod through them.

    The process will become more complicated if you are noticed Xuanwen, from which you will have to fight off (but this can be avoided by simply not catching their eye).

    Jade Tripod 13

    • Area: Chizhang Wall Ruins;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    The thirteenth riddle can be found above the entrance to the sanctuary with Ancient jade pendant. In the marked place there is a Tripod and the first vessel, and a little further, under the platform with the chest, there is a mobile platform with a second incense burner.

    There's a nearby wooden box : stand on it and use the Adept skill on the slab. When she starts moving, pick the moment and direct the energy in your direction. If you get into the timeline, the lock on the rich chest will be removed.

    Jade tripod 14

    • Area: mountain peak above Chivan terrace;
    • Reward: luxury chest.

    We examined this puzzle in detail in 6th point guide to to all the luxurious chests of Chenyu Valley.

    Jade tripod 15

    • Area: hill at the foot of the Chivan terrace;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    To receive rewards in this area you will have to complete the quest " An Ancient Sacrifice of Sacred Brocade "

    You will find this and the previous riddle on the island with Mount Laixin. The fifteenth puzzle is located in a clearing at the edge of the cliff in the eastern half of the area to be explored and is the easiest of all.

    Go to the incense burner farthest from the tripod and press the adept skill, looking towards the energy source. The charge will fly through two empty cauldrons, filling them with light, and a reward will spawn nearby.

    Jade tripod 16

    • Area: Southern Shrine in the Jade Vent area;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    Check out our separate guide to the order " Floating Jade, Treasure of Chenyu ”, since the 16th tripod puzzle is solved during its passage.

    Jade tripod 17

    • Area: Treasure Thief Encampment in the West of Chenyu Valley;
    • Reward: rich chest.

    The last, 17th puzzle, is located in the bandit camp in the west of the Chenyu Valley, and before solving it, you will have to clear the area from enemies. If you have not been here, you will be given a reward amazing chest standing near one of the tents.

    The further principle of operation is identical to the solution 5th puzzles: stand behind the far empty incense burner in any of the directions (there are two on each side) and pass the Adept’s energy through both. Then repeat everything again, but with the remaining pots.

    Subsequently, a rich casket will appear in front of the tripod. These are all the jade incense tripods in Chenyu Valley in Genshin Impact. We hope that this information will help you solve all the related puzzles.
