    Challenger: Series IX in Genshin Impact: How to Unlock All Achievements

    Challenger: Series IX in Genshin Impact: How to Unlock All Achievements


    Challenger: Series IX in Genshin Impact is a set of achievements, each of which is associated with bosses from Fontaine and Chenyu Valley. In this guide, we will look at how to get all the achievements and what rewards you can get for them.

    Three Days and Nights in the Belly of the Great Fish

    This achievement requires you to get out of the belly The Devouring Narwhal without taking damage from mimics.

    This is the second phase of the weekly boss fight, where the whale swallows you and you have to fight the Shadow. At a certain moment, it can summon mimics, to destroy which it is necessary arche energy - it doesn’t matter whether it’s pneuma or usia. Thus, you should make a squad of Fontaine characters, because they all have this energy. Hydro Traveler will also work.

    It's best to destroy the Mimics before they appear to avoid taking damage. When the Shadow creates a dark sphere next to itself, immediately attack it to prevent the Mimics from appearing and knocking down the Shadow's Noelle: Protector .

    The achievement is issued immediately after the sphere is destroyed; there is no need to wait until the end of the battle.

    Feng Shui Assassination!

    This achievement requires paralyzing Suanni the hermit, while he collects elemental forces. You can find out these points using the prompts at the top of the screen.

    When the boss accumulates Hydro power, it must be frozen, and then either use Pyro, Anemo, Electro or Geo elements, or apply physical damage.

    When the hermit collects Anemo's power, 3 spheres will appear on the field, which must be destroyed with the elemental attacks of Pyro, Cryo, Electro or Hydro. Note that Anemo pearls will float around the boss and interfere with your movement, so it’s worth taking a catalyst or a hero with area damage into your squad - for example, Xiangling with her ult she can quickly destroy all spheres.

    The achievement also does not require defeating the boss.

    Unmanifested Sealing Hex

    To get this achievement you need to defeat the enhanced Hydrotulpa.

    Throughout the battle, mini-versions of the boss, a half-tulpa, will appear on the field. To get the achievement, wait until the Hydro Tulpa absorbs one of them. First, you should reduce the boss's health to minimum values, then wait for the enhanced form to appear and finish him off.

    Theater Fire Drill

    To get the achievement, start the battle with Golem Legate and take down most of his shield. Wait until the boss carries out the first 3 attacks from the Fulgent Fortissimo series (fire circles on the floor), and then immediately destroy his Noelle: Protector before the Legate has time to raise his sword and complete the combo.

    If you're thirsty for blood...

    In battle with Servant release 4 Crimson Tides. To activate the surge, remove the boss's Life Debt and then perform a charged attack. Arlecchino can apply this debuff in both the first and second phases, so it’s not difficult to get the achievement.

    Brighter Than White

    To obtain the achievement, you must avoid the Servant's attacks while the heroes have Life Debt hanging on them, and defeat the boss.

    The easiest way to get this achievement is at level 60 Arlecchino. Apparently, if you take a strong enough team, the Servant can be destroyed so quickly that she will not have time to apply the debuff, although you will still receive the achievement. If your heroes are not that strong, try, after receiving Debt, switch to other heroes and attack exclusively with them, or quickly remove the debuff.


    For each achievement you will receive 5 Primogems. The exception is “Brighter Than White”: for this achievement you will receive a reward of 10 Source Stones. Thus, having obtained all the achievements in the set, you will loot 35 primogems.

    In addition, you will have access to a personalized “Achievement: Whalewrangler” card, which you can install in your profile.
