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    Feixiao in Honkai Star Rail: Best Build Guide


    IN Honkai: Star Rail Feixiao is 5 star character, who has a Wind type of combat and belongs to the path of the Hunt. In a team, she can act as the main damage dealer, dealing gigantic damage with her bonus attacks and super ability. In this guide, we will tell you about her best build, light cones And relics. You will also be able to learn about the recommended squads with her.

    Main Features of Feixiao

    How to get Feixiao

    Falcon's Might from Yaoqing Xianzhou can only be obtained during the event Jump. This banner was first launched during the first phase of patch 2.5. If you want to be among the first to know about its next rerun, we recommend you bookmark it this article.

    Let's add that HoYoverse has only given away a 5-star character once for winning the "best mobile game of the year" award, and never for completing various events, so unlocking this general-arbiter of the Sky Arc will most likely only be possible with the help of Jumps.

    Feixiao's Stat Progression

    In the table below you can see how the heroine's basic parameters change as her level increases.

    Level Attack Power Protection HP Speed
    1 82 53 143 112
    20 160 103 278 112
    40 306 198 535 112
    60 454 293 791 112
    80 602 388 1048 112

    Note that her critical damage, critical hit chance, and taunt are 50%, 5%, and 75 units respectively at any level, and her energy reserve is 12 charges.

    Feixiao's abilities

    The most important ability of Falcon Might is the talent "Lightning Hunt" , since it is on its basis that her entire gameplay is built, so let's look at this passive first. When collecting 6 points of "Winged Beast" (the maximum you can collect is 12 charges), the ability to use the superpower appears. The heroine receives 1 point for every 2 attacks carried out by allies. Her ult attacks are not counted.

    After Feixiao's ally hits an enemy, she will immediately perform a bonus attack on them, dealing 55-137.5% of her attack power as wind damage. If there is no valid target on the battlefield, this attack will be dealt to a random enemy. This effect can only occur once per turn, and this number is reset at the start of the Arbiter General's turn. Performing this attack increases Feixiao's damage dealt by 30-75% for 2 turns.

    Explanation: Like Acheron, Feixiao lacks a standard energy pool - instead, she gains special charges, with 1 level being awarded for 2 attacks from any team members, including Falcon's Might itself (excluding only her ult).

    Note also that combined attacks (Robin's ult) or actions that do not deal damage ( Topaz ult) do not count as attacks. However, bonus attacks do count, so Feixiao's skill will still give her 1 stack. Also, even if 1 attack includes multiple hits that deal damage of their own, it will still count as one action.

    In short, you should take characters with Feixiao who have high Speed ​​and are able to deal bonus attacks to speed up her charge buildup and allow her to use her ult more often. Note that you can save up charges for later and, for example, perform 2 ults in a row.

    As for her own bonus attack, it doesn't do much damage and is mostly aimed at gaining additional stacks and getting a damage buff (it will work almost constantly).

    When using a basic attack "Cutting Flash" It deals wind damage equal to 50~130% of its attack power to one enemy, and it penetrates 30 points of durability.

    Explanation: Unremarkable normal attacks that we do not recommend using, as they will only give 0.5 charge, unlike the skill.

    After using the skill "War Axe" It deals wind damage to the selected target equal to 100~250% of its attack power. In addition, Feixiao performs one bonus attack described in the talent. At the same time, the skill penetrates 60 units of durability.

    Explanation: Performs two attacks in a row, allowing her to instantly gain 1 stack of "Winged Beast", so it is recommended to use the skill rather than the basic attack during each of her turns.

    Using superpowers "The Split of the Earth" , the heroine deals wind damage to the selected target, the maximum amount of which is 402-849% of her attack power, and reduces its durability, regardless of the type of vulnerability. If the enemy's vulnerability is not penetrated, then the effectiveness of its penetration by Falcon's Might increases by 100%. In the basic state, the vulnerability penetration is 90 units.

    When using Feixiao's ult, he first performs a Blitz of Slashing Flashes (deals 36-72% of attack power; if the vulnerability is pierced, the multiplier increases by 15-37.5%) or War Axe Pierces the Heavens (deals 36-72% of attack power; if the vulnerability is not pierced, the multiplier increases by 15-37.5%) in the amount of 6 pieces, and then deals wind damage to the enemy in the amount of 192% of his attack power.

    Explanation: In fact, everything is simple here - the ult consists of 7 strikes, which in total can cause gigantic damage to one target. For example, at level 10, it is 700% of the attack power (6 attacks at 90% and the last one is 160%), and the super ability ignores vulnerability types, so you can penetrate any enemy. In addition, if he still has tenacity, Feixiao will penetrate 180 units, that is, you can penetrate most of the tenacity even for bosses in one attack. With Ruan Mei, the numbers will be even higher.

    At the same time, with the right team, you will be able to ult quite often, which will allow you to regularly inflict huge damage to enemies. However, we should immediately note that Feixiao is not well suited for fighting crowds of enemies - its main purpose is to kill bosses.

    One cannot fail to mention technology either. "Born of the Storm" , which puts the heroine into the Front Break state for 20 seconds. In this mode, she pulls enemies within a certain radius, her speed increases by 50%, and she gains 1 charge of Winged Beast at the start of the battle.

    A hit made in this state will cause all enemies pulled into the battle. At the start of the battle and with each new wave, all enemies will take wind damage equal to 200% of Falcon's Might's attack power. It is guaranteed to be a critical hit. If the number of enemies pulled is higher than 1, then for each additional enemy the multiplier increases by 100%, reaching a maximum of 1000%.

    Explanation: Considering the bonus, we advise you to turn on this technique, and then start running around the location and collecting enemies in a funnel, and then attack them. An extremely useful technique for the virtual universe.

    Traces of Feixiao

    In addition to the above abilities, the heroine's upgrade tree also includes other enhancements that provide passive bonuses or permanent increases to characteristics. Basically, we are talking about increasing the critical chance, attack power and defense. You can see them all in the picture below.

    Next, we will briefly consider special traces with their own mechanics:

    • Sky Path - At the beginning of the battle, the heroine receives 3 charges of "Winged Beast". If during the previous turn she did not perform a bonus attack, then at the beginning of the current one she will receive 1 stack of "Winged Beast", which is necessary to perform this attack. This trail helps to gain levels when there are supports in the squad that move the actions of allies forward (Robin, Sparkle, Bronya , etc.).
    • Form Change - When the heroine's ult deals damage to an enemy, it is considered a bonus attack. The critical damage of the bonus attack is increased by 36%. Increases the general's damage even more and makes The Ashblazing Grand Duke relic set relevant.
    • Lightning Hold – using the skill increases attack power by 48% for 3 turns. An additional buff to the characteristics, which again will be active almost all the time.

    Eidolons of Feixiao

    To unlock them, you need materials of the same name, which are given out when duplicates of the heroine drop, which, of course, is random. And given the rarity of 5-star characters, be prepared to spend a lot of money and time on this. Fortunately, even without eidolons, Feixiao can easily perform the function of the main damage dealer in the team. Below is a list of them:

    1. My Fight With the Sky - After using the attacks Blitz of Cutting Flashes or War Axe Pierces the Sky, the damage of her Ultimate is increased by 10% of the original value. This effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts until the end of the super ability.
    2. I Dream of the Moon - The heroine gains 1 charge of "Winged Beast" and a bonus attack for each allied attack. This effect can only occur 6 times per turn.
    3. To the stars my expectations - the level of the ult increases by two, and the basic attack - by one. The maximum level of the first increases to 15, and the second - to 10. Slightly increases the overall damage.
    4. My guess about the storm is that the damage to the durability of the bonus attack from the talent increases by 100%. When the character performs a bonus attack, his speed increases by 8% for 2 turns.
    5. My aspirations are to the skies - the skill and talent level increases by two. The maximum level for both increases to 15.
    6. My Return to Home - Penetration of all types of resistance to damage dealt by the ult is increased by 20%. The damage of the bonus attack from the talent is considered super ability damage, and its multiplier is increased by 140%.

    If you plan on knocking out Eidolons and you have a limited budget, you can easily stop at E1 and E2, which will enhance the general's super ability, which is her main source of damage. Moreover, the first will increase her overall damage by about 15%, and the second - by 30%.

    If you have a choice between E1 and a signature weapon, then look at the situation. For example, if you have an unattended "Baptism of Pure Thought" (Doctor Ratio's signature), then it is better to take the eidolon.

    How to play as Feixiao

    Falcon's Might gameplay may seem a bit difficult to understand at first glance, but it's actually not that difficult (especially if you have Acheron) - you just need to quickly gain Winged Beast points so you can use your ult as often as possible, which is Feixiao's main source of damage.

    You will accumulate them mainly by using the heroine's skill, allied attacks (including their bonus attacks) and activating the passives of light cones. Plus, you will be able to get additional points from equipment and E2. So, the more often teammates can walk (high Speed ​​is required) and the more bonus attacks they can perform, the higher the damage of the Arbiter General will be.

    This leads us to the idea that the heroine's final damage largely depends not only on her personal characteristics, eidolons and equipment (relics and light cones), but also on the characters present in her squad. Sometimes even changing one ally or strengthening it (for example, by issuing a signature) can significantly increase Feixiao's overall damage. So special attention should be paid to the formation of the squad.

    Let's add that although the super ability is the main source of damage for the heroine, it is advisable to strengthen not it, but the bonus attacks, because due to the fourth trace "Form Change" the ult also begins to be considered a bonus attack.

    It should also be noted that unlike some other Hunt characters (Seele and Boothilla), Feixiao does not have any mechanics that would help her in killing common mobs faster. For this reason, she should only be deployed against powerful bosses.

    As for rotation, its optimal option would look like this:

    1. Before the fight starts, try to use the Feixiao technique and pull as many enemies into the vortex as possible to get the maximum buff and 1 charge of Winged Beast.
    2. When Falcon's Might turns, be sure to use her ability to boost her attack power with the trail and perform a bonus attack, gaining 1 more stack of Winged Beast.
    3. Once you have 6 charges, you can use the ult on the most dangerous enemy on the battlefield. However, you don’t have to attack right away, as you can only hold 12 stacks. Sometimes it’s better to hold on to the super ability, for example, to use it at a time when you can reliably break through the enemy’s vulnerability and deal additional damage.
    4. Don't be afraid to push Feixiao's action, as she will still gain a charge of Winged Beast thanks to the first trace.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Feixiao

    Thanks to her unique abilities, Feixiao can quickly deal with strong single opponents, inflicting gigantic damage on them. Her advantages also include:

    • He is an excellent damage dealer, capable of inflicting huge damage to powerful single targets in the shortest possible time.
    • Great for completing boss-based challenges, such as Illusions of the End or Hall of Oblivion.
    • Her traces increase her critical strike chance, and her attack power is greatly increased by the Lightning Hold passive, making her build much easier to build as it becomes easier to balance stats.
    • You can completely ignore energy recovery, since it is not required to activate the ult.
    • The unique mechanics of the charge set allow you to independently regulate the frequency of using the superpower - the right characters can significantly speed up this process.
    • Pairs well with heroes that can use bonus attacks and/or attack frequently, as they allow her to build up points for her ult faster.
    • Her super ability ignores enemy vulnerability types, allowing the heroine to be deployed against any opponents. If their stamina is not destroyed, the damage dealt to her doubles, which significantly speeds up her penetration.
    • Thanks to the "Form Change" trail, the damage from the ult is considered as bonus attack damage, which allows you to use equipment that increases the corresponding values.
    • A rather unusual technique that will certainly find its application in the virtual universe, allowing you to gather all the enemies in a location at once and inflict gigantic damage on them.
    • Even without eidolons and signature weapons, she is capable of performing her main task well with the right selection of allies.

    However, there are some downsides, some of which follow directly from its advantages:

    • It's not well suited for battles with large numbers of common enemies (such as in Pure Fiction), as it lacks mechanics to deal with large groups of enemies, causing most of the damage to go to waste.
    • Depends on allies even more than on your equipment, so you will have to invest in supports and secondary damage dealers. It will be more important to build the right team than the build of Feixiao herself.
    • The gameplay of stacking charges for the ult instead of accumulating the usual energy may seem limited and inconvenient to some.

    Best build for Feixiao

    Best Light Cones

    When choosing a weapon, we recommend paying attention to those options that can increase critical damage, critical hit chance, and attack power, as well as enhance superpowers and/or bonus attacks. The table below shows the most interesting options.

    Name Characteristics Ability

    I'm going hunting (5 stars)

    HP: 43-952

    Attack Power: 26-582

    Defense: 24-529

    Critical Hit Chance is increased by 15%. Whenever the wearer performs a bonus attack, they gain 1 stack of Light Flow, up to a maximum of 2 stacks. Each stack causes the ultimate's damage to ignore 27% of the target's defense. When the wearer's turn ends, they lose 1 stack.

    A signature item for Feixiao that improves all the stats that are important to her and significantly reduces enemy defense. However, it is far ahead of the 5-star alternatives listed below, so if you have them, we recommend knocking out the Eidolons instead.

    Baptism of Pure Thought (5 stars)

    HP: 43-953

    Attack Power: 26-582

    Defense: 24-529

    Increases critical damage by 20-32%. Increases critical damage dealt to an enemy by an additional 8-12% for each debuff present on them. The bonus stacks up to three times. When using the ult to attack a target, the Discussion status is applied, increasing damage dealt by 36-60% and allowing the bonus attack to ignore 24-40% of the enemy's defense. The effect lasts for two turns.

    A great alternative for Feixiao, which is only slightly inferior to the signature one. Simplifies the balancing of crits (though it is advisable to take a character of Nothingness as a sub-DD to apply debuffs) and generally strengthens the entire squad, not just the owner, so it will be more useful in F2P teams, where the charges of "Winged Beast" are gained more slowly.

    Worrisome, Blissful (5 stars)

    HP: 48-1058

    Attack Power: 26-582

    Defense: 21-463

    Increases the chance of a critical hit by 18-30%, and damage from a bonus attack by 30-50%. The enemy is given the Taming effect after being hit by a bonus hit. It can be stacked up to two times. Each level increases critical damage against them by 12-20%.

    It makes balancing crits much easier and, unlike the previous cone, it strengthens Feixiao herself, so it will be more useful than “Baptism” in paid teams, where the heroine will be able to ult more often.

    In the Night (5 stars)

    HP: 1058

    ATK: 582

    DEF: 463

    Increases the chance of a critical hit by 18-30%. If the wearer's speed exceeds 100 units, for every 10 additional points, the damage from his basic attack and skill increases by 6-10%, and the critical damage from the ult by 12-20%. The bonus can be stacked up to six times.

    With it, you will be able to balance crits more easily, plus, you will be able to activate his passive without any problems, since Feixiao requires a lot of speed. She doesn’t really need the basic attack and skill buff, but the ult buff will come in handy. So it’s quite possible to give it to the fox if you have it lying around idle.

    Swordplay (4 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 21~476

    Protection: 15~330

    When attacking the same enemy multiple times, damage for each subsequent hit increases by 8-16% and can stack up to five times.

    With 5 stacks, it's almost as good as the previous version in overall damage, but it requires a run-up to fully realize its potential. It pairs well with Feixiao's gameplay, which typically deals damage to the single strongest enemy on the battlefield.

    Cruising in the Stellar Sea (5 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 24~529

    Defense: 21~463

    Increases critical strike chance by 8-16%. Provides an additional 8-16% to critical strike chance when fighting enemies whose health is equal to or below 50%. After defeating an enemy, the wearer's attack power increases by 20-40% for 2 turns.

    Its main advantage is that it is free, as you can buy it in the Gerta store while completing worlds Virtual Universe. Also simplifies balancing crits. However, to implement the second part of the passive, you will have to spend your attention on ordinary mobs. If you are opposed by one enemy, then it will be useless. In general, with the 5th overlay, this cone is about on par with "Fencing".

    The Final Victor (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK: 476

    DEF: 330

    Increases attack power by 12-20%. When the owner makes a critical hit on an enemy, they gain 1 level of Luck status, which can stack up to four times. Each level of Luck the owner has increases their critical damage by 8-12%. Luck status is removed at the end of the owner's turn.

    Increases attack power, which has a positive effect on the heroine's overall damage. Simplifies balancing crits, although you will have to pay more attention to the critical hit chance.

    Only silence remains (4 stars)

    HP: 43~952

    Attack Power: 21~476

    Protection: 15~330

    Increases attack power by 16-32%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the battlefield, the chance of dealing a critical hit increases by 12-24%. Ideal for fighting single bosses.

    Increases Feixiao's attack power, and therefore the damage from her attacks, and also gives him crits. However, it is useful only when fighting one or two opponents.

    The best relics

    As for the choice of common relics mined in the Caves of Corrosion, the table below shows the most optimal options.

    Name Bonuses Advantages

    The Wind-Soaring Valorous

    2 parts: Increases attack power by 12%.

    4 pieces: Increases critical hit chance by 6%. After using a bonus attack, increases super ability damage by 36% for 1 turn.

    An ideal option for Feixiao, which will significantly increase her ultimate damage and give a little crit chance and attack power. She will activate the passive everywhere - the main thing is to remember to use the super ability only after performing a bonus attack.

    The Ashblazing Grand Duke

    2 parts: Increases bonus attack damage by 20%.

    4 parts: When the owner performs a bonus attack, their attack power increases by 6% each time that bonus attack deals damage. This effect can stack up to 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. The effect is removed the next time the owner performs a bonus attack.

    A good alternative that is only a few percent slower than the previous version. The ult allows you to quickly gain stacks, as they are given for each hit, not for the entire super ability.

    The Ashblazing Grand Duke

    Twilight Edge Eagle

    Musketeer of Wild Wheat

    2 parts: Increases bonus attack damage by 20%.

    2 pieces: Increases wind damage by 10%.

    2 parts: Increases attack power by 12%.

    You can combine partial sets with more suitable stats while you build full sets. This option is about 6-8% behind the Duke.

    Now we move on to the planar decorations that are mined in the Virtual Universe. The list below shows the recommended options (the numbers indicate the priority of choice):

    Planar decoration Bonuses Reasons for choosing

    1) Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves

    When an ally performs a bonus attack, the wearer gains 1 Feat level (maximum 5). Each stack increases the owner's bonus attack damage by 5%. Upon reaching 5 Feat levels, the wearer gains an additional 25% bonus to critical damage. A great option for Feixiao, where you can quickly gain stacks. However, it is demanding of allies, meaning they must also be able to deal bonus attacks.

    2) Inert Salsotto

    2 copies: the wearer's critical hit chance is increased by 8%. When the total value of this stat exceeds 50%, the damage of bonus attacks and ults increases by 15%. It is slightly inferior to the previous model, but is less demanding in terms of team selection.

    3) Izumo World and Takama Kingdom

    Increases attack power by 12%. If there is a character with the same Path as the owner of the decoration in the team, the latter's chance of dealing critical hits increases by 12%. It goes almost on par with the previous planar, but requires the mandatory presence of two Hunt characters in the squad (however, for Feixiao this will not be a problem).

    As for characteristics of relics , then you need to choose as follows:

    • Body: Critical Damage/Critical Chance 1 to 2 (Critical Chance is preferred)
    • Legs: Speed ​​(priority) or attack power
    • Planar Sphere: Wind Damage (Priority) or Attack Power
    • Connecting Rope: Attack Power
    • Additional stats: Critical Chance > Critical Damage > Speed ​​> Attack%

    If we talk about preferred values ​​of the heroine's parameters , then they should look like this:

    • Critical Hit Chance: 70-80%+
    • Critical Damage: 140-160%+
    • Attack Power: 2900+ units
    • Speed: 134+ units

    Best Teams for Feixiao

    As we noted above, it is extremely important for Feixiao to choose the right allies. It is highly advisable to add a second damage dealer to her team, who will also walk around frequently and deal damage to generate Winged Beast stacks. It is doubly good if he can perform bonus attacks.

    Topaz fits this description perfectly, as it also increases bonus attacks. As a free option, you can use Motse, which gives a smaller buff, but its E2 increases the crit damage of allies. An even more affordable option is March 7th (Hunt), which will save you skill points and give you stacks.

    As for supports, you need a character that boosts bonus attacks, deals them and moves allies forward. The best option is, of course, Robin. If you don't have one, you can use Sparkle (guaranteed to allow Feixiao to use the skill every turn) or Armor. Of the free options, Asta, which increases Speed, is suitable.

    As a healer/shielder, you should again take a hero whose abilities are related to bonus attacks. Aventurine is better for accumulating stacks, and with Linsha, the squad's survivability will be higher. If you don't have them, then Huohuo, Fu Xuan or Gallagher will do. The table below shows all the optimal squads.

    Maine-DD Sub-DD Sub-DD/Support Support


    March 7th (Hunting)

    Asta (Yukong, Hanya)

    Natasha (Lynx)






    Mojie (March 7th Hunt)

    Sparkle (Bronya)

    Linsha (Gallagher)


    Topaz (Motse, March 7th Hunt)


    Linsha (Gallagher)




    Aventurine (Linsha, Gallagher)


    Topaz (Motse, March 7th Hunt)

    Ruan Mei

    Huohuo (Fu Xuan, Gallagher)

    Feixiao Leveling Up

    How to increase abilities (what to pump first)

    The pictures below show the materials and amounts needed to max out your Basic Attack, Skill, Super Ability, and Talent.

    • Meteoric Bullet, Predetermined End and Countertemporal Shot are obtained from the Crimson Sepal found in Penakonia or through Synthesis.
    • The Artificial Mechanical Component, Mechanical Cylinder Wheel, and Mechanical Chaos Heart are obtained from enchanted inventions, quests, and enemies in the Virtual Universe, or through Synthesis. They can also be purchased with Everlasting Ash from the Pom-Pom Shop.
    • Penance of the Eternal False Body - obtained from the boss fight in Echoes of War, located in Scaled Gorge.
    • Fate's Fingerprints - Obtained in the Virtual Universe, awarded with the Battle Pass, and purchased with Everlasting Ash in the Pom-Pom Shop. Sometimes a reward in temporary events.

    As for ability upgrade priority , then we advise you to first increase the superpower and talent. Next comes the skill, that is, it can lag behind the first two by 1-2 levels. At the end, you can pump up the basic attacks.

    How to elevate a character

    At certain levels you will need to level up your hero by spending a lot of resources and credits:

    • Ascension (Level 30): Credits x4000 and Artificial Mechanical Component x5
    • Ascension (Level 40): Credits x8000 and Artificial Mechanical Component x10
    • Ascension (Level 50): Credits x16000, Mechanical Cylinder Wheel x6 and Glass of Drunken Times x3
    • Ascension (Level 60): Credits x40000, Mechanical Cylinder Wheel x9 and Glass of Drunk Times x7
    • Ascension (Level 70): Credits x80000, Mechanical Heart of Chaos x6 and Glass of Drunken Times x20
    • Ascension (Level 80): Credits x160000, Mechanical Heart of Chaos x9 and Glass of Drunken Times x35

    The Glass of Drunken Times can be obtained from the stagnant shade located in the Penakonia Grand Theatre.
