    Moze in Honkai Star Rail: Best Build Guide

    Moze in Honkai Star Rail: Best Build Guide


    IN Honkai: Star Rail Motse is 4 star character electric type, following the Path of the Hunt. The skills of the mysterious shadow guardian from Yaoqing Xianzhou are closely related to the use and strengthening of bonus attacks. From this guide you can learn more about the best cones, relics and squads for this hero.

    Main Features of Motse

    How to get Motse

    Moze first appeared in the banner in the first half of patch 5.1, along with Feixiao and three reruns of other heroines. After the version ends, it will be possible to obtain it from other types as well Jumps.

    Progression of Mojie characteristics

    As you level up, Motse's base stats will increase as follows.

    Level Attack Power Protection HP Speed
    1 82 48 110 111
    20 159 94 215 111
    40 159 180 414 111
    60 453 266 613 111
    80 600 353 811 111

    Also at all levels Motse has standard values ​​of 5% and 50% chance of critical hit and critical damage respectively. His probability of being attacked by an enemy is 75 units, and to activate the ult you will need to accumulate 120 energy.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Motse

    The following positive aspects of Motse's gameplay are worth highlighting:

    • Has a fairly high base attack for an epic character.
    • Works well for most squads that rely on bonus attack damage.
    • Places two debuffs on enemies, which is important for gear and some allies.
    • All attacks significantly reduce the enemies' durability, which will help to quickly transfer them to a weakened state.
    • Absolutely neutral in the consumption of skill points: Motse does not generate them, but at the same time very quickly restores those spent.
    • Moze's greatest benefit comes from the early Eidolons, so you won't have to make many extra jumps to collect the most essential buffs.
    • He is not present on the field for most of the battle, which has a positive effect on his survivability.
    • It could become a more budget-friendly analogue of the legendary Topaz.

    But it is also necessary to talk about some of the disadvantages:

    • Due to the peculiarities of the Path of the Hunt and the mechanics of Sacrifice, it works extremely ineffectively against crowds of enemies.
    • It has a rather narrow functionality, which is why it ends up being locked in squads that rely on bonus attack damage, which significantly reduces Motse's versatility.
    • Moze is an epic character after all. To get enough damage from him, you'll have to pick the best gear available for him.
    • Moze's functionality is more focused on buffing the team's damage, but there are very few Path of the Hunt cones that would buff the wearer's allies, which makes it somewhat difficult to find the ideal weapon for him.
    • Has fairly low base HP and defense. This is usually not a problem, but if the enemy uses a particularly strong attack when Motse is not in the Absence state, the hero can suffer quite a lot.

    Motse's Abilities

    As part of the base hit Blade Throw Moze deals 50-130% Attack Power electrical damage to one enemy, reduces their durability by 30, and restores 20 Energy.

    Explanation: Quite weak strikes that, if the rotation is built correctly, won't even be used by Motse.

    When using the skill Attack of the Nimble Feathers Moze deals 75-187.5% damage, applies the Victim status to one, and gains 9 stacks of talent. If the shadow guardian is the only one of all allies on the field who can fight, he cannot activate this skill. The ability reduces monsters' durability by 60 units and restores 30 energy.

    Explanation: The skill, in addition to dealing minor damage, is used by Moze to enter a special state in which he can use his bonus attacks from the talent. It is also worth noting that the Sacrifice status is negative for the enemy, which can be useful for activating some ally skills and equipment buffs.

    Ultimate Piercing shadows, hidden blades , which costs 120 energy, deals 162-324% electrical damage to one enemy and removes 90 units of their durability. After activating it, the hero will make a bonus attack described in the talent on the same target or, in case of their death, on a random enemy.

    Explanation: is another important source of damage for Moze. Due to the bonus attack after and the effect of the hero's passive footprints, it is necessary to use the ultimate only on an enemy with the Sacrifice status.

    When the Victim appears on the field, the talent begins to act The swift flight of a feather blade , which has the following features:

    • Moze is afflicted with the Absence state effect.
    • Each time an ally hits the Victim, they are dealt additional Electricity damage equal to 15-37.5% of Moze's Attack Power.
    • The number of stacks gained from the skill is reduced by 1 per ally's hit on the Victim. For every 3 stacks consumed, Moze activates a bonus attack that deals 80-200% Attack Power as Electric Damage to that enemy.
    • When the stacks reach 0, the Victim status is removed and Moze is released from the Abandoned state. It is worth noting that the talent's bonus attacks do not consume stacks.

    Explanation: Bonus attacks are the core of Moze's damage. After activating the skill, he will have time to use this skill three times when allies hit the Victim 3, 6, and 9 times. It is worth noting that the stack also consumes Moze's own ultimate, but not the bonus attack that follows it.

    If the Victim leaves the battlefield before the Absence ends, it will be interrupted early and Motse will return to the party. In a situation where an ally kills an enemy with a blow that would have been followed by a Shadow Guardian bonus attack, the stack is removed, but no attack occurs.

    Technique Hidden Wings Makes Motse invisible for 20 seconds. During this time, he cannot be detected by enemies. If you start a battle while in this state, the hero's damage will increase by 30% for 2 turns.

    Traces of Motse

    In the image below, you can see Moze's extra footprints, which increase his attack power, critical damage, and HP value.

    It is worthwhile to expand a little on the action of his passive traces:

    • Since Moze only consumes a skill point when he inflicts the Victim status, A2 will only trigger once for every period of time he is in the Away state, thus replenishing the AP spent to activate the skill.
    • The action advancement into each new wave from A4 also works at the start of the fight, which, with the right speed balancing, will allow Motse to go first, cast Sacrifice, and disappear, giving way to his allies.
    • Since the Ultimate starts to be considered as a bonus attack from A6, it will be affected by buffs that buff both types of attacks. This trail also places another debuff on the Victim, which increases the damage it receives. Thus, it turns out that the enemy with the Victim status will have two negative effects, the source of which is Motse.

    Eidolons of Motse

    Each copy of Motse obtained will provide additional buffs to the hero and his allies.

    1. Oath – At the start of the battle, Motse restores 20 energy. When the additional damage from the talent is triggered, allies' hits on the Victim restore 2 energy.
    2. Punishment - Increases critical damage dealt to the Victim by 40% for Motse himself and his allies.
    3. Pursuit – Increases the level of the ult and talent by 2. Their maximum level is 15.
    4. Camouflage - After activating the ultimate, Motse's damage is increased by 30% for 2 turns.
    5. Deception – increases skill level by 2 and base attack by 1. Maximum level: 15 and 10 respectively.
    6. Devotion – Increases the bonus attack multiplier from the talent by 25%.

    The best eidolon for Motse is the second one, as it provides a significant increase to damage to the Victim, which increases the hero's support potential. E4 and E6 also provide a good bonus to damage, but only for the shadow guardian himself. E1 will be useful in those squads where frequent attacks on enemies are important, for example in a pair with Feixiao.

    How to play as Motse

    State of Absence

    Before describing Motse's gameplay, it's worth talking a little more about his special ability to enter a Void state, which he will remain in as long as there is a Victim on the field.

    • After using the skill, Moze literally leaves the battlefield, only appearing to use his bonus attacks or ultimate. He disappears from the action bar and does not take any turns. He will return to his allies only after all stacks of the talent are used up.
    • When the Absence state ends, Motse will appear on the Action Track as if his turn had just ended, but with progress from his Bonus Track.
    • Since Motse is not on the field in this state, enemies cannot damage him or hit him with any attacks.
    • But also characters who use their skills directly on allies will not be able to reach Motse. Examples of such skills include the action advancement from Sparkles or The Shield from Aventurine.
    • At the same time, bonuses that are applied to the buffer itself or the battlefield will be applied to it, for example, this is how the skill and ultimate work Ruan Mei.
    • If you want to use some ability including on Motse, then you should wait until he appears on the field again to select Sacrifice. Moreover, if it is a skill and not an ultimate, then you will have to balance the speed so that the buffer moves before the shadow guard, whose turn will advance by 20% after the end of the Absence.
    • Moze's turns actually end when he chooses a Victim. Bonus attacks and the skill following the exit from the Absence state are considered one turn.
    • For the reason stated above, Moze has buffs that are based on turn frequency for quite a long time. To ensure that the shadow guardian takes the bonus with him into Absence, the buff must either last for at least two turns or be applied when it is Moze's turn to take action and use a skill. Even though his turn will end after that, the buff will continue until the next Sacrifice selection.


    If you decide to take Motse into your squad, you should remember the following points:

    • It is better to take it into battles against single strong opponents, rather than crowds of small ones.
    • If you don't need to use any higher priority attacking technique, such as the main damage dealer, then start the fight from Moze's invisibility state.
    • On Motse's first turn, use his skill to select a Victim, which should be the most powerful enemy on the field.
    • Use Moze's ultimate exclusively on Sacrifice to get the bonus attack buff.
    • Allies should focus their attacks on the Sacrifice to activate Moze's talent more often.
    • Every time Moze enters the field, he must re-select Sacrifice. Make sure to have at least one skill point left for it so that the Shadow Guardian does not have to waste time on a basic attack.

    Best Builds for Motze

    Best Light Cones

    Overall, Motse has a fairly wide selection of both legendary and epic weapons. You can give him any available option that increases crits, attack power, or damage of the wearer's bonus attacks. But cones will look especially good on him, as they also give buffs to the entire squad. Below, we will look at several suitable examples.

    Name and rarity Characteristics Ability

    Worrisome, Blissful (5 stars)

    HP: 48–1058

    Attack Power: 26-582

    Defense: 21–463

    Increases critical hit chance by 18-30%. Bonus attacks deal 30-50% more damage and apply a special status to enemies that stacks up to two times and increases critical damage taken by 12-20%.

    Signa Topaz works great with Motse's abilities, as it provides buffs to both the wearer and his units. The Shadow Guardian activates all stacks of the passive quite quickly, significantly increasing the damage of all his allies.

    Baptism of Pure Thought (5 stars)

    HP: 43–953

    Attack Power: 26-582

    Defense: 24–529

    Increases critical damage by 20-32%. Increases critical damage dealt to an enemy by an additional 8-12% for each debuff present on them. The bonus stacks three times. When using the ult, a status is applied to the target that increases damage dealt by 36-60% and allows the bonus attack to ignore 24-40% of the enemy's defense. The effect lasts for two turns.

    The best option if you want to maximize Moze's own damage, especially since he can independently apply two debuffs to the target. However, the role of the Shadow Guardian is not so much to deal damage, but to buff his allies. Suitable if you do not have any higher priority carrier or a suitable support cone.

    Swordplay (4 stars)

    HP: 43–952

    Attack Power: 21-476

    Defense: 15-330

    When attacking the same enemy in succession, damage for each subsequent hit increases by 8-16% and can stack up to five times.

    Since Motse's gameplay is focused on constantly attacking a single target, he will quickly gain all the stacks. And given that the overlays for this cone can be obtained from Jumps at any time, the wearer will easily get the maximum possible attack bonus.

    Cruising in the Stellar Sea (5 stars)

    HP: 43–952

    Attack Power: 24-529

    Defense: 21–463

    Increases critical hit chance by 8-16%. Provides an additional 8-16% to critical chance when fighting enemies whose health is equal to or below 50%. After defeating an enemy, the wearer's attack power increases by 20-40% for 2 turns.

    A good budget option, sold in Virtual Universe. The attack bonus can be obtained quite quickly, and due to the peculiarities of the Absence state, it will also last quite a long time. The only drawback is the requirement for the enemy's HP, which will not allow maintaining the critical chance at one stable level.

    Only silence remains (4 stars)

    HP: 43–952

    Attack Power: 21-476

    Defense: 15-330

    Increases attack power by 16-32%. If there are no more than two enemies on the field, the critical strike chance increases by 12-24%.

    Another option available: Since Motse is most effective in boss fights, activating the passive completely is not difficult.

    The Final Victor (4 stars)

    HP: 42-953

    Attack Power: 22-476

    Defense: 15-331

    Increases attack power by 12-20%. For each critical hit, increases the wearer's critical damage by 8-12%. The bonus can stack up to 4 times and lasts until the end of the hero's turn.

    This weapon can be purchased from the Light Cone Passage. Since Moze mostly operates in the Absence state, rarely making new moves, the crit damage buff will easily stack several times.

    The best relics

    Among the Motse Cave Relics, those that increase outgoing damage depending on the debuffs on enemies or increase the damage of bonus attacks are suitable.

    Name Bonuses Advantages

    Discoverer of Dead Waters

    2 parts: damage to enemies with debuff is increased by 12%.

    4 pieces: Critical Hit Chance increased by 4%. Critical Hit Damage against enemies with 2/3 debuffs increased by 8/12%. When the wearer himself applies a debuff, this bonus increases by 100% for 1 turn.

    Motse himself applies two debuffs to enemies. If you can add another weakening to them, then the set will work at full capacity, giving a noticeable increase in the character's damage. In addition, the additional bonus will be active all the time while the character is not on the field.

    The Ashblazing Grand Duke

    2 parts: damage of bonus attacks is increased by 20%.

    4 parts: For each hit of the bonus attack on the enemy, the wearer's attack power increases by 6%. The effect stacks up to 8 times, lasts for 3 turns, and ends after the next bonus attack is activated.

    This full set is only a couple percent less effective than the previous one. Moze's bonus hits consist of several hits, thanks to which he will easily collect several stacks to increase the strength indicator, which is also important for the skill's damage and ultimate.

    The Ashblazing Grand Duke

    Discoverer of Dead Waters

    Band of Sizzling Thunder

    2 parts: damage of bonus attacks is increased by 20%.

    2 parts: damage to enemies with debuff is increased by 12%.

    2 pieces: Increases Electricity damage by 10%

    In the absence of good full sets, various combinations of them will do. You can also add a set that gives a bonus to elemental electric damage.

    Among the planar decorations from the Virtual Universe, the following sets are worth aiming for.

    Name Bonuses Advantages

    Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves

    2 pieces: When an ally activates a bonus attack, the wearer gains 1 stack, each of which increases their own bonus attack damage by 5%. Upon reaching the maximum 5 stacks, their critical damage will increase by 25%. In squads that best match Motse's abilities, he will always have allies with him who use bonus attacks, meaning the shadow guardian will have no problem getting all the rather high buffs the set offers.

    Izumo World and Takama Kingdom

    2 pieces: Increases attack power by 12%. If the wearer's Path matches any ally, their critical hit chance is increased by 12%. If you don't have the previous set with suitable stats, you can consider this option. Most squads with Motse will have other Hunt characters, which means he will immediately receive all the bonuses from the set.

    Inert Salsotto

    2 parts: increases critical hit chance by 8%. When this stat is at least 50%, the wearer's bonus attack and ultimate damage increases by 15%. Very close in effectiveness to the previous set. The undoubted advantage is that its buffs, when assembled correctly, work without squad formation conditions.

    The following stats are worth looking for in different items:

    • Body: Crit. chance or Crit. damage in a ratio of 1:2.
    • Legs: Attack Power%.
    • Sphere: Electric Damage.
    • Connecting Rope: Attack Power%/Energy Recovery (only allowed in squads where it is important for the character to hit more often, such as with Feixiao).
    • Additional stats: speed → crits → attack power%.

    It's worth talking a little more about the additional speed. It is needed so that Motse acts first at the very beginning of the battle, and also so that you don't have to wait long for his turn after returning from the Absence state. In most squads, with a classic build of allies, the Shadow Guardian's base speed should be enough, taking into account the additional trace for the action advancement, but it is still better to test in practice specifically with your team and, if necessary, increase this stat to a value of about 120-125 units.

    Best Teams for Motse

    In Moze's squads, he usually takes the role of a secondary damage dealer. To fully utilize his abilities, he should be paired with heroes whose damage is based on bonus attacks, and preferably representatives of the Way of the Hunt. Also, due to the Absence mechanic, he pairs well with allies who need to be hit to deal their own damage, such as Clara or Yunli. Below we will look at several suitable options.

    Maine-DD Sub-DD Sub-DD/Support Support





    Dr. Ratio


    Robin (Tingyun)

    Huohuo (Aventurine)



    Topaz (March 7th Hunt)


    March 7th Hunting




    Yunli (Clara)


    Tingyun (Robin)






    Pumping Motse

    How to increase abilities (what to pump first)

    The images below show how many resources you'll need to spend to fully upgrade Moze's basic attack and skill/ultimate/talent.

    • Hunting Bullets of varying rarity are rewards for completing the corresponding sepal in the Scorched Sands Qualifying Grounds from Uslada.
    • Mechanical parts fall from enchanted inventions, including those inhabiting the Virtual Universe.
    • Soul Feathers can be obtained from Echoes of War: Battlefield of the Inner Beast.
    • To obtain missing items, use the Synthesis Machine or make a purchase at the Pom-Pom Shop using Everlasting Ash.

    The first thing to improve from all of Motse's skills is the talent, since most of the hero's damage depends on it. Then upgrade the ultimate, and then the skill. Basic attacks can be ignored, since the shadow guard does not use them in his usual gameplay.

    How to Elevate Motse

    To reach the maximum level, you will need to ascend Moze several times. This will require the following materials:

    • Ascension (Level 30): Credits x3200 and Artificial Mechanical Component x4;
    • Ascension (Level 40): Credits x6400 and Artificial Mechanical Component x8;
    • Ascension (Level 50): Credits x12800, Mechanical Cylinder Wheel x5, and Beast Coffin Nail x2;
    • Ascension (Level 60): Credits x32000, Mechanical Cylinder Wheel x8, and Beast Coffin Nail x5;
    • Ascension (Level 70): Credits x64000, Mechanical Heart of Chaos x5, and Beast Coffin Nail x15;
    • Ascension (Level 80): Credits x128000, Mechanical Heart of Chaos x7, and Beast Coffin Nail x28.

    The Beast Coffin Nail is a reward for completing the Stagnant Shadow in the House of Shackles.
