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    Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders in Baldur's Gate 3: Flower Key


    In Baldur's Gate 3 Solving the murders at the Temple of the Open Hand is side quest the third act, in which you have to find the culprit of a double murder. To do this, you have to collect evidence, find the crime scene and find the door that the flower key opens. In this guide we will tell you how to start and complete this task.

    Completing the quest “Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders”

    How to start a task

    After entering the city of Rivington, go to the northeastern part of it and enter the Temple of the Open Hand, located to the left of the main road leading north. Once inside, go to the far side of the room and enter into dialogue with Valeria (X: -47, Y: -5), who is a local investigator.

    You will learn that Brilgor allegedly killed Lorgan's father and then stabbed himself with the same dagger. Yannis does not agree with this interpretation of events, so she will ask you to find the real killer by collecting irrefutable evidence for Valeria. Agree to do this to receive the mission.

    Where to find information about murders

    After talking with Yannis, go to the left side of the temple and go through the door to get to the local infirmary. Here you will find the corpse of Father Lorgan. Use the "Speak with the Dead" spell or scroll on him, and then ask who exactly killed him (dwarf dressed in red), where he was attacked (basement tunnels, shelter), and how he died (poisoned dagger, paralysis) .

    You can also head to the clergy's quarters, located in the western part of the temple. There, pick the lock of the chest near the bed in the middle. If you pass the Perception check, you will find a double bottom, where you will find Lorgan's diary, which will also contain information useful for the investigation.

    Go to the cemetery located near the temple and find a mound there (X: -110, y: -24), indicating that someone was recently buried here. Dig up the grave, break open the coffin and use Speak to the Dead on Brilgor's corpse. Ask who killed him (unfamiliar dwarf in red), where he died (tunnels under the temple), how to find the tunnels (hidden buttons).

    Note: It is not necessary to talk to the dead and look for the diary - you can skip this step completely and immediately head to the crime scene.

    How to find a crime scene

    Return to the temple and move to the kitchen. Here you will find a Decorated Wooden Hatch (X: -63, Y: 5) on the floor. Interact with him to get to the basement. Walk forward and turn right to the double door. You will find yourself in a dark room with statues and a table in the middle (X: 13, Y: -1006). Here you will need to interact with the two buttons on the sides to open the secret door.

    Note: You can also get to the necessary tunnels through the gap located in the room next door.

    Once you enter the cave, start going down the slope. We advise you to walk along the ledges along the rock, since further you will have to fight with three opponents and it will be good if you immediately take the height. After dealing with the enemies, examine Zomm's corpse to find a Flower Key. You can also find here the dismembered body of a clown, which you will need for another task.

    Next, go down even lower and look for a hole near the area with the crane (a Perception check is required). Examine it to find a dagger Immobilizer, which is the weapon of the murder.

    How to Find a Flower Key Lock

    If possible, use “Conversation with the Dead” on Zomm to find out from him which lock the key you found opens, and who killed Lorgan and Brilgor. So, you will need to find Freigo's shelter.

    Return to the entrance to the Temple of the Open Hand, and from there, start walking north along the main road until guards stop you. You won't be able to fool them, so you'll have to fight them. Be prepared for a tough fight.

    Note: If you still can’t win, then you can try to sneak into the outpost. To do this, right in front of the guards, turn right, go under the stone arch, and then turn left and go down. Next, climb up the wooden platforms and you will find yourself next to the rune stone.

    Explore Freygo's bunkhouse

    The building you need is located directly opposite the purple circle. open the door (X: -9, Y: 75). Go inside Freigo's bunkhouse. Go up to the second floor, and then use the ladder to climb up to the attic. Open the large closet, which is actually a passage to a secret room, using the flower key you received earlier.

    Find here a Bloody Note and a parchment containing the names of all the victims. You can also take Fiona's body from under the bed and use Talk to the Dead on her. This way you will find out that she was killed by Dolor.

    Tell Valeria about your findings

    Having found all the evidence, head to the brothel called “Laska Sharess”, located opposite the flophouse. Go up to the second floor and find a flying elephant there. Chat with the investigator (X: 23, Y: 94) and tell her everything you found out.

    As a result, she will direct you to Devella, located in the Lower City. You will receive a pass from her that will allow you to get to the desired area. To further investigate the crimes committed, you will need to take on the next task.
