In Remnants 2 The Archon is a secret archetype that is a buffer mage that can buff allies and release lightning from his hands. However, to open it, you need to perform a lot of non-obvious actions and get a lot of items, including Ford's shotgun, Labyrinth's staff, Devastated heart and Summer's amulet. In this guide, we will tell you in detail how to unlock this class, and what features it has.
Preparing to unlock the Archon class
Before you can start unlocking a new archetype, you will have to do a lot of preparation related to building a specific build and searching for a number of unique items.
Unlock the Explorer and Invader
First of all, you need to unlock the Explorer class by beating the game completely on any difficulty level and level it up to level 10 to get the skill "Treasure Hunt".
Next, open the class Invader, which we covered in a separate guide. You will need to upgrade him to at least level 5 to unlock an ability called "Worm-hole". Now you can take on finding equipment.
Get the Explorer of the Worlds armor
You will need a complete set of the specified equipment. It can be purchased from the merchant Whisper in Ward 13 after beating the game. Be careful with the campaign reroll, as this can lead to a bug that prevents you from buying this set.
We add that for 3000 scrap you can get Anastasia's Inspiration ring from the same seller, which you will also need to open a new class.
Ring Yellow Moonstone
It can be purchased from merchant Cass, who is located in Block 13. Her assortment is regularly updated, so check back often to find the necessary ring sooner or later, which costs 500 scrap.
Ring of the Black Cat
You can buy it for 800 Scrap from Reginald, who can also be found in Ward 13 die at least 15 times.
Zania's Intent Ring
Travel to the Ash Wastes located in the Root World and reach the first checkpoint shown in the screenshot below. Then turn right and go down the ledge.
Run forward, go around the hole in the floor on the left side and climb into the small opening to get into a small secret room. Here you will find the ring you need.
Amulet Summer
To get it, you must first put on the heaviest armor so that you have an overload (any Leto armor will do), and then perform 100 "jerks" falling on his stomach. This can be done both in the safe zone and when fighting monsters.

Note: Some have noted that dodges only counted when using the Explorer and Invader archetypes, so we advise you to add them to the class slots.
Next, head to Reginald in Ward 13, and the amulet you need should appear in his inventory, which can be bought for 1000 scrap.

cube pistol
You can find this weapon with infinite ammo in the Labyrinth. Go to this region and start clearing it until you reach the final stage. Here you have to fight a rather unusual boss - the Sentinel of the Labyrinth.
After dealing with this enemy, you will receive a unique material fusion prism. Now return to Ward 13 and talk to Ava. You can buy the Cubic Pistol from her for 1000 Scrap and 7 Luminite Crystals.
Staff of the Labyrinth
To find it, move to the location Ruined entrance located in the Labyrinth. Next, you will need to get into a secret area. Since the zones are randomly generated, it is impossible to show the exact route, but we can show the necessary landmarks.

You will need to get to an open area with stairs that seem to lead nowhere. Ahead you can see a beam of light and rotating rings - the required place is shown in the screenshot below. Climb the stairs and go to the edge of the slab. Then jump down to the self-repairing bridge and cross it further.

Having reached the break, stand near it for 1-2 minutes until a round platform appears, and cross it to the other side. Walk forward and go through the plus shaped hole. Jump down and you will be taken to an arena with a boss named Bastion. Deal with the enemy, and then pick up the Staff of the Labyrinth leaning against the stack of plates.

Ford Shotgun
First you will need to get a ring Seal of the Empress. To do this, go to Yaesha and go through the storyline with the Empress. Try not to spoil the relationship with her (do not refuse her request and behave politely), and also do not give her the seed and the casket. As a result, you will get the ring you need.

Now head to the Red Throne location, which is also located on Yaesh. Go to the library, located on the left side of the starting point, stand on the plate with the red circle and put on the ring you got earlier. As a result, the plate will move out, revealing a secret passage. Go down and turn right - there you will find the weapon you need.

Where to find the Desolated Heart relic
It can only be obtained from Alepsis-Taura, located in N'erud. In order to open it, you will first have to deal with the normal or ghost version of the world boss Sha'khal in the Sentinel's Tower. After dealing with him, return to the Rift of the Abyss and talk to the Patron again.
Then wait 12 hours real time until the map of N'eruda is updated and the area you want appears on it. Move into the black hole and go forward a little - in the void you will find the relic you need.
How to unlock the Archon class in Remnant 2
After obtaining all the above items, equip your character with them. The screenshot below shows what your character should look like.

How to find and open a special door in the Labyrinth
Move to the Ruined Entrance located in the Labyrinth, and then go left at the fork near the portal and turn into the right passage to get to the bugged teleporter.
Stand near the portal and wait until it shows you the world like in the image below. Enter it, and you will immediately fall into the abyss, however, a stone bridge will appear below. Run forward to the next portal and turn right near it. There you will find a round door closed with a red barrier.
Go to the door, interact with it (this will appear if you have all the necessary items equipped) and place the Biome Portal Key in it. Enter the appeared teleport.

Where to find the Strange Box
As a result, you will find yourself in yellow rooms, reminiscent of a place from the short films "Backstage". You can only be here for 3 minutes. Fortunately, you can move here any number of times.

Apparently, this location is randomly generated, so we cannot show the exact route. However, this labyrinth is not very big, so sooner or later you will be able to find the Strange Box. We add that here you can also find the amulet Weapon Cord and Forked Ring (gives infinite stamina).

Now go to Wallace in Ward 13 and buy the desired Hexahedron Engram from him for 1000 Scrap and 10 Luminite Crystals. As a result, you will be able to use the Archon class.
Features of the Archon class
This archetype is aimed at strengthening modules, as well as imposing buffs on allies and debuffs on enemies. He can be described as a kind of techno-mage, able to shoot lightning from his hands.
You can turn him into a full-fledged support by combining with other support classes, such as Alchemist or Medic. You can also try to enhance his combat abilities by pairing with an Invader, Summoner or Fighter. Next, consider the main abilities of the Archon.

The first skill simultaneously buffs allies and debuffs enemies, the second one increases the damage of comrades, but at the same time reduces their defense, and the third one allows you to release lightning from your hands, dealing damage to all nearby enemies, and reduces the damage received by allies.
Core Skill and Talent

Storm speeds up the charging of modules, and Sleight of Hand increases the speed of using skills and modules.

They are aimed at increasing damage from modules, restoring energy and reducing charge requirements. Thus, the effectiveness of the use of these items is significantly increased.
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