In Baldur's Gate 3 romance with Shadowheart is one of the possible love branches present in the game. To start it and see all the possible bed prices with the priestess of Shar, you will need to improve relations with her, and choose the correct answers during conversations. In this guide, we will tell you how to build a romantic relationship with a given character.
Of course, the first step is to invite the girl to your squad. To do this, you can rescue her from the capsule on the Ilithid ship, and then find her in the first location after the crash of the flying ship. We talked about this in more detail in separate guide.
How to improve your relationship with Shadowheart
Before you can take on the development of a romantic relationship, you will need to advance a little in the story. In addition, it is extremely important to try to make those decisions that will lead to the approval of Shadowheart. When exploring the world and gatherings in the camp, there will be many moments that can affect her opinion of you. If you don't have a good relationship with her, she won't show any interest in you when it matters.

Approval in Baldur's Gate 3 is the most important aspect when it comes to romantic relationships with characters. Regardless of who you're going to romance with, the first thing you need to do is befriend him so that he generally approves of your actions.
Shadowheart, like all other possible companions, has a distinct personality and worldview, so there are things she approves of and things she doesn't like. So as long as you are able to maintain an image in your character that matches the traits of a priestess, getting her approval will be relatively easy.
Note that Shadowheart is a mixed bag when it comes to getting approval and disapproval of your actions. She cannot be called a 100% villain or hero - she is somewhere in the middle, with a slight bias towards good. For this reason, at first you may have problems choosing the right solutions. However, getting to know her better, you will be easier to understand her motives and desires.
We will not detail all the actions that Shadowheart approves or disapproves of (you can find them in our separate guide by satellites), but we will indicate the general things that she likes or dislikes.
What Shadowheart approves of:
- Good attitude towards children.
- Good attitude towards animals.
- Avoiding unnecessary violence where possible through persuasion or manipulation.
- Demonstration of their distrust of the githyanki.
- Speech against oppression and oppressors (possible and by force).
- Let her be faithful to Shar up to a certain point and not reproach her for it.

What Shadowheart disapproves of:
- Lack of respect for her personal boundaries.
- Attempting to do things that are not your problem in the first place (for example, immediately help Aunt Ethel during the first meeting with her).
- Oppression and humiliation of other people.
- Solve all cases by violence, even if it is possible to avoid it.
- Take the side of the oppressors.
- Show trust in the githyanki.
Shadowheart is a very reserved person, but she is not without compassion. As long as you do not stick your nose into her personal or other people's affairs for no reason, she will support you in every possible way if you follow the path of righteousness.
Note: You should also know that Shadowheart's beliefs are diametrically opposed to Laezelle's, so conflicts and even fights often break out between them. As a rule, the approval of one of them leads to the disapproval of the other. So be careful when trying to keep both girls in the squad.
How to start and develop a romance with Shadowheart
Act 1
By completing the main story quest "Save the Druid Khalsin" and the side quest "Save the Refugees", you can celebrate at your camp at the end of the day by choosing a long rest. When everyone is celebrating, talk to Shadowheart and choose the following dialogue options.
- Do you mean refugees?
- Do you think Shar will disapprove of this?
- With pleasure. (if she asks to share a bottle of wine with her).
- I will find you after everyone has gone to bed.
Now that you've got Shadowheart's attention, use the sleeping bag near the fire to rewind time.
You will see a scene with a priestess near the rock. To keep a girl interested in you, simply don't pick any of the bottom options that show you're not interested in her or are in a hurry to leave. Then just follow the scene as it goes and at the end you will have the opportunity to kiss Shadowheart.
During your next conversation with Shadowheart at the camp, be sure to confirm your love interest for her so you can continue to build a romantic relationship with the priestess.
Act 2
Unlike other companions, the scenes that allow you to develop a romantic relationship with Shadowheart do not take place as part of her personal quest, but during the main plot, so this heroine must be in your squad. The scene with Song of the Night where you have to decide her fate.

The choice made at this point in the story will directly affect the priestess (she will even change in appearance) and the final romantic scene in the third Act. Below we will consider all the decisions and their consequences.
Note: Be sure to protect the Nightsong from Balthazar and don't give it to him. Otherwise, all Shadowheart quests will automatically fail, and she herself will leave your team.
Shadowheart passed to Selûne
If you spared Nightsong, Shadowheart will talk to you about it the next time you're at the camp. During a conversation with her, you can choose any answers, since at the end she will still say that she needs to do something.

Rest after the above conversation and chat with Shadowheart again. You will notice that she has changed the color of her hair. The girl will note that she decided to try something new in honor of Selune. In addition, this cutscene can also happen in Act 3 after the forced rest that occurs at the beginning of the chapter, so don't worry if you didn't see it in Act 2.
Shadowheart stayed with Shar
If Nightsong was killed, Shadowheart will talk to you about it the next time you're at camp. During a conversation with her, you can choose any answers, since at the end she will still say that she needs to do something.

Rest after the above conversation and chat with Shadowheart again. You will notice that she has changed her hairstyle. Tell her that the new image suits her, and she will answer you that it suits Lady Shar better. In addition, this cutscene can also happen in Act 3 after the forced rest that occurs at the beginning of the chapter, so don't worry if you didn't see it in Act 2.
Act 3
As with the previous chapter, further romance scenes will depend on whether the priestess became a Dark Justicar or defected to Selûne. The choice you make during her personal quest will not affect the ending of the novel (only the dialogue will change slightly).
Shadowheart passed to Selûne
Completing the task "Daughter of Darkness", chat with the priestess in the camp when an exclamation mark appears above her head. It may not occur immediately, so just wait for the right moment. She will let you know that she still feels Shar's presence. Choose any answer to her first statement, and then be sure to agree with her. When you're ready, go to your sleeping bag to move on to the next scene.

Shadowheart will lead you to the shore and ask you to undress. Choose the following answer options:
- There are easier ways to make me undress.
- First you.
Then you can spy on the girl or not. In the first case, you will see an additional scene in which Shadowheart will throw his clothes at you. Then say the following sentence:
- It's hard to resist. You are beautiful.
Then agree to join her. As a result, you will see a scene in which the main character goes skinny dipping with Shadowheart, and then spends a romantic evening with her on the beach. This novel can be considered completed.
Later, you can talk to her again at the camp and ask her about her plans for the future. She will say that she wants to spend the rest of her time with you, if you don't mind.
Shadowheart stayed with Shar
Completing the task "Daughter of Darkness", chat with the priestess in the camp when an exclamation mark appears above her head. It may not occur immediately, so just wait for the right moment. The girl will tell you about the upcoming battle and that this night with her may be the last. Choose any answer to her first statement, and then say:
- Why me?
- As you wish.
Next, approach your sleeping bag to move to the next scene. The two of you will approach the statue of Selûne. You will need to select certain answers:
- What is this? More wine?
- Not at all. So now we're feasting?
- Kiss her.
As a result, you will be shown the last love scene, which will turn out to be tougher than on the lake. Thus, you will complete the romance with this priestess. Later, you can talk to her at the camp to ask about plans for the future.
How does Dark Seduction affect the novel?
If you have chosen "Dark Seduction" as your origin, then an important event may occur in the second act. This usually happens if the character didn't kill Isobel and has a lover (in our case, Shadowheart). The darkness inside the hero will prompt him to kill the chosen one during sleep. To prevent this, follow these steps:
- Try to wake your partner and make a Wisdom (14) check.
- Once bound, make another Wisdom check (18). You will have a slight advantage because your lover will believe in you.
If you fail to do this, then you are very likely to kill your chosen one. Your team members will be shocked by your uncontrollable madness, so if you fail to trick them, you will have to fight all your former comrades alone. Surviving this fight will not be easy.
In Act 3, you will have the option to accept your fate or be completely free of the Dark Seduction. This takes place after the "Murder Tribunal" and "Orin the Red" arcs. The consequences of your decision for the romance (if Shadowheart is alive) will be as follows:
- Break free from the Dark Seduction/reject blessings. Shadowheart will definitely love that you are finally free of the darkness.
- Accept your fate by staying with the Dark Seduction. Shadowhart, of course, will not like it, but she will not leave the main character.
Is a simultaneous romance with Karlach possible?
We want to separately consider the possibility of the simultaneous development of the novel with both Karlach and Shadowhart. You can indeed date both girls, however there are a few rules you will have to follow:
- The romance with Karlah in Act 1 must begin BEFORE romance with Shadowheart, otherwise during the holiday she will offer to remain friends or will not be interested in the main character at all.
- The scene with Carlach where she tries to kiss the protagonist should be before her correction in Act 1 and before the party. During the celebration, you need to continue to flirt with her.
- Then agree to spend the evening with Shadowheart on the rock, but this time you won't be able to kiss her.
- Keep chasing both girls until you manage to sleep with Carlach.
- After that, talk to Shadowheart and say that you are ready to break Karlah's heart in order to stay with her. Then continue the romance with the priestess.
In this case, of course, you will not be able to reach the harem ending, but you can sleep with both girls in one playthrough.
Intrigues with Khalsin, Mizora and the Emperor
You may well sleep with some characters and still continue to develop a romance with Shadowheart. For example, you can flirt with Halsin and get to the love scene with him, but before starting it, we advise you to talk to the priestess and ask her permission for a more open relationship - she will not mind.

You can also arrange a date with Mizora, and Shadowheart will not be jealous of you at all, noting that you have your needs, and she has hers. Plus, she won't react in any way to your romance with the Emperor. Apparently, this also applies to other random connections. Write in the comments to the article if her attitude towards you changes in the case of such intrigues.
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