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    Wuthering Waves Combat System: How to Parry and Counterattack Enemies

    Wuthering Waves Combat System: How to Parry and Counterattack Enemies


    In Wuthering Waves The combat system is much more complex than it might seem at first glance, as it has many non-obvious mechanics and systems. However, it is quite easy to get used to it if you know about all its features and rules. In this guide, we will tell you about the basics of fighting in VUV, and also teach you how to properly dodge, parry and counterattack enemies.

    Basic combat capabilities of the character

    Before giving advice directly about the battle itself, we decided to consider what capabilities each player actually has. resonator in the game, that is, first we’ll talk about the main mechanics of the game’s combat system.

    Normal attacks

    Simple hits (LMB on PC) are one of the main sources of damage for heroes who are in the position of main damage dealers.

    Attack patterns and combinations will vary from character to character depending on the weapon used and overall playstyle.

    Attacks while falling

    Depending on which character is currently on the battlefield, the fall attack will be different. Some are able to dash in the air, others can continue a combo, and others can simply hit the ground.

    So we advise you to check what attacks your current characters do while in the air. By the way, unlike Genshin Impact, you just need to jump and then press the hit button (quick or long press LMB) to perform a falling attack.

    Heavy Attacks

    Long pressing the normal strike button (LMB on PC) will perform a heavy attack, which will use up part of your stamina bar. For some characters, it can cause higher vibration damage to the enemy (his shield).

    Note: If you have absolutely no idea what abilities a particular character has, then go to its tab in the resonator menu, and then click on the first round button in the lower right corner of the screen. Agree to go into training mode. You will go to the dungeon, where the game will show you what combos your hero has.

    Contour Forte

    Each character has a unique Forte Circuit, which often completely determines their playstyle and team rotation. We are talking about unique passive talents, some of which are activated using skills (quick or long press), and others - heavy attacks.

    Note: If Contour Forte has a set duration, then you can safely switch between characters, and this passive will continue to work even if you return to the original hero.

    To use this ability, you need to fill a special scale called "Forte Dimension" (Forte Gauge) and is located directly above the character's health bar, by making attacks on enemies. For different characters it has a different number of divisions - the effects of filling them also vary.

    For example, Rover's Forte scale consists of 2 bars, which are filled without problems after a standard combo of normal attacks. When using the Resonance skill, it consumes 1 bar and modifies the skill - it deals more damage and gets a different hit animation.

    So carefully study the Forte Contours of your heroes in the corresponding menu. Here you can also improve your abilities by spending certain materials and increasing your character's combat potential.

    Resonance Skill

    We are talking about an active skill (analogous to E-shki from Genshin Impact), which can be used by resonators to obtain various effects. Some of them can heal and strengthen allies, while others can deal damage to enemies.

    They can be activated both during combat and outside of battles (E key on PC), unlike the Forte Contour, whose gauge is filled only within the battle.

    Release of Resonance

    Using regular attacks, the Resonance skill and perfect dodges, you will fill the Resonance gauge, which is necessary to use Resonance Release, which is a kind of character's ultimate. Some of them activate a special mode, enhancing all the hero’s attacks, others cause huge damage, and still others give some buffs to the team or heal allies.

    When the ultimate is activated, the character becomes invulnerable while the ability animation is going on, but you shouldn’t count on this too much, since this process does not last long, so it is often better to use a standard dodge to avoid being hit. Let’s add that some ults that buff the hero will continue to affect him even if he is switched to other members of the squad.

    It is worth noting that different heroes require different amounts of energy to activate the release of Resonance, so for some the gauge fills up much faster than for others. So special attention should be paid to restoring the energy of fighters so that they can use their ultimates more often.

    Outro and Intro skills

    When inflicting any attack on an enemy, as well as dodging and parrying enemy attacks, you will accumulate Concerto Energy. The corresponding scale is located to the left of the active character’s health bar. When it is filled, you will hear a characteristic sound, and vibrating circles will appear near the character portraits.

    Now, if you change the hero, the fighter you switched to will activate an Intro Skill, which deals damage, and the resonator that has moved into your pocket will have an Outro skill, which strengthens the active character. Keep in mind that only 1 Outro skill can be active, since most of its effects disappear as soon as you choose another character.

    Intro skills: most of them are self-explanatory and simply allow the hero to perform a special move that deals increased damage. However, they can often activate and influence the Forte Circuits of some characters, for example, giving them additional energy.

    Outro skills: they can probably be considered the most important when team building, as many of them provide direct buffs to the active character, increasing their elemental damage, or allowing them to deal increased damage to the vibrations (shields) of elite opponents and bosses.

    For example, the Outro skill Yinlin increases Electro damage and damage from the release of resonance for the hero you switched to. Thus, it is ideally combined with Calcharo, who does a huge amount of Electro damage after using his ultimate.

    Echo Skill

    Echo are one of the most unique features of Wuthering Waves. They not only increase the character’s characteristics and give him special bonuses, but also provide him with a special skill, to activate which you need to press the “Q” key.

    To use the Echo ability, it must be placed in the first slot. When you activate the skill, you will either summon a creature or turn into one yourself. Most of them simply deal damage, but some can provide shields, heal, speed up movement, or even collect materials.

    Summoning an echo at the right moment can very well turn the tide of battle in your favor.

    Evasion, parry and counterattacks

    How to Perform the Perfect Dodge

    Dodges are an important part of any battle in Wuthering Waves, and if you manage to perform them right before an enemy strike, you will perform an Extreme Evasion, which will not only allow you to avoid damage, but will also increase the damage of a normal attack or completely modify it. .

    In addition, with a perfect dodge you will receive a couple of seconds of invulnerability and additional resonance energy necessary to activate your ult, meaning you will be able to ult more often. So we advise you to carefully monitor the attacks of your enemies and memorize their movements in order to learn how to automatically dodge their attacks.

    How to parry and counterattack enemies

    During certain attacks performed by elite enemies or bosses, yellow rings called Weakness Halo appear around them. If you perform a normal strike at the right moment (the rings should connect to each other, forming a single glow, as shown in the picture below), you will be able to parry the enemy attack and avoid damage.

    Be extremely careful when trying to parry enemy attacks, as if you land your strike too early or late, you will likely take significant damage, which could very well lead to your death if you are fighting a boss. Let's add that you can only parry those attacks that are preceded by the appearance of yellow rings.

    Parry Tips

    For the parry to work, you must be as close to the attacking enemy as possible. This means that heroes using Pistols and Rectifiers need to get close to the enemy to counterattack. This also applies to melee characters.

    It is not necessary to press the attack button right when the rings converge - you can do this a little earlier. The fact is that the impact animation, as a rule, has a slight delay, so it will be executed just when the golden halo appears.

    However, you will need to carefully check the animation speed of your characters' attacks to know in advance how long they take to execute and when to press a button to perform a strike.

    Parry Effects

    Successful counterattacks significantly reduce the enemy's Vibration Strength - the white bar under his health bar. Such a “shield” is usually only available to elite enemies and bosses. By depleting this bar, you will stun the enemy, making him vulnerable to your further attacks.

    Let's add that when fighting some bosses, after stunning them, you can perform a finishing attack that deals gigantic damage. To perform it, you need to approach the enemy and press the “F” key.

    In addition, successful parries generate a significant amount of concert energy, so you can switch between characters more often, activating their Outro and Intro skills to deal even more damage.

    Tips for fighting in Wuthering Waves

    So, thanks to such a well-developed combat system, the success of a battle in the game depends not only on the level of character, but also on the player’s personal skills. Moreover, here it is quite possible to defeat enemies that are significantly higher in level than your characters, using wisely using dodges and parries.

    There's even a special category special enemies, whose counterattacks cause damage in proportion to their health, that is, a 20-level fighter can easily inflict colossal damage on an 80-level monster if he parries his blow in time. For this reason, if you fail to defeat your enemy, then it is not necessary to try to pump up your resonators to the maximum - perhaps you just need to memorize the monster’s movements in order to dodge and repel all of its attacks.

    Remember that perfect dodges don't just help you avoid damage, they also fill your resonance gauge and increase your damage dealt. Don't forget also that each character has his own combos that can be combined with each other without giving the enemy even a minute to breathe. In terms of entertainment, VuVa is not inferior to any Devil May Cry 5. By the way, the video above shows some spectacular combinations.

    Let us add that there must be synergy between the characters, that is, their Outro and Intro skills must complement each other, so carefully study the descriptions of these skills for the characters you have and correctly compare them with each other.
