In Baldur's Gate 3 an affair with Astarion is one of the possible love branches present in the game. To start it and see all the possible sex scenes with a vampire, you have to improve your relationship with him and choose the right answer options during dialogues. In this guide, we will tell you in detail how to build a romantic relationship with this character.
Where to find Astarion
Of course, first you will need to invite this cunning guy to your squad. You can do this almost immediately after the shipwreck in Act 1. Move up after finding Shadowheart, and then turn left and you will see Astarion near the cliff (X: 180, Y: 289) calling for help. After a small skirmish with him, accept his apology, and then take him to your team.

How to improve your relationship with Astarion
Before you can take on the development of a romantic relationship, you will need to progress a little in the story. In addition, it is extremely important to try to make decisions that will lead to approval from Astarion. While exploring the world and hanging out at camp, there will be many things that can influence his opinion of you. If you don't have a good relationship with him, he won't show any interest in you when it matters.
Approval in Baldur's Gate 3 is the most important aspect when it comes to romance with characters. No matter who you're dating, the first step is to become friends with them so that they generally approve of your actions.
Astarion, like all other possible companions, has a distinct personality and worldview, so there are things he approves of and things he doesn't like. So as long as you are able to maintain an image of your character that matches the characteristics of a vampire, gaining his approval will be relatively easy.

Astarion can be described in one word - hedonist. He is only concerned with the implementation of personal whims, and he is not ready to adapt to anyone, continuing to live at his own rhythm. His position in life may seem frivolous at first glance, but he is quite consistent in his actions.
As a vampire who has lived a very long life, he loves to indulge in things that bring pleasure. He does not like any manifestations of weakness and senseless acts of heroism - he is more accustomed to enjoying the sight of cruelty and violence. Astarion is an excellent party member for those who intend to live a wild lifestyle and operate at the pace the vampire sets.
We will not detail all the actions that Astarion approves or disapproves of (you can find them in our separate material on companions), but we will indicate general things that he likes or dislikes.
What Astarion approves of:
- Indulging his desires.
- Be understanding of his nature and the needs of a vampire.
- Teaming up with evil creatures such as goblins or devils.
- A ruthless attitude towards people he considers weak.
- Demonstrating your strength to others.
- Passion for fine arts.
- Showing cruelty to other people.
- Let him drink your blood.
What Astarion doesn't approve of:
- Showing concern for the weak.
- Show restraint when it comes to self-indulgence.
- Condemnation towards his vampiric nature.
- Any manifestation of heroism.
It will be quite difficult to win Astarion's favor for those who follow the heroic path. However, if you don’t mind giving free rein to your animal instincts from time to time (you don’t have to be cruel to others, just agree with the vampire when it comes to any kind of entertainment), then you can easily make friends with this companion.
How to start and develop a romance with Astarion
Act 1
As your relationship with Astarion improves, during one of the long rests in the camp, while you are sleeping, a vampire will approach you and try to drink your blood. It is now that you find out that your companion is a bloodsucker. Calmly accept this fact, and then allow him to drink your blood. Stop him as soon as the opportunity arises, otherwise it may end in the death of the hero.
From now on, you will be able to regularly give permission to Astarion to feast on your blood. Do not resist this, but during a conversation with him, show understanding and support. Also try to ask him about his past and agree with his interests. If the conversation turns to larvae, tell him that you also like the powers they provide.
After completing the main story quest "Save the Druid of Halsin" and the side quest "Save the Refugees", you will be able to celebrate in your camp at the end of the day, choosing to take a long rest. When everyone is celebrating, talk to Astarion and choose the following dialogue options:
- Are you sick of saving someone?
- You're right, the goblins could have thrown a better party.
- And what do you find “more attractive”?
- OK, deal. Will wait.
Note: A similar conversation can happen earlier if your approval with Astarion is at a high enough level.
Return to the sleeping bag and interact with it, then decide whether to go to bed alone or wait for Astarion. Choose the second option and a vampire will soon join you. There will be another dialogue in which you need to answer:
- I don't belong to you yet.
- And what do you want?
- Nod.
After this, you will be shown a small love scene, which will end with a black screen. Then the next morning will simply come.
Act 2
You will need to advance Astarion's personal quest by agreeing to a deal with Raphael - he will ask you to track down Orton in exchange for information about the vampire's scars. After completing this task, rest in the camp. At night, your chosen one will want to talk to you. When talking to him, choose the following answers:
- “About your boundless love for me?” or “Are you okay?”
- "Me too. More than anything else” or “So our nights don’t really mean anything to you?”
- “I treasure you. Endlessly"
- “You are incredibly important to me, no matter what happens to you.”
This will not lead to any bright sex scene, as in the first act, but will contribute to the further development of a romantic relationship with Astarion. The companion will finally open up to you, telling you about his feelings, his unpleasant past with Cazador, and other things. There will be no more unique conversations in the camp with the vampire, so just continue through the game until you reach the third chapter.

Act 3
To continue your romance with Astarion, you need to complete his personal quest related to the victory over his former master Cazador. After dealing with the boss, you will have to make a decision: let Astarion complete the ritual or stop him (this option will only appear if you saved the lives of the prisoners).
Depending on your choice, you'll get two different endings to your romance with Astarion, so we'll look at both versions below.
Stopped the ritual
If you did not allow your companion to perform the ritual, then return to camp after the battle with Cazador and choose a long rest. A conversation with Astarion will begin. He will be a little disappointed that he was unable to complete the ritual. Choose any answer options to his first two remarks. When he asks you to follow him, agree.
You will come to the cemetery, where the vampire will open up a little to you again. Then choose any responses to his remarks (except the most rude ones) until he tells you that “it’s time to try to live again with all that life has to offer.” Tell him the following:
- “Oh, you want to have some fun?” or “I thought you wouldn’t ask” - this will lead to a small romantic scene with a vampire.
- “Let’s just... stay here? Together” - you won’t see a love scene, but Astarion will still be grateful to you.
The screen will then go dark as usual and you will wake up the next morning. No additional dialogue will occur. At this point, the love thread with Astarion can be considered completed.
Allowed to complete the ritual
If you want Astarion to ascend, then allow him to carve runic marks on Kazador's back, and then do not distract him from the ritual. When it is completed, all prisoners will die, and your companion will gain new skills and his necrotic damage will increase. However, you will have to kill the Gurs when you leave the dungeon (otherwise you will have to kill Astarion).
Note: Never interrupt the ritual if your companion has already started it, as in this case Astarion will become very angry with you and attack your team. Eventually you will need to fight him and then kill him.
Return to camp and take a long rest. Astarion will approach you and a new dialogue will begin. You can answer his first statement with any phrase. Then say the following:
- “I want to be a vampire. How are you” or “I want you. I want your body."
- "Yes, that's all I want."
- "Yes please".
You will then be shown a love scene with Astarion. When it completes, select the following answer:
- Kneel.
Then you can say any phrase. After this, Astarion will bite you, turning you into a full-fledged vampire. However, your hero will simply have an additional ability - "Vampire Bite". This will end your romance with your companion.
How does Dark Seduction affect the novel?
If you chose Dark Seduction as your origin, an important event may occur in the second act. This usually happens if the character did not kill Isobel and has a lover (in our case, Astarion). The darkness inside the heroine will prompt her to kill her chosen one during sleep. To prevent this from happening, follow these steps:
- Try to wake your partner and pass a Wisdom check (14).
- Once you are bound, make another Wisdom check (18). You will have a slight advantage because your lover will believe in you.
If you fail to do this, then you will most likely kill your chosen one. Your team members will be shocked by your uncontrollable madness, so if you fail to deceive them, you will have to fight all your former comrades alone. Surviving this fight will not be easy.
In Act 3, you will have the option of accepting your fate or freeing yourself from the Dark Seduction entirely. This takes place after the Murder Tribunal and Orin the Red arcs. The consequences of your decision for the novel (if Astarion is alive) will be as follows:
- Free yourself from Dark Seduction/refuse blessings. Astarion will definitely be pleased that you are finally free of these shackles.
- Accept your fate by remaining with the Dark Seduction. In this case, Astarion will still remain with you.
Is it possible to romance other characters at the same time?
Astarion is rather indifferent to the heroine’s affairs; for example, he will not break off relations with her if she decides to sleep with Mizora or the Emperor. He won't mind if you spend the night with him either Halsin. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much about small affairs on the side - your affair with a vampire will not end because of this.
As for full-fledged romances with other characters, you may well try to develop romantic relationships with several companions at once during the first or second act, but then you will still have to make the final choice, since, if Astarion in general is not against polygamy, then Will and Gale won't like it.
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