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    Free standard character in Honkai Star Rail: who to choose after 300 jumps

    Melnica Guides 0



    In Honkai: Star Rail After some time, players have the opportunity to pick up any of the seven standard legendary characters completely free of charge. In this article we will look at the features of each of them to help you make this difficult choice.

    How to get a free standard character

    After completing 300 spins in an unlimited time Star Jump you can pick up one of seven standard characters to choose from.

    Next, we will talk about the features of all the legs from the standard banner. While we're at it, we'll take a look at their best eidolons, since if necessary, you can pick up a character you already have for free. Heroes will be ranked from least to most needed based on the usefulness of their skills in different types of game content.

    Don't forget that you can try out heroes in an ongoing test run or take them as support. This way you will determine whether the gameplay of each of the proposed characters suits you.

    It is important to note that, despite some objective criteria, the usefulness of the same hero will vary on different accounts. One player will need good damage dealers, another will need strong buffers, and a third will need reliable healers.

    Also, don't discount personal preferences. You may find it much more enjoyable to play a less powerful but beloved character than a very useful hero about whom you have a less than favorable impression.

    Who to choose after 300 Jumps in Honkai: Star Rail

    7. Himeko

    Star Express Navigator is an Erudite hero that deals fire damage. In squads, she usually takes the role of a secondary damage dealer. When confronting enemies with fire vulnerability, it will be especially effective when paired with Topaz, which will buff Himeko's bonus attacks. Thanks to his talent, which inflicts Burning on opponents, he can also be played in teams that rely on dealing damage over time.

    Himeko will be an excellent partner in completing daily content. She is able to quickly penetrate the fire vulnerabilities of several opponents at once, thereby significantly speeding up routine farming. Even auto combat will not greatly reduce its effectiveness in passing such tests.

    E1 and E2 are quite good, although they do not fundamentally strengthen the heroine. It is quite difficult to calculate everything so that it is Himeko’s skill that breaks through the vulnerability of enemies, but if this can be done, then if you have E4, the frequency of activation of the bonus attack will increase. The strongest eidolon is the sixth one, but the damage boost it provides is hardly worth going all the way to the very last shard.

    While Himeko is quite good at day-to-day farming, she won't prove to be a useful ally in more difficult content. Her damage may not be enough to quickly defeat enemies in time-limited challenges, such as Hall of Oblivion. At the same time, eidolons do not give the heroine a noticeable buff. To increase its damage, you will have to look for particularly good equipment, which may require the investment of significant resources.

    6. Yanqing

    The lieutenant of the Cloud Knights belongs to the Path of the Hunt and has the ice element. He can serve as both a main and a secondary damage dealer, but only if he has a sufficient number of free action points, since he needs to use a skill on each of his turns.

    Yanqing is a friendly character for new players. It's fairly easy to build since Empathic Link and Ultimate boost its crits. In addition, he is able to freeze enemies, which, together with his talent, significantly increases the survivability of the hero and the entire squad.

    The best eidolons are the first and sixth. They significantly increase Yanqing's damage and extend the stat buff from Empathic Link and ultimate. E2 and E4, although less useful, will still be a pleasant acquisition for this hero.

    Unfortunately, as the complexity of the content increases, Yanqing begins to lose its effectiveness. His damage is quite low compared to other characters in this Path. In addition, he is not able to deal damage over an area, which is why he cannot compensate for the lack of strength by the number of enemies he hits.

    5. Bailu

    Little Supreme Elder Vidyadhara is the heroine of Abundance, mastering the electrical element. In squads, it performs a support function, ensuring the survival of all its allies.

    Bailu is a pretty good healer, capable of healing almost the entire team with his skill, as well as reducing the damage they receive. The ultimate can be used to provide emergency healing to all allies at once. If the target's health was restored to excess, then its maximum HP will be increased by 10%. In addition, Bailu is able to resurrect a squad member once per battle, which can be a decisive factor in completing difficult content.

    Bailu's best eidolon can be called the fourth. With him, she becomes not only a simple healer, but also a buffer. E2 provides a nice healing boost bonus, which is especially useful in difficult content. E6 seems interesting because of what the second resurrection provides. But if it comes to this, then perhaps you basically do not have enough hero density, which means the likelihood of successfully completing the test is significantly reduced. Useful only if you need to finish the battle faster, provided there are no deaths.

    Bailu's main disadvantage compared to other healers is the fact that she is not able to remove weakening from her allies, while all other healers, even the free Natasha, can do this. Opponents are capable of inflicting a huge number of quite dangerous and simply annoying debuffs. Due to his inability to remove them, Bailu becomes a significantly less effective character at fulfilling his role.

    4. Clara

    A wandering girl who follows the Path of Destruction and deals physical damage. In a squad he can serve as the main or secondary damage dealer.

    Clara deals the main, rather high, damage using bonus attacks, which are activated when the girl receives hits. The peculiarities of her skills and stats are such that she will most often become the target of enemies, while reducing the damage passing through her, ensuring the survival of the entire squad. When paired with Topaz, she is capable of extremely quickly destroying even the most powerful opponents.

    E1, E2 and E6 are very good eidolons, significantly increasing Clara's damage. If you're maining a tramp girl, you'll probably want to get them. E4 is also pretty good, especially for those who don’t have enough good healers on their account.

    Even despite the time that has passed since the game launched, Clara is still a strong hero whose damage can be overclocked quite well. But at the same time, other powerful damage dealers may have already appeared on your account, which is why there will be a higher need for some good support than for another character who will simply attack enemies.

    If you are interested in this character, then you can familiarize yourself with her abilities in more detail in our separate guide.

    3. Welt

    The second Starlight Express crew member from the standard banner is the Nothingness hero, dealing imaginary damage. Most often in squads he plays the role of sub-deader, but in some build options he can become the main damage dealer.

    Welt's main function is to slow down enemies. Thanks to this, you can delay the actions of your opponents and shoot down their most powerful combinations, thereby avoiding incoming damage and ending the battle faster. The speed reduction mechanic is nerfing. When this status is present on monsters, some allies, for example Doctor Ratio, and Welt himself will deal increased damage.

    It's also worth noting that Velt is quite easy to build for the sub-dead position. We talked more about his builds in separate guide.

    In general, all of Welt's eidolons are useful, as they increase his damage and reveal his potential as a main damage dealer. Among them we can highlight E1 and E6. It’s worth saying that even if you want to play this hero as a sub-deader, then Welt’s repetitions will not be superfluous, since in any case they will have a positive effect on his damage.

    Welt's disadvantage is the fact that in turn-based battles with a limited number of cycles, slowing down enemies will not bring much benefit to the squad. In the same Hall of Oblivion, you want to destroy enemies as quickly as possible, which means lowering defense and other similar debuffs that will allow you to deal more damage and close content in the allotted time will be more effective.

    2. Cheetah

    Commander of the Silvermane Guardians is a Path of Preservation character with an Ice damage type. In squads, he plays the role of support, ensuring the survival of the entire team.

    The Cheetah can be one of your most valuable allies, especially when completing difficult content such as Virtual universe and the Hall of Oblivion. It is quite easy for him to choose equipment, since he mainly needs protection. With his ultimate, he imposes a strong shield on the entire squad. At the same time, the cost of the superpower is quite low, so he will be able to use it quite often, especially considering that most often the enemies will hit him, since the Cheetah has a trail that draws the attention of monsters to himself. With his skill, the captain can freeze opponents, thereby further preventing their attacks.

    The first and second eidolons increase the utility of Cheetah's skill. E4 will increase resistance to the effects of all allies, making the battle go more smoothly, and your usual rotations will not be disrupted due to enemy attacks.

    It is worth noting that the Cheetah is not suitable for all units. Some damage dealers, for example Clara and Blade, want to take damage, which means that a captain who puts up shields and takes hits will only hinder them. Also, in teams with high action point consumption, Cheetah will not be able to use his skill, which will undoubtedly be a waste of the character's full potential.

    1. Armor

    The newly created Supreme Guardian of Belobog is a Harmony character with the wind element. In the squad, she will serve as a buffer, increasing the damage of all allies.

    Armor is one of the strongest buffers in the game, despite the large number of characters performing this function. It gives a large number of bonuses, such as increasing attack power, critical damage and all outgoing damage. It will be useful to any hero whose skills are aimed at striking enemies. It is also worth noting that with the help of the skill, the Supreme Guardian can remove weakening from an ally and advance his action 100% forward, thanks to which you will not be able to interrupt your rotation due to unpleasant control effects imposed on team members.

    The most useful Armor eidolons are the first and sixth. They allow you to maintain the buff from the skill on the main damage dealer for almost 100% of the battle. Also, the allies of the Supreme Guardian will receive a good bonus if they have E2.

    The downside of the Armor is its dependence on the first eidolon. Without it, the High Guardian will consume too many action points to maintain the buff from the skill on an ongoing basis.

    We looked at the features of the Armor in more detail in separate guide.