    Naku Weed in Genshin Impact: where to find

    Naku Weed in Genshin Impact: where to find


    In Genshin Impact Naku Weed is a local curio of Inazuma, meant to elevate certain characters, such as Eimiya. For the maximum pumping of heroes, you will need a lot of this material, so we decided to indicate all the places where these plants can be found in huge quantities.

    Where to find naku grass

    Inazuma consists of 6 islands, but at the moment only 3 of them are available for research, so for now, only 43 naku herbs can be collected in one run. We add that the collected plants will be reborn after 2 real days. Often this local curiosity is well hidden among shrubs and other foliage, so carefully inspect the area. We also advise you to keep before your eyes interactive map of the archipelago to better navigate the archipelago.

    Note: Not all naku grass bushes are on the surface. Some of them are located underground in caves, so if you can't find plants in the marked areas and you're sure you haven't collected them here before, then look for dungeon entrances nearby.

    Narukami Island

    About ten naku herbs can be found on this island, located near Narukami Great Shrine. Most of them grow on small fragments of earth that float around the shrine. Another 2-3 bushes are located in the temple itself. A couple of flowers can also be found on the Byakko Plain, but they are not on the surface, but underground. You will be able to get to the right place when completing the world quest "A Strange Story in Konda".


    Tatarasuna is one of the best places to farm naku herb. The fact is that near it you can find more than 20 bushes. However, before you start looking for them, we advise you to complete the world quest "Tatara Tales" to remove the existing Hurdle here. You should also stock up on food, as your characters will constantly fall in health due to the high concentration of Electro.

    Yashiori Island

    Several plants can be found near Higi Village and Musojin Gorge. You can also look for Naku Grass around the Jakotsu Mine. However, this island is still not the best place to collect this curiosity.

    Seirai Island

    Here you can find 41 naku herbs at once, so at this point in time this location is the best place to farm this local curiosity. However, first we advise you to go through the quest chain "Seirai Stormchasers" to make it easier for you to explore this island. The screenshots below show the location of all plants.

    Note that this material is also needed to create Echo stone electrocule. His full recipe is as follows: Naku Weed x5, Sakura Bloom x5 and Amethyst Lump x1.

    Where to buy naku grass

    This plant can be purchased from a merchant named Aoi, whose shop is located in the city of Inazuma. You can buy 5 pieces of this local curiosity from her. She will ask you for 1000 pestilence for one naca herb. The screenshots below show the location of the desired store.

    We add that Aoi has a new delivery of this plant every week. So don't forget to visit it regularly.


    • Location: Port Ormos (Sumeru)

    Located opposite Qiu Wei, on the other side of the pier. You can buy 5 naku herbs from him at a price of 1,000 mora each (the assortment is updated every 2-3 days).

    How to plant naku grass

    If you have Serenitea Pot, then you can plant the collected naku grass seeds in special garden plots. This will give you a constant source of this local curiosity. We talked in detail about gardening and growing various plants in separate guide.
