In the ninth chapter of the game, Ashley will have to get out of the library, which will require you to complete several not the most trivial tasks. In this guide, we will show you how to solve the clock puzzle in Resident Evil 4 (2023), what time to set on them and how to go further.
Solving the clock puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake
First watch
Shortly after you switch to Ashley in the ninth chapter, a clock will be found in the library, on which you can manually set the time. Before that, you may have already read the hint about the need to know the "right time" to solve this puzzle. Leave the dial alone for now and keep going.

Note: Although you can immediately set the arrows to the correct position, which depends on the level of difficulty, we will describe the natural way to solve this puzzle in the following.
- Easy and Normal Difficulty - 11:04
- Professional difficulty and "hardcore" - 7:00
Path to the second floor
Use the secret passage in the library, we marked the path to it on the screenshot. After that, climb the stairs to the second floor, here you can find a bunch of keys.

These keys will be required to open the elevator, which will allow you to go up to the second floor. On the way back, a couple of animated monsters will be waiting for you, so be careful and use the light of the lantern to paralyze them.
The elevator is unlocked with the third key from the bundle. Enemies do not wait, so quickly go upstairs, where it will be quite safe. A short cut-scene of the meeting with Leon will start, after which you need to continue searching for an exit.
On the table in the far corner you can find a note with the time. It is he who will need to be installed on the clock in order to open the secret passages located behind them.
Second watch
Get down from the second floor, setting the appropriate time on the clock at the entrance: 11:04 or 7:00 depending on the difficulty you are playing on.
The stairs hidden behind the clock on the second floor will lead you to the first level of the library. Blind enemies along the way - now you need to return to the first hours.
Return to the first hours

Now that you know the correct time, you can unlock the passage to the Shrine hidden behind the clock on the first floor of the library. They also need to set the time corresponding to the complexity of your game:
- Simplified and regular difficulty level - 11:04;
- Professional difficulty and "hardcore" - 7:00.

After running further, you can call the elevator and continue to rescue Leon.
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