In Genshin Impact Razor is 4 star character, belonging to the Electro class and wielding a two-handed sword. He is able to perfectly serve as a primary or secondary damage dealer (DPS) in a team. If you want to know about his strengths and weaknesses, as well as what artifacts and weapons to give him, then check out our guide.
We will also tell you about the best builds for Razor, his combination with other heroes, and the items that are needed to level and ascend.
Razor stats
With his normal attack, called "Normal Attack: Steel Fang", he deals 4 slashes. If you charge it, then the Achievement: Hero will begin to rotate rapidly, causing damage to all enemies around - this technique spends stamina. The Plunging Attacks is the same as other claymore heroes.

The elemental skill "Claw and Thunder" inflicts Electro damage to opponents, and the character receives the Electro sign, which accelerates his Obtaining Energy. Razor can receive up to 3 characters. If you hold down the skill key, you can deal area damage.
Lightning Fang elemental explosion summons a wolf that deals Electro damage to all nearby enemies. The accumulated signs disappear, turning into energy. While the ability is active, the wolf fights by your side. If you leave the battlefield earlier, the beast will disappear, and not spent time is converted into energy. As for passive skills, they look like this:
- Awakening – Reduces the cooldown of Thunder and Claws by 18%. Using Thunder Fang completely removes the cooldown.
- Hunger - Energy regeneration rate increases by 30% if its scale is reduced to 50%.
- Wolvensprint - Reduces the stamina cost of all team members by 20% during a sprint.
Perks require character Serendipity to activate, so obtaining them is random. Razor's low-level talents are not bad, but the latter can significantly increase his combat potential.

- Wolf’s Instinct - Gathered elemental particles or orbs increase damage by 10% for 8 seconds.
- Suppression - Increases the damage of Thunder and Claws by 200% and the area of effect by 50%.
- Abyssal Blossom Wings - Increases your critical strike chance for 10 seconds when fighting enemies below 30% health.
- Soul Companion - Increases the level of Thunder Fang by 3.
- Bite - Claw and Thunder, on hit, reduces enemy defense by 15 percent for 7 seconds.
- Sharpened Claws - Increases the level of Thunder and Claws by 3.
- Lupus Fulguris - the hero's sword deals Electro damage every 10 seconds on normal hits, which is equal to 100 percent of attack power
- character. Razor also receives an Electro symbol.
How to play Razor
Let's look at its strengths and weaknesses first. The advantages of this hero include:
- High base physical damage
- Combines high physical damage and powerful Electro skills.
- The elemental blast deals significant damage and increases defense.
This character's vulnerabilities include:
- The elemental explosion disappears when changing character.
- Attacks and skills have a short range.
Good for close combat
Not only does he deal guaranteed high damage thanks to his two-handed sword, but his elemental skills and explosions are aimed at increasing DPS at close range.

For example, when Razor's ult is activated, all hits of Razor receive Electro damage, and his attack speed increases, so he begins to deal incredibly large damage to all enemies standing next to him.
Not suitable for teams with frequent switching
Razor is not the best choice for players who like to change characters frequently during combat to gain elemental reactions. The fact is that the Electro skills of this hero have a small attack radius and are very limited for combining with other elements.
In addition, the effects of his elemental explosion do not carry over when switching characters. If you plan to use Razor, then prepare for the fact that he will become your main damage dealer and lone fighter - this is the only way you can unleash his full potential.
Useful to keep in a group while exploring the world
Razor's passive talent reduces the stamina cost of all party members while running by 20%. This makes it extremely useful when exploring new areas.
In the vast open world of Genshin Impact, you will often explore new locations by sprinting, so be sure to take this character with you when you decide to venture into the dark corners of the map.
Best builds for Razor
Build for physical damage
This build takes full advantage of Razor's increased physical damage, allowing him to deal significant damage to enemies. In this case, as a weapon, you can take:
- Wolf’s Gravestone (5-star) - Increases basic attack by 20%. Hitting an enemy below 30% health increases the basic attack of all team members by 40% for 12 seconds. The effect appears once every 30 seconds.
- Serpent Spine (4-star; Critical Strike Chance) - The hero's damage is increased by 6 percent every four seconds while he is on the battlefield. The effect stacks up to five times and does not disappear when switching heroes. When using this weapon, we advise you to take into the team a hero who applies shields to save the bonus.
- Song of Broken Pines (5-star; Physical) - Increases attack by 16%, and successful normal and charged hits grant whisper seals. When four seals are accumulated, they disappear, and the character gains normal strike speed (12 percent) and attack power (by 20 percent) for 12 seconds.
- Prototype Archaic (4-Star) - When hit by a Normal or Charged Hit, there is a 50% chance of dealing an additional 300% damage to enemies. Happens every 15 seconds. Can be scrapped. Budget option for Razor.
- Snowbound Star Silver (4-star; Physical) - Has a 60% chance to create an ice Elemental Reaction: Crystallize over an enemy on a normal or charged strike that falls down and deals 80% of attack power in an area of effect. If enemies have About Cryo, then they take 200% damage. The ability manifests once every 10 seconds. Can be obtained through activation of stone slabs in Dragon Ridge. Another budget weapon option.

As for artifact sets, we recommend paying attention to:
- Gladiator’s Finale (5-star) - 2 items: Increase attack power by 18 percent; 4-Piece: Increases damage from basic hits by 35% when using a spear, sword, or two-handed sword. Can be obtained from elite bosses.
- Pale Flame - 2P: Increases physical damage by 25%, 4P: Increases attack power by 9% for 7 seconds when an elemental skill hits enemies. The latter effect can stack up to two times and occur no more than once per 0.3 seconds. At level 2, physical damage is increased by 100 percent. Its potential can only be realized by unlocking the second constellation. You can get this set in Dungeon "Ridge Watch" .
- Martial Artist (4-star) - 2 items: Increases damage from normal and charged hits by 15 percent; 4 items: After using an elemental skill, increase the damage of your charged and normal attacks by 25% for 8 seconds. Budget option for Razor, which can be obtained in Wu Wan's Hidden Palace Dungeon.
You can also take two incomplete sets "Gladiator’s Finale" and "Pale Flame" if you do not have enough items to create full sets.
Elemental damage build
This build focuses on buffing Razor's elemental skills and explosions to maximize his Electro damage. In this case, we advise you to give him as a weapon:
- Rainslasher (4-star) - Increases damage by 20% to enemies affected by Electro or Hydro elements.
- Wolf’s Gravestone (5-star) - Increases basic attack by 20%. Hitting an enemy below 30% health increases the basic attack of all team members by 40% for 12 seconds. The effect appears once every 30 seconds.
- Serpent Spine (4-star; Critical Strike Chance) - The hero's damage is increased by 6 percent every four seconds while he is on the battlefield. The effect stacks up to five times and does not disappear when switching heroes. When using this weapon, we advise you to take into the team a hero who applies shields to save the bonus.
- Song of Broken Pines (5-star; Physical) - Increases attack by 16%, and successful normal and charged hits grant whisper seals. When four seals are accumulated, they disappear, and the character gains normal strike speed (12 percent) and attack power (by 20 percent) for 12 seconds.
If we talk about sets of artifacts, then we advise you to take:
- Thunderous Roar of Fury (4-star) - 2 items: Increases Electro damage bonus by 15 percent; 4 items: Increases Super Conduit, Charge, and Overload damage by 40%. With these statuses, the cooldown of the elemental skill is reduced by 1 second. The effect occurs every 0.8 seconds. You can get this set at twisted abyss or in the "Midsummer Courtyard" dungeon.
You can also combine Thunderous Roar of Fury with Blood Knight, which has 2 items that increase physical damage by 25%. This set can be obtained in the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern dungeon.

Combination with other characters
If you are creating a build for physical damage, then take to the team:
- Razor
- Ganyu or Xingqiu
- Kaeya or Xiangling
- Qiqi or Diona
When creating a build for Electro damage, you can take to the squad:
- Razor
- Fischl
- Xiangling
- Mona or Barbara

Leveling Razor
How to improve skills
For this you will need the following materials:
- Shattered, Dirty, or Ominous Mask - Dropped by Hilichurls or transformed through Alchemy.
- Teachings, instructions and philosophies about "Struggle" - obtained by passing Forsaken Rift Dungeons on Tuesdays and Fridays.
- Dvalin’s Claw - Dropped by Stormterror Elite Boss.
You will need the following unique materials:
- 1st Ascension (Max Level 20) - 1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver, 3 Wolfhook, 3 Damaged Mask.
- 2nd Ascension (Max Level 40) - 3 Vajrad Amethyst Fragments, 2 Lightning Prism, 10 Wolfhook, 15 Damaged Mask.
- 3rd Ascension (Max Level 50) - 6 Vajrad Amethyst Fragments, 4 Lightning Prism, 20 Wolfhook, 12 Stained Mask.
- 4th Ascension (Max Level 60) - 3 pieces of Vajrad Amethyst, 8 Lightning Prism, 30 Wolfhook, 18 Stained Mask.
- Ascension 5 (max level 70) - 6 pieces of Vajrad amethyst, 12 Lightning Prism, 45 Wolfhook, 12 Ominous Mask.
- 6th Ascension (max level 80) - 6 precious amethysts of Vajrad, 20 Lightning Prism, 60 Wolfhook, 24 Ominous Mask.
Amethysts of Vajrad and Lightning Prisms can be obtained from an elite boss Electro Hypostasis, and the Wolfhook is a local curiosity of Mondstadt.
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