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    All riddles and puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy: how to find and solve

    All riddles and puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy: how to find and solve


    In addition to the story part of the game Hogwarts Legacy filled with a variety of puzzles and, one might say, practically consists of them. In this overview guide, we will look at all types of puzzles that you may encounter throughout the game and, if possible, provide links to complete guides for a particular activity.

    Merlin's Trials

    The points marked on the map with a pen symbol are the Trials of Merlin. They are divided into 9 different types of puzzles, a detailed guide for which is already published in our separate article. To start each such test, you will need to spend the “sweet mallow” item, and the entire game world has 95 riddles of this group.

    Doors with symbols and numbers

    Some rooms in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are closed with special locks, around which symbols in the form of animals are depicted, and on the doors there are simple equations with the search for a number. Each animal has its own number, so the missing piece of the puzzle must be placed on the side panel, which will open the door, giving you the treasures hidden behind it.

    To get acquainted in detail with this type of puzzles and find out the location of all doors with symbols and numbers, you can use additional material.

    Search for manual pages

    In this section, we have identified a group of puzzles related to finding the manual pages.

    Paintings with a moth

    While walking around the castle, you will come across paintings with an empty slot in the shape of a moth. To solve this puzzle, you need to find the place shown in the picture - there will be a butterfly near it, which can be lured by the light of the Lumos spell and, while the spell is active, it will follow you. You need to release it with a basic attack shot at the picture, then the magical insect will take its place under the canvas, and you will receive a reward.

    This mechanic is taught as part of a quest. "Like a moth to a flame" .

    Flying pages

    You can replenish your collection of manual pages by catching pages floating in the air. It is not difficult to get them, it is enough to influence the fluttering leaf with the Accio enchantment.

    Hidden pages of "Revelio"

    Some of the pages are hidden in conspicuous places - such can be found by using the Revelio charm nearby.

    Braziers with dragons/gargoyles

    Having met on your way a brazier, on the coals of which a dragon or a gargoyle rests, just set it on fire with any fire spell, and you will receive another page of the manual.

    Statues with spheres

    Like braziers, orb statues hide a manual page inside. Only in this case, you need to use the Levioso enchantment on the ball.

    Astronomical tables

    You will be taught to discover the secrets of the starry sky in the Astronomy task - in the lesson of the same name. After that, you will be able to interact with the astronomical tables scattered throughout the continent. To solve such riddles, you need to combine the stars through the lens with the contour of the constellation, rotating and zooming in on the image in the telescope. The arrangement of 15 tables and the solution of all astronomical puzzles we considered in separate article.

    Locked locks

    Locked doors and chests are quite common in the game. To open them, the spell "Alohomora" is used, the principle of which is expressed in a mini-game in which it is necessary to combine the lights and holes of the mechanism. We have already prepared detailed guide to open locks and increase the level of the spell.


    The search for demimasks is directly related to the leveling of the Alohomora spell, but also the discovery of all 33 items counts as a trophy. The location of all figurines and the lead to getting the spell are covered in accompanying article.

    Cunning Keys

    Also in the game there are locked cabinets, which require a special key to open. You can open such a lock if you activate the corresponding item nearby, and then solve a mini-puzzle: you need to activate the lock at the moment when the item and the socket match. The solution to all such puzzles and a detailed guide for them is waiting for you in additional material.

    Treasure vaults

    In various parts of the game world, you can stumble upon dungeons, which require you to solve a small puzzle to enter. In addition to the puzzle at the entrance, various difficulties await inside. Fortunately, we already have detailed guide treasure vaults in "Hogwarts: Legacy".

    Landing platforms

    In broom flying, sooner or later you will notice bright platforms that beckon to land on them. Oddly enough, this is exactly what you need to do - just stand on the platform. After visiting all 20 locations, you will receive a set of captain's Quidditch outfits. To search for platforms, you can use interactive map games by selecting to display the item landing platform.

    Puzzle "Depulso"

    There are secret rooms in the castle for practicing the spell of attracting and repelling objects. The purpose of such tests is to build a path of blocks to overcome obstacles on the way to the reward. As a starting point, we suggest taking our article on the first task from a series of similar riddles, it will also contain links to two additional rooms.

    Eye Chests

    To open a chest with an eye instead of a lock, you need to get close to it unnoticed. This can be done with the help of a de-illumination spell. How to get the right enchantment and where to find all such chests - in our separate material. These containers are notable for the fact that they contain as much as 500 gold, and for the initial stages of the game this is a significant amount.

    Secrets of Hogwarts

    In a special challenge section, you may have noticed "Secrets of Hogwarts" - these are three separate puzzles: "Riddle with torches on the bridge", "Doors in the Clock Tower" and "Key to the Headmaster's Office". The reward for completing each of them will be unique sets of equipment appearance. We have already published a walkthrough for each of these puzzles in relevant guide.

    Hedge maze

    There are five points in the game world where hedge mazes can be generated. As soon as an entrance of woven branches appears in such a place, you can go through it, complete the maze and get a reward. Labyrinths do not count towards achievements or game progress, but a chest with a reward is still provided. Previously, we have already described this game activity in detail, including the location and problems of labyrinths, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with profile article.

    Butterflies in the open world

    On your travels, you may come across a flock of butterflies fluttering together. Follow them and they will lead you to a treasure chest. There are only 15 such places on the map and they are displayed only when approaching, so we advise you to look into our guide at all points with fluttering butterflies.

    In this guide, we have covered the main types of puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy. We hope the information turned out to be useful for you, and if we suddenly forgot some kind of such activities, please indicate this in the comments.
