IN Genshin Impact Mualani is 5 star character, related to the Hydro element and using a catalyst in battles. In a squad, she can play the role of the main damage dealer. In this guide, you can learn about her best build, weapons and artifacts, as well as recommended teams with her.
Note: The Famous Guide from Natlan has not yet been officially released, so the information provided here is based on information obtained during beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game.
Main features of Mualani
How to get Mualani
In the first phase of update 5.0, this catalyst will appear in banner, which will increase the chance of its drop. In the future, this character can only be obtained through Prayers. Unfortunately, HoYoverse has never held an event in which the reward would be a 5-star event fighter, so you will definitely not be able to get the famous guide from Natlan for free.

Mualani stat progression
The table below shows how a character's basic stats change as they level up.
Level | Base HP | Basic attack | Basic protection | Bonus to critical hit chance |
1 | 1182 | 14 | 44 | 0% |
20 | 3066 | 37 | 115 | 0% |
40+ | 6825 | 82 | 256 | 4.8% |
60 |
9850 | 118 | 370 | 9.6% |
80 | 13397 | 160 | 530 | 14.4% |
90 | 15185 | 182 | 570 | 19.2% |
The default critical damage and critical hit chance are 50% and 5% respectively.
Mualani's abilities
When performing a normal attack "Cooling procedure" The heroine performs up to 3 hits with the ball, and when charged, she spends a small amount of stamina and throws a puffer fish into the air, which deals area damage upon landing. When performing a strike while falling, she quickly rushes to the ground, hitting all opponents on the way, and after landing, deals area damage. All these attacks deal Hydro damage.
Explanation: These are normal attacks that are unremarkable for most catalysts and you are unlikely to use them outside of an elemental skill.
After using an elemental skill "Wavebreaker Surf Shark" the heroine enters the Night Spirit Blessing mode and receives 60 units of the corresponding energy. This state is characterized by the following features:
- Continuously consumes Night Spirit points. When they run out or the skill is used again, the Blessing ends.
- Mualani climbs onto the surf shark, increasing her movement speed and interrupt resistance. While this state is active, Mualani can move through water and liquid phlogiston without taking damage from the latter.
- Normal attacks become Shark Bites, which deal Hydro damage with the Night Spirit stat proportional to Mualani's max HP. Shark Bites can be performed in mid-air. Damage dealt this way is considered normal attack damage.
- Mualani applies Prey Marks to enemies when in this state and gains 1 stack of Wave Pulse. Wave Pulse stacks up to 3 times. You can gain 1 stack every 0.7 seconds for the same enemy.
When a character uses Shark Bites, the damage it deals increases according to the number of Wave Pulse stacks. At 3 stacks, the empowered attack turns into Shark Ripping Bite , further increasing the damage and subsequently removing all stacks.
When Shark Bites hit an enemy with a Prey Mark, the marker is removed and Shark Missiles are launched at up to 5 nearby marked enemies. They deal damage equal to that Shark Bite's damage and remove the markers. If there are more than 1 target, the damage dealt is reduced (maximum reduction is -28% if there are 3 or more targets).
Explanation: It's actually quite simple here - activate the skill to turn regular attacks into Shark Bites, and hit with them. Although the damage from them is considered damage from regular attacks, it is more important to pump the skill, since the bite multipliers are specified in it. They are extremely strong, but have a cooldown of 1.8 seconds, that is, the heroine does not hit often, but very powerfully. Her gameplay is perfectly suited to the reaction of Steam.
In this case, you won't have to just stand there and wait for 1.8 seconds to pass, because before each bite it is advisable to collect 3 stacks of Wave Impulse, as they provide additional multipliers. For example, at skill level 10 and with 3 stacks of the effect, the total value will look like this: 15.62% (base) + 7.81*3 (each impulse) + 39.06% (tearing shark Bite ) = 78.11% of the heroine's HP.
To stack, you just touch enemies while floating around them on the shark like a surfboard. This is actually its gameplay - turn on the E-key, fly through 3 enemies and press the normal attack button to perform the Shark Ripping Bite. Then repeat the action.
As for the missiles, you can launch 5 missiles at 5 enemies at a time, which allows you to work not only on single targets, but also on the area. At the same time, if there is only one enemy on the battlefield, you will not see any shells, because the Bite will remove the mark. This is done in order not to disrupt reactions, that is, 1 mob will receive one Hydro status.
Let's add that if there are 2 enemies on the battlefield, they will receive the same damage - one from a shark bite, and the second from a rocket. If there are 3 or more enemies, the damage from rockets will begin to fall: for 2 rockets it will decrease by 14%, for 3 rockets - by 28%.
Elemental Burst "Storm Charge" Allows the heroine to launch a Shark Super Missile, which deals Hydro damage in an area based on her maximum health.
Explanation: Simply a powerful ultimate that can give an additional reaction to Steam, but can also deal significant damage without it. There is nothing complicated about its use. Due to the low cost (60 units) and relatively fast energy gain, Mualani will be able to activate it almost every rotation.
It is also impossible not to mention the extremely useful passive talents of a tourist guide. The first of them is called "Heat-resistant freshwater Pufferfish" . It creates a Pufferfish when hitting an enemy with Shark Rending Bite, which can restore 20 Night Spirit if picked up. A maximum of 2 Pufferfish can be created within one Night Spirit Blessing.
Explanation: Overall, with this passive you will be able to extend this state by 4 seconds, increasing its total duration to 10 seconds.
Second - Best guide in Natlan – Grants 1 level of Waverider's Insight lasting 20 seconds when any team member activates Night Spirit's Flash. This effect can stack up to 3 times and increases Storm Charge's damage by 15%/30%/45% of the heroine's max HP for each stack.
Explanation: Only Natlan characters can trigger Night Spirit Blast when dealing elemental damage, and the more of them there are in the team, the more often you can activate it: from 18 seconds with one Natlan and up to 9 seconds with 3 or 4. Therefore, in any case, you will receive at least 1 level of Waverider's Insight.
As for the third passive "A Gift of the Night Realm: Rise and Fall" , when Mualani is in areas of Natlan with phlogiston mechanics, she can use Night Spirit Transfer. When the active Achievement: Hero uses sprint, swims, is in the movement state of some talents, or is at a certain height in the air, when switching to Mualani, the following effect is activated: the guide, appearing on the field, enters the Blessing of the Night Spirit state and gains 40 Night Spirit. Night Spirit Transfer can be activated by your squad once every 10 seconds.
Additionally, in Natlan, moving through water and liquid phlogiston while in Night Spirit's Blessing reduces the consumption of Night Spirit points or Mualani's phlogiston by 75%, while outside of Natlan, the consumption of Night Spirit points for the same actions is reduced by 35%.
Explanation: In short, with this passive you can extend the duration of an elemental skill by interacting with a flagstone.
The heroine also has a special innate passive "The main thing is to smile" , which restores 15 units of phlogiston in areas with the appropriate mechanics in Natln when interacting with certain items. Plus, it shows local curiosities on the minimap.
Mualani Constellations
To open them, you need to accumulate the character's Luck, which is given when duplicates of the heroine fall out, which, of course, is random. Given the small chance of getting 5-star characters, you will need to spend a lot of time and money to unlock all the constellations. However, even without them, Mualani plays the role of main DD without any problems.
Here is a complete list of constellations:
- Carefree "Metztli"... - the damage of the first Shark Rending Bite and the Shark Missiles it causes after the heroine enters the Night Spirit Blessing state is increased by 66% of her maximum health. Plus, the consumption of Night Spirit points and phlogiston outside of combat is reduced by 30%.
- Mualani will do her best! – Upon entering the Night Spirit Blessing state, the heroine gains 2 stacks of Wave Pulse. She gains 1 more stack when she picks up a Pufferfish. In addition, Mualani restores 12 Night Spirit over 2 seconds whenever she picks up 2 Pufferfish during the effect’s duration.
- On the Normal Attack: Oceanborne of the Merry Sea – skill level increases by three. Maximum level: 15. A very useful constellation, significantly increasing the heroine's overall damage.
- Shark eats pufferfish - when the heroine picks up a pufferfish, she restores 8 units of energy. In addition, the damage of the ult increases by 75%.
- The same surfboard is for sale - the ult level increases by three. Maximum level: 15.
- Spirit of the Folk of the Springs - removes the C1 limitation, meaning it can be activated more than once during the duration of one Night Spirit Blessing.
If you decide to try your luck, we recommend that you stop at C1 and C2 , which allow you to significantly increase the damage from the elemental skill and extend its duration. We will add that if you have a choice between the first Constellation and a signature weapon, then we advise you to choose the second option in the absence of any powerful alternative catalysts.
How to play as Mualani
We have covered the basic gameplay in the description of the heroine's elemental skill. In short, you need to use E, gain Wave Pulses by hitting opponents, and after gaining 3 stacks, press the normal hit button to perform Shark Ripping Bite. It is advisable to close the Steam reaction. There are also a few nuances that we would like to mention.
First of all, let's note that you can also get Wave Pulses by knocking down the same enemy, but the accumulation of levels in this case will be limited by a cooldown of 0.7 seconds, that is, with one enemy you are unlikely to have time to accumulate 3 stacks or you will then have to stretch out the execution of shark bites, which is undesirable.
Now, regarding the duration of the elemental skill. Although it specifies Night Spirit points, not the usual seconds, in reality it doesn't matter, because they are spent over time - 60 units will go away in exactly 6 seconds. However, you still have the passive talent "Heat-resistant Freshwater Pufferfish", which allows you to get 40 additional points by collecting 2 Pufferfish.
Thus, the duration of the Night Spirit's Blessing will be 10 seconds. During this time, you can ideally perform 5 Shark Rending Bites, but you will most likely be able to perform no more than 3-4 such attacks. If the ult is ready, you can activate it, increasing the time Mualani stays on the battlefield by another 3-4 seconds. In general, this is a standard period for a damage dealer.
Let's add that the first Bite of the shark that hits the enemy gives 5 units of energy, which is quite good. Considering also the low cost of its elemental explosion, you can quite easily use it once per rotation or at least every other time. Plus, it should be noted that within the scope of the skill, its resistance to interruption increases significantly, and when it performs an enhanced normal attack, it cannot be interrupted at all - this makes the gameplay for it a little more convenient.

So, if we consider its optimal rotation in ideal conditions, it will look like this:
- Use your supports and sub-DDs' abilities that work out of pocket to boost your damage output and apply elemental statuses to your enemies.
- Bring Mualani onto the field, activate E, then slam into enemies while riding the shark to build 3 stacks of Wave Pulse and apply Prey Marks. Once you have 3 stacks, press the normal button to perform Shark Rip Bite and close the reaction (preferably with Steam).
- Take the fallen pufferfish to extend the E-shka. Then do the above actions 3-4 more times while the skill is active. If you have accumulated enough energy, use the elemental explosion. Start repeating all these actions from point 1 until you destroy all enemies.
Overall, Mualani is a match for Nevillet in terms of sheer power. She's certainly not a killer, but she can be a good replacement, especially for those who don't want to open up Constellations to gain Interrupt Resistance. If you don't mind constantly surfing and looking for enemies to crash into, you can go for this cute tour guide.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mualani
Using her unique abilities, this heroine can inflict significant Hydro damage to both single and multiple targets. Her advantages also include:
- It has a clear and relatively simple gameplay that is easy to master, so it is quite suitable for beginners.
- Ideally played through the reaction of Par, as he can close it with each of his shark bites, so he combines well with Pyro sub-DD.
- The damage from her abilities depends only on HP, and the chance of a critical hit increases With You the elevation. Thus, the main emphasis can be placed on only two parameters - health and critical damage. All this significantly simplifies the heroine's build.
- Able to independently extend the duration of her elemental skill through passive talents.
- Her ultimate is relatively inexpensive (only 60 units) and is capable of dealing considerable damage.
- Thanks to Shark Missiles, she can deal damage to multiple enemies at once, so she performs well in battles with both powerful single opponents and large groups of mobs.
- With proper leveling and the right team selection, he can easily compete with Nevillet in terms of damage dealt.
- Has passive abilities useful for exploring Natlan: moves around it faster and helps in finding curiosities.

However, it is still impossible to call Mualani an ideal character, since she also has her drawbacks:
- Some may find its gameplay rather boring and tedious quite quickly, as not everyone wants to constantly search for enemies and crash into them while riding a shark, as well as collect pufferfish.
- When using an additional Hydro character, such as Furina, one Xiangling may not be enough for Pyro application. You will have to take support for her in the form of Pyro support or Dendro applicator (for Burning).
- She's quite limited in her character choices, as she doesn't fit well with reactions other than Steam.
Best Build for Mualani
The best weapon
When choosing a catalyst, priority should be given to those that increase critical damage, critical hit chance, and HP. The table below shows the most interesting options.
Name and rarity | Stats (level 1-90) | Passive ability |
Catch the wave (5 stars) |
Critical Damage: 19.2%~88.2% Base Attack: 44~542 |
Increases maximum health by 20-40%. Once every 15 seconds after using an elemental skill, the following effect is triggered for 14 seconds: grants 4 levels of Scorching Summer. Each stack increases normal attack damage by 12-24%. During its effect, once every 1.5 seconds, a normal hit on an enemy removes 1 level, and activating the Steam reaction on an enemy, on the contrary, adds 1 stack. The Scorching Summer effect can be stacked up to 4 times. A signature item for Mualani that gives her the health points and critical damage she needs, which makes balancing crits much easier. However, again, to make the most of the passive, you will definitely need to play through Steam. |
Sacrificial Jade (4 stars) |
Base Attack: 41~454 Critical Hit Rate: 8~36.8% |
Increases the hero's health by 32~64% and elemental mastery by 40~80 if he is not on the battlefield for more than 5 seconds. After the character returns, the effect lasts for 10 seconds and then disappears. With the 5th awakening, it approaches the signature in efficiency, as it increases all the stats necessary for Mualani. Without them, it will be slightly better than the Ring of Yachshe. Plus, you will have to adjust the rotation to the timings of the passive. So if you have this catalyst, then you can give it to the guide, but if not, then you should not specifically spend money on it to buy it in BP - it is better to spend these resources on knocking out "Catch the Wave". |
Tome of the Eternal Flow (5 stars) |
Base Attack: 44~542 Critical Damage: 19.2~88.2% |
Increases health by 16-32%. When the hero's current health increases or decreases, damage from charged attacks increases by 14-30% for 4 seconds. The bonus can be stacked up to three times and appears no more than once every 0.3 seconds. If 3 stacks are received or the duration of the 3rd stack is refreshed, 8-12 units of energy are restored. The latter effect can occur once every 12 seconds. One of the few catalysts that increases the owner's HP, which increases Mualani's damage. She will also benefit from the crit boost it gives. However, the heroine's passive will be practically useless, since she does not use charged attacks. Overall, it is comparable to Sacrificial Jade without awakenings. |
Ring of Yashche (4 stars) |
HP: 9%~41.4% Base Attack: 42~509 |
Using an elemental skill grants a Jade Crown bonus - damage from a normal strike of the owner increases by 0.6-1% for every 1000 units of maximum health for 10 seconds. Maximum damage can increase by 16-32%. A good option for Mualani at 5th Awakening, which increases the damage of abilities due to the health bonus. It will also increase the damage of shark bites. Its main advantage is the fact that it can be crafted. |
Ash Horn (4 stars) |
HP: 9%~41.4% Base Attack: 42~509 |
If the attack hits an enemy, it deals area damage equal to 40-80% of their maximum health in their position. This effect occurs once every 15 seconds. It will be available for free as part of the main event of patch 5.0. It will increase the heroine's overall damage by increasing HP and giving her more massive attacks. |
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (5 stars) |
Critical Hit Chance: 7.2%~33.1% Base Attack: 46~608 |
Increases the character's movement speed by 10% and increases their elemental damage by 8%~16% every four seconds. The effect can stack up to four times, but disappears if the character leaves the battlefield. A standard 5-star damage dealer catalyst that will allow Mualani to catch up to enemies faster, make crit balancing easier (all the focus can be on crit damage) and slightly increase her overall damage. However, you will have to gain HP from items. |
The Jadefall’s Splendor (5 stars) |
HP: 10.8~49.6% Base Attack: 46~608 |
When using the Ultimate or applying a shield, the equipped Achievement: Hero gains the Willstone status for 3 seconds, during which 4.5 units of energy are restored every 2.5 seconds, and the damage bonus of the corresponding element increases by 0.3% for every 1,000 units of maximum health (the maximum can increase by 12%). The effect occurs even if the character is in the pocket. It doesn't provide any buff to normal attacks, and you'll have to pay more attention to balancing crits, but the catalyst increases HP and elemental damage, increasing the heroine's overall DPS. Plus, she'll be able to use her ult every rotation. |
The Widsith (4 stars) |
Crit. Damage: 12%~55.1% Base Attack: 42~510 |
After switching to a character, a random Barbara: Flow starts playing, which can increase attack power (by 60 percent), elemental damage (by 48 percent), or elemental mastery (by 240 units). The effect lasts for 10 seconds and can occur once every half a minute. Mualani doesn't need the attack power bonus, and the elemental damage and MC boosts don't really do much good. However, it does increase critical damage significantly, making crit balancing easier. |
Prototype Amber (4 stars) |
HP: 9~41.3% Base Attack: 42~510 |
After using the ult, restores 4-6 units of energy every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. Regenerates 4-6% of health to all team members every 2 seconds. At 5th awakening it is quite good, as it significantly increases Mualani's health, and therefore her overall damage. Plus, it gives her enough energy and heals the entire team (you can even do without a healer, increasing the overall DPS of the squad). In addition, this weapon can be obtained through regular crafting. |
Best Artifacts
As with catalysts, we recommend taking artifacts that can increase crits and maximum health, as well as strengthen normal attacks. The table below shows the best options.
Artifacts | Bonuses | Advantages |
Obsidian Tome |
2 parts: Increases damage by 15% for the owner on the field, who is in the state of Night Spirit's Blessing. 4 pieces: Increases critical strike chance by 40% for 6 seconds after the owner spends 1 point of Night Spirit. The effect can occur once every second. |
The perfect kit for any Natlan damage dealer. It's because of its existence that we recommend looking for catalysts specifically for crit damage, not crit chance. |
Heart of Depth |
2 pieces: You will receive a 15% bonus to Hydro damage. 4 pieces: Increases damage from normal and charged attacks by 30% for 15 seconds after using E. Obtained in the dungeon "Peak of Vindagnyr". | A good alternative to the previous set with good stats, which can significantly increase the heroine's overall damage. |
Marechaussee Hunter |
2 pieces: Increases damage from normal and charged attacks by 15%. 4 pieces: Increases critical hit chance by 12% for five seconds when the character's current health increases or decreases. The bonus stacks up to three times. |
It is not inferior to the previous version in efficiency if Furina is present in the squad. It is not recommended to use this set without her. |
Tenacity of the Millelith/ Vourukasha’s Glow Heart of Depth/ Nymph’s Dream |
2 parts: Increases maximum health by 20%. 2 parts: You will receive a 15% bonus to Hydro damage. |
If you do not yet have the full sets mentioned above with the appropriate characteristics, you can use incomplete sets. |
As for main characteristics of artifacts , then take the hourglass for HP, the cup (bowl) for the Hydro damage bonus, and the crown (hat) for crit. chance / crit. damage in a ratio of 1 to 2 (when taking the obsidian tome, focus on critical damage). The priority of choosing secondary parameters is as follows: crits, elemental mastery (when playing through Steam), HP and Obtaining Energy.
If we talk about optimal indicators of the heroine's attributes , then they look like this:
- Max Health: 32000+
- Critical Hit Chance: 60-70%
- Critical Damage: 120-140%
- Obtaining Energy: at least 110-120%
Best Teams for Mualani
As we noted earlier, this heroine is best played through Steam - this reaction will allow her to inflict maximum damage to enemies. For this reason, it is very advisable to take at least one good Pyro character in her squad, capable of inflicting a fire status from the pocket.
In first place, of course, is the irreplaceable Xiangling . Thoma is also a good option, especially when paired with a Dendro Applicator (such as Nahida, Baizhu , or Emilia), who can enhance the Pyro status effect with the Elemental Reaction: Burning reaction.
You can also take a second Hydro character to act as a secondary damage dealer, such as Furina, Yelan , or Xingqiu. However, in this case, one Xiangling may not be enough for a Pyro application, so you will definitely need to take either a Pyro support or a Dendro applicator.
You can also try to assemble a squad for Budding, taking Nilou, but the effectiveness of Mualani in this case will still be lower than in teams for Par. The table below shows the most interesting pack options:
Maine-DD | Sub-DD | Sub-DD/Support | Support |
Mualani |
Xiangling |
Collei |
Sucrose |
Mualani |
Emilie |
Kaedehara Kazuha |
Thoma |
Mualani |
Dehya |
Kaedehara Kazuha |
![]() |
Mualani |
Xiangling |
Yelan |
Nahida |
Mualani |
Xiangling |
Yelan |
Kaedehara Kazuha |
Mualani |
Nilou |
Furina |
Baizhu |
Mualani |
Xiangling |
Furina |
Baizhu (Yaoyao, Kirara) |
Mualani |
Xiangling |
Emilie |
Bennett (Furina) |
Leveling up Mualani
How to improve skills
You will have to search and collect a variety of materials, namely:
- Teachings, directions and philosophies about "Rivalry" - obtained on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays in the "Fiery Ruins" dungeon.
- Wooden Watchman's Whistle, Metal Warrior's Whistle, and Golden Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Whistle - Dropped by Saurian-like tribe warriors, purchased with Starglitter , or crafted with Alchemy.
- Dark Mass - Drops from weekly boss All-devouring narwhal.
- Crown of Insight - can be obtained during events, as well as by upgrading the Sacred Sakura, the Permafrost Tree, the Dream Tree and the Fontaine: Lucine Fountain.

If we talk about priority of talent development , then the first thing you should do is increase the heroine's elemental skill, since it is her main source of damage. Then take on the Elemental Burst and only then pump up regular attacks.
How to elevate a character
Be prepared to search and collect a large number of different materials. Their list and methods of extraction are given below.

Varunada Lazurite can be mined with Oceanid , Dvalina , Ancient Geovishap , Hydro Hypostasis And Azhdah . They are also sold in souvenir shop . The Mark of Binding Blessing drops from the Golden Flame Tyrant Kukusaur. The Sea Feather is a local curiosity of Fontaine. We have a separate guide for its location.
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